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|»Jace's Trading Post «|

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RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Juliacoolo said:
Not for trade at the moment.

Alright then. The only other stuff I really need is on my wants, so check it and lmk if you have them.
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

konter_j8902 said:
do you have any ex's for trade

No, i do not.

But I am still interested in working something out for your 2 uxie stitch (and possibly a little bit more) for my heatran X...
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

konter_j8902 said:
no longer need tran x

Ah, really?

Need anything else?

I could most likely get an Exploud EX, but.. I don't even know if you want that..
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Um is it possible you would take this offer for LUX X(not sure if it's neccessarily for trade but I know you have one)
Sally X
Tangy X
Blaze FB X
Lux X
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

Um is it possible you would take this offer for LUX X(not sure if it's neccessarily for trade but I know you have one)
Sally X
Tangy X
Blaze FB X
Lux X

That is a very generous offer, but I am actually looking into trading it for a Flygon X right now.. :(
RE: Jace's Trading Post | I NEED POKETURN

I don't have a Fly X for trade but could I throw in a Uxie or two?

See, I really need Flygon, and Lux is my only chance of getting one.. I'm really sorry.
SrSpoony said:
I have:
2x Uxie (LA or league promo)
2x Roseannes*
2 Relicanth SV (throw in most likely)

I want
Drapion Lv. X

Do you have any Trapinch SW?

Could you add in either a rare candy or 3-4 of those (if you have)?
I have:
1x Claydol (GE)*(The Claydol is from the league)
2x Uxie (LA or league promo)

For your:
1H Typhlosion (MT)
Ambi said:
I have:
1x Claydol (GE)*(The Claydol is from the league)
2x Uxie (LA or league promo)

For your:
1H Typhlosion (MT)

Hm.. I'm quite interested... but is there anything else you might need other than the typhlosion?
Ambi said:
1H Magmortar (SW)

Would you trade the claydol and two uxies for those? I would do that.
I'd just prefer to hold on the typhlosion unless its something I REALLY need.
Jace said:
Would you trade the claydol and two uxies for those? I would do that.
I'd just prefer to hold on the typhlosion unless its something I REALLY need.
Well, the Typhlosion is the thing im looking for mostly.
Ambi said:
Well, the Typhlosion is the thing im looking for mostly.

So you wouldn't do it?

Could I add in something (other than typhlosion) to make it:

1H Magmortar
something else

2 Uxie LA
Claydol GE


just lmk, I really want to work something out.
Jace said:
So you wouldn't do it?

Could I add in something (other than typhlosion) to make it:

1H Magmortar
something else

2 Uxie LA
Claydol GE


just lmk, I really want to work something out.
If you have 3 Cyndaquil & 2 Quilava
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