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  1. C

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. FA zekrom, reverse reuniclus, and a juniper in one BW pack. Wooo :)
  2. C

    slowking prime

    noctowl is better still..... bottom of the deck.... archeops spammer? nah. would never work.
  3. C

    Is Lost Remover underhyped?

    this format has so much hype surrounding pokemon that abuse DCE that this card is very hard to overlook in my eyes. not to mention ynmegas swarming with rescue energies. soon, i am going to make a ambipom/weavile deck with this just to waste a few more of my opponent's cards
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    Igglybuff - The Forgotten Fluff?

    whenever this topic of increasing energy/ energy manipulation comes up, it always pains me to see pidgeot mentioned without his prevolution pidgeotto recieving no love. the possibility to discard two energies off your opponents pokemon is some serious denial, possibly more serious than...
  5. C

    Durant ideas?

    is there any way to switch the focus of durant's playability from milling to a milling distractor then? possibly make your opponent waste resources on durant and when they have nothing left, sweep with steelix using all of the discarded energies? just a thought.
  6. C

    Stage one counter deck

    i once thought of this but with donphan/samurott/lanturn. same idea, obviously without cincinno because it hits nothing but RDL for weakness, but the deck still abuses DCE and rainbow to the fullest. Lanturn is second as a fire/donphan counter to samurott, so why not use him instead? lanturn is...
  7. C

    Terraphan- Tanking a Format near you!!!

    back to the "tanking" theory, to further utilize shaymin, use 2-4 max potion. the look on their face when you discard 100 damage and no energy (or pokemon tools) and are still able to tank will be priceless. on another note, this needs a way to deal with vileplume/muk. with every big attacker...
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    Slugma/ Shaymin/ Reshiram

    i dont see why this guy cant be a one-of tech in alot of fire decks, especially the ones that are running macargo can use a 3-2 line of him efficiently. or possibly something like magmortar mill, so you can use just a basic to add more energy to your top burner magmortar and mill faster?
  9. C

    Metaboss. Forgotten UL solider.

    this thread needs more love for jirachi! anybody notice that he works as energy acceleration, and by using shaymin to power up either the 3 psy cost attacks of metagross/chandelure/haxorus, they can be atticing much faster than normal! also, by using chandelure (cough kingdra) and metagross...