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  1. S

    Ruling Electrode SF vs. Yanmega LA

    Situation: you have Electrode SF active, your opponent has Yanmega LA. The opponent uses Sonic Wave, attacking Electrode and forcing you to switch. On your turn, you retreat to send up the Electrode that was attacked last turn. Does Low Current paralyze, or is the effect removed because of...
  2. S

    Ruling Forretress LA + Blastoise SW Sequence of Events

    Okay. It was hard to determine the right answer from that previous topic I made, because almost everyone had a different interpretation. I assumed that if you attached energy to different Forretress, then you could flip for each Forretress, because no one disagreed with it.
  3. S

    What Pokemon are stalking you?

    I have 5 or 6 Drapion SF.
  4. S

    Ruling Forretress LA + Blastoise SW Sequence of Events

    If I have 1 Blastoise and 2 Forretress in play, I use Waterlog to attach 1 energy to each Forretress, do I attach, attach, flip, flip or attach, flip, attach, flip? (card scans: Forretress, Blastoise)
  5. S

    Ruling Foretress LA and Blastoise SW Question

    You see? We can't decide.
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    Ruling Foretress LA and Blastoise SW Question

    If you use Blastoise's Waterlog to attach three Water energies to Forretress, do you get to flip for all three energies attached? I've seen some people say yes, some said no. (Forretress and Blastoise scans)
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    Ruling Tyranitar's Darkness Drive - Stackable?

    Thanks for the quick answer. Knowing this will heavily impact the creation of my Tyranitar deck.
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    Ruling Tyranitar's Darkness Drive - Stackable?

    Imaginary situation: you have three Tyranitars in play, at least three basic dark energies in the discard pile, and your opponent uses a Poké Power. Are you allowed to use each Tyranitar's Darkness Drive once for the same Power, therefor attaching three basic dark energies?
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    Ruling Looking Through the Discard Pile

    So does that mean we are allowed to look through are opponent's discard pile, too?
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    Ruling Looking Through the Discard Pile

    Am I allowed to look through my discard pile?
  11. S

    Ruling Energy Question

    When a card refers to, for instance, {R} energy in an attack (read: Infernape MD's second attack), can special energies of that type be used in the attack? Ex. Infernape MD has 2 Fire energies and a Multi energy attached. Can it use Mega Bravo and discard all three energies, including the...
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    Amazing Set-Ups

    A comeback with my Kingdra deck, not necessarily a start. I had a single Unown G (no energies) active, no bench. On that turn, I drew a Roseanne. On that turn, I did the following: Roseanne for Baltoy and Horsea, Rare Candy to Kingdra, Rare Candy to Claydol, attach Water to Kingdra, Switch...
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    Getting way too excited about GC...

    Do we have any more information, or is this all guesswork of what's in it?
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    Getting way too excited about GC...

    I'm talking about everything. I've never before heard of GC, and the only thing I know about it is that it's a new set...
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    Getting way too excited about GC...

    Where are you guys finding the pictures?
  16. S

    Ruling Pidgeot SW - Mirror Move

    If you have Pidgeotto active and it gets damaged, and if you evolve it to Pidgeot next turn, will you be able to use Mirror Move?
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    Darkrai's Poping up..

    Thanks a lot, guys. I have my states next Saturday (five days from now) and this will really help.
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    Darkrai's Poping up..

    lol I play a Gallade/Gardevoir variant. In my league, there are Darkrai decks popping up, and I always have problems with the Lvl. X's sleeping powers. Are there any Darkrai counters I could put into my Gallade/Gardevoir deck?
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    Flygon Counter?

    Where I live, there are a few dangerous decks that use Flygon EX d, Flygon d, and occasionly Rayquaza d. What do you guys think the best counter for this kind of deck would be?
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    Decks of the Champions

    I looked, and it's not there.