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  1. S

    BW/BW2 Vaivanilla VS Tsunbear

    All the ice Pokes this gen suck. The only good mono-ice is Glalie. Dual types included, there are a few nice ones; Lapras, Articuno, Cloyster, Walrein & Mamoswine.
  2. S

    BW/BW2 Pokedex

    IMO Best 10 (no order): Zekrom- The only great legend. THIS is what a legendary should look like. Kokoromori- Cooler, cuter and quirkier than the Zubat line and in general. Warubiaru- Badass red crocodile? What's not to like? Marakacchi- Screw Carinivine. Mamanbou- Screw Luvdisc. Shibirudon-...
  3. S

    BW/BW2 Why Can't All Gens Be Like Gen 5?

    Personally they should always start off fresh without any or few links to previous Pokes. If they do want to make evolutions, though I didn't like Scizor, that was a good design. Most Gen 2 updates, Slowking, Bellossom etc were good design wise actually. Of course Gen 3 only added 2 babies and...
  4. S

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    ^I was mistaken. I think there are 18 Pokemon already with different forms. Sorry, my bad. (Rotom, Giratina, Shaymin, Deoxys, Hihdaruma, Boy/Girl + all their forms)
  5. S

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Thanks, by the way, when will the site get the game and not have to rely on Japanese players updates? I guess there is some hope that GF will indeed tweak the older Pokes since they've never had such a big jump in BSTs before, but, I don't think they've ever changed anyone before have they...
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    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    I wonder if the older Pokemon BSTs will remain the same. Right now, they are so completely outclassed in totals it's not funny. There's no point creating crap but if they want to raise the standard they shouldn't forget all the others they purposely gave bad stats because of how small the game...
  7. S

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    There's nothing wrong with Yorterrie or Mamepato since they're akin to every other dog/bird GF ever released. There's nothing original about garbage, ice cream or gears though, especially ice cream. I'd also have to call them lazy with the genies, the roaming trio, typings, monkeys etc.
  8. S

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    The first one is fine because it satisfies the cute quotient. The second looks too much like a real dog cartoon. The third is freaking weird.[hr] Oh and Electrike was a lousy dog.
  9. S

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Diamond and Pearl had a few craptastic designs (Rotom formes, Bronzor, Rhyperior, many of the updated evolutions actually) but this has more, though this generation has better epic designs I must say. It's really weird because, to me at least, it skews mostly love/hate, great designs with crappy...
  10. S

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    First as a side note, the quote button is messed up. Anyway, the difference between all those and Gear is noticeable. Electrode doesn't count, Dugtrio's expression changes, Dodrio is infinitely cooler than Doduo and again doesn't count and of course neither does the horrid Magnezone. The only...
  11. S

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    To people who haven't been disappointed; do you really like that tadpole with a face? Warubiru is awesome though. Lots of standouts this gen, but lots of ehs too.
  12. S

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    The already Hiro-revealed fat ant thing's sprite is now up. Looks much better, one of the better bug types I've seen. The new Fighting guy looks bad though, worse than Medicham when I first saw that Poke. Why is it blue anyway?
  13. S

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Tadpole looks as stupid as ever. Didn't know how they would top Bronzor as worst Pokemon ever made but they did it. The terrier looks okay and the Machop thing looks decent.
  14. S

    (3) Live-Action Pokemon Movie?, BW Shipping, Isshu's Fighting-Type Legendary Trio Revealed; More Lea

    RE: (3) Live-Action Pokemon Movie?, BW Shipping, Isshu's Fighting-Type Legendary Trio Revealed; More Leaked Pokemon Info A live action Pokemon movie would be cool but they'd have to get the graphics of the Pokemon right. That trailer looks like they used the graphics from Pokemon Battle...