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  1. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Does Anyone think pokemon is just getting weirder by the day?

    Ayup, as am I. I'm also pretty pleased that they've managed to keep Pokemon so original :3
  2. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Does Anyone think pokemon is just getting weirder by the day?

    There IS one thing no one here has really considered. When you're 5 or 10 years old and you see a cute monster video game/anime, you don't care at ALL if the design is "overdone" or "ugly". You just play it like there's no tomorrow. But on the other hand, if you're 15+, or even in your 20's...
  3. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 There should be "HM slave" party slots

    Where did you hear that? I've heard nothing about that so far.
  4. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 PokéShifter Mess Ups?

    Hey hey, relax, I guarantee you (guarantee!) they won't make you lose your pokes. Don't be silly. These games are made for kids, mostly, and all the mini-games are fairly easy. I'm sure if you don't catch them all, you just have to try again.
  5. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Deer hair and swan bras?

    Oh lord. I am afraid.
  6. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Rising Tower

    Hmmm. Could be... some kind of new world he's trying to create? It looks pretty sweet, right? You'll just have to wait and play the game, though, I'm pretty sure.
  7. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Deer hair and swan bras?

    Bahaha, there should so be a bra accessory. Very true!
  8. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Deer hair and swan bras?

    Just a silly little thought, but is that swan Pokemon really wearing what appears to be a blue bra, or is it just an accessory for the Pokemon Musical? And is Mr. Deer sporting yellow hair, or are those antlers? Oh no, I posted this in the wrong place! Sorry mods.
  9. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Each Generation Feel

    Best opinion I've heard so far. Yes, the grass felt like it'd been windexed in Sinnoh.
  10. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Season Changes in Black and White!!

    Oh lordy. no no on. lets go back to "woooow, season change, its so shiny and special!"
  11. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Battle Subway?

    It looks so awesome, right?? Ahh, the animation is soooo nice. Really looks like a NYC subway.
  12. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Season Changes in Black and White!!

    Oh god that would be awfuuuul... I really hope they don't do that. No one would ever complete their Pokedex.
  13. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Season Changes in Black and White!!

    Haha, know what would be awful and great? If there were certain Pokemon you could only catch in the winter. If you started your game in spring, you'd have to wait a year... *facepalm*
  14. Pvt.Politoed


    First, I have a feeling this thread might be locked pretty soon, just so you know. And yes, some of the designs are just strange. But people will buy the games anyways, everyone will get used to it. Its just a different team of designers this generation.
  15. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Each Generation Feel

    I do know what you mean. Its a little off. The new swan and deer look a little like... dare I say it... Disney Characters *church bells of doom* But hey, the region's graphics and land looks nice, so maybe that'll make up for it.
  16. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Season Changes in Black and White!!

    Ayup. Cause apparently, frostbite is worth looking slutty to her.
  17. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Battle Subway?

    Like going on the S.S. Anne? Thats probably accurate.
  18. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 New Black Trainer In B/W

    Don't worry, thread will be locked soon
  19. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Battle Subway?

    I am thinking the subway is just a place to battle new trainers every day. Like the double battle cafe in Pokemon diamon pearl and platinum, you know? It looks really well designed though, nice graphics. Like a real subway.
  20. Pvt.Politoed

    BW/BW2 Season Changes in Black and White!!

    Dawn wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. And in Platinum, they gave her like, an overcoat-type thing.