Getting way too excited about GC...

airconditioning said:

"Haymaker" was never a top tier deck. It was simply a random assortment of easy to get, hard-hitting basics. Blastoise was where it was at, and Wigglytuff later on thanks to Mr. Mime.

Martainia said:

I'm playing it. Time to sweep worlds.


Without Goop Gas Attack in the format, I doubt it'll go well. Mewtwo Lvl. X and Armaldo sound like auto-wins to me, merely as techs.
EmeraldHanyou said:
airconditioning said:

"Haymaker" was never a top tier deck. It was simply a random assortment of easy to get, hard-hitting basics. Blastoise was where it was at, and Wigglytuff later on thanks to Mr. Mime.

Martainia said:

I'm playing it. Time to sweep worlds.


Without Goop Gas Attack in the format, I doubt it'll go well. Mewtwo Lvl. X and Armaldo sound like auto-wins to me, merely as techs.

It was all a joke... :[

Hehe, the excellent humor some people have.

I still am not impressed with what's to come (of course, I don't even know what's to come), mainly because I doubt with all of this Galactic Pokemon and trainers, I'm doubting it will come on top.
I have a feeling that Galactic's pokemon will be like the original Team Rocket cards in that they have less HP than their regular counterparts (and most of the promo ones suck).
Ariadosguy said:
I have a feeling that Galactic's pokemon will be like the original Team Rocket cards in that they have less HP than their regular counterparts (and most of the promo ones suck).

They have low HP, but that's because they're basic.
Ariadosguy said:
I have a feeling that Galactic's pokemon will be like the original Team Rocket cards in that they have less HP than their regular counterparts (and most of the promo ones suck).

Me too. But the original Team Rocket pokemon had better attack didn't they? Or am I remembering wrong?
^ Are you talking about the Rocket ones or the Galactic cards?

The Galactic ones havin't really been released, but we're talking abouit whether we should be excited, waiting for them.
I'm talking about everything. I've never before heard of GC, and the only thing I know about it is that it's a new set...
We know a few things, but most of it is pretty much guesswork.
That's the only way to be!
You don't want to be at the prerelease and not sure about the strategy of cards, Wasting time reading the Bodies, Powers, Attacks, etc when you could already know.
It's a long awaited set to tell the truth. We haven't had __'s Pokémon since EX Team Rocket Returns and that was 4 whole years ago :eek:

The Dialga Lv.X teamed with the IFDS Giratina will be revolutionary.
* Sending energies to the Lost Zone will ruin tank decks that need them.
* Along with the 80 damage for [M][M][C][C].
* The Time Crystalization PokéBody [Note: Body not Power so it's always active!] stops other Bodies from non-SP Pokémon

Bring on the Grass and Psychic techs!
Saanaito said:
I'm talking about everything. I've never before heard of GC, and the only thing I know about it is that it's a new set...

We don't know a lot about this set in general. However we do know all of the cards names and a few translations. The rest is, as stated above, guesswork.

One thought that just occured to me:
What if the Galactics stadium acts as Rocket's Stadiums have acted before them, by adding +20 hp to all pokemon of a certain owner type. That would lead to beastly 110 HP basics flooding the metagame. It would be a change for the worse in my opinion.
A change for the worse? Haymaker was a straight-on basic deck and was supremely fast in its days and it wasn't considered bad.

Unless you think it'll greatly disrupt the balance of cards in this format...
^Thats what I was getting at. That would change the whole format. Nothing from SF and below would be able to stand up to the simple Toxicroak G and Skuntank G deck. The format would be just a 1 set metagame, and all rouge decks wouldn't have a chance. Really Haymaker was just a decent deck during the format and was just used as a cheap deck. Rouge decks back then could easily get a win. Whereas when you have GOOD basics doing 80 and posion a turn, for two energies, and 110 HP, the chance of a rouge doing well against that, there is no chance.
Machamp SF. Take that 'G' Pokemon!
But yeah, I see the whole 'G' Pokemon concept as a failure when they've released that Machamp, which is already a halfway decent deck with Lumineon.
Still, I'm excited!
& Dammit, I wanted to be Lickilicky's deck creator, no fair!
Unless you can T1 that Machamp, which I am not saying isn't a possibility, and I start with a Skuntank. Machamp looses to Toxicroak+Skuntank. Toxicroaks body wins over Machamp every time. That and with a setup (which is only a charged Toxicroak, a Skuntank, and a Stadium of my choice) the Machamp would be KO'd before it is my turn again.
You are Poisoned
80 damage
30 weakness
10 poison from my turn to yours
10 posion from your turn to mine
Thats 130 which is enough for the KO. Then I rinse and repeat. Want to evolve to the Lv.X? Its a 1HKO. The worst part in my mind about this deck. It is set up by a single Roseanne's Research. All we need are a couple of good trainers for this deck and we have ourselves a metagamer.