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  1. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    Pokemon What level does magmar evolve to!

    Thanks!it helped alot!know its a booburn!!(magmorator)
  2. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    How hard is it to get a holo in the D/P boosters?

    Well its like a 50 50 chance!I mean i got a infernape lv.x in my first pack!so hope you get something better!! Thanks,1nf3rn@p3
  3. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    Pokemon What level does magmar evolve to!

    umm..thank you!but what is that red thing what makes it evolve? thanks,1nf3rn@p3
  4. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    Pokemon Did you ever let a shiney escape?

    :PI ran into a shiny rhyhorn on my diamond caught it of course now its a shiny Rhyperior!i was so exsited when i saw my rhydon evolve!!:):P:)
  5. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    Pokemon Best Moveset for toxicroak and infernape

    For my infernape i guess overheat and close combat!and for my toxicroak its suker puch and endever!
  6. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    Pokemon What level does magmar evolve to!

    Hey guys,i was wonder'ing if you know what level magmar evovles to a booburn?on diamond and pearl game!I hope this thread is not a dumb one to you!:D Thanks,1nf3rn@p3
  7. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    $80 for a D/P Booster Box

    Oh snap!!Great deal!!!!!!!!tell me where you got it!!
  8. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    I got 6 D/P booster packs yesterday - First Post

    there not holos!and no im not lieing!i promise![hr]and the only holos i got was infernape lv.x and torterra lv.x!
  9. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    I got 6 D/P booster packs yesterday - First Post

    not in one pack i was mixing them up!Sorry of you thought i was lieing![hr]not in one pack i was mixing them up!Sorry of you thought i was lieing!
  10. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    I got 6 D/P booster packs yesterday - First Post

    this is what i got on the prerealese!                   1.lopunny                    2.empoleon                    3.buneary                    4.infernape lv.x                    5.monferno                    6.chimchar                    7.lucario                    8.starly...
  11. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    Whick Deck?

    Try what i did!!!!! I think the infernape deck!It has alot of power to it,just add a couple more infernapes and put 2 infernape lv. x and  alakazam!there you go!Well thats what i did with my  deck:P:P!Oh, and get like 2 more hippodons if you do!And make  sure  you have enough...
  12. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    Faking tutorial

    I do not no how to make fan art well i do well the late'est thing i created is  for my clan heres the pic [attachment=1807] hope you like it!
  13. Kingdra.Clan.Leader

    How many EXs have you found in boosters?

    For me..umm....ALOT!but in the past 6 weeks like and wailord ex a charizard ex , mew ex an kindra ex in ex battle frontier version.. a dustox ex ,ho-oh ex.and these are the ex's what i have got in booster packs! NOTE: i have 46 kingdra ex's so im up to trade with some people!and i have like...