“Battle Partners” All 100 Main Set Cards Revealed!

Im not saying is Drago or Mew, Im only saying that people tend to complain about that kind of decks when they become overpowered, then we have a deck with a similiar mechaninc of copy which is not overpowered and people is already complaing about why is not broken... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No one is saying why isn't this broken. I don't want broken I want usable. I want to bring this to locals and not get shit on. It's the worst of the 4 trainers and Lillie and Iono don't look that great but at least Lillie has some damage potential and Iono will be teched into some decks like Raging Bolt.
Its not extraodinary but I think is fine, people always complain about Mew Vmax and Regidrago, why do you want Zoroark to join that list

Already have a only damage attack, a revenge attack, bench damage, increasing damage from energys on discard (Perfect Vs Ceruledge), cheat to take a last prize and some kind of control, KlingKlang is awful useless btw... Literally only need some kind counters placement to make him more annoying...
Except that N has NO Pokemon so it's basically worthless.
I got to have Iono's Electrode. It is a reminisce to Dark Electrode of the original Team Rocket set.
For some reason I expected more interesting cards from this set, but not sure why. It's the same as every previous set; some interesting cards and a lot of lacklustre ones. I no longer have my hopes up for the Rocket set.
Whoever told me that this set is for competitive players and not collectors a few set ago must have been trolling. These could be really cool, but they didn't print enough support for ANY of these to work as their own deck in a functional way, which is sad because mini-archetypes seems to be the whole point. Iono is the closest to me, and the other seen really bad. This is coming from someone who will take a bulk bin card and make it into a deck. At least bulk can use meta support engines, which is tough to say of all of these but iono, which can at least use miraidon ex.
Whoever told me that this set is for competitive players and not collectors a few set ago must have been trolling. These could be really cool, but they didn't print enough support for ANY of these to work as their own deck in a functional way, which is sad because mini-archetypes seems to be the whole point. Iono is the closest to me, and the other seen really bad. This is coming from someone who will take a bulk bin card and make it into a deck. At least bulk can use meta support engines, which is tough to say of all of these but iono, which can at least use miraidon ex.
Replying to myself because I forget to mention I like the hop design. The other trainers need the love hop got. Hop's modifiers make me feel like I think all the VG Players feel when they complain about Zacian. That energy is so great to me.
Salamence ex is nice for Expanded Drago players to finally have an alternative to Mega Ray EX, which goes for around $40+ for a LP one... and mence has a useful second attack to boot!
Iris looks like fine one add on to most of decks.

And I will make Hop's deck for sure.
I mean sure the Lillie deck probably won't be meta but she at least got some support. N got totally shafted
What do you mean support? She has a grand total of FIVE cards and not a Stadium dedicated to her. Granted it's probably to balance her Clefairy ex so that you have to run Area Zero and some sort of a Tera pokemon, but then that stops being a Lillie deck and becomes an Area Zero deck featuring Lillie.

N's entire kit of Pokemon and support cards are self sufficient to play on their own, even if currently the Zoroark has no great attack copy targets.
Hop getting a card as a gym promo and Iono's merch featuring Luxray and Mismagius when there aren't any "Iono's Mismagius" or "Iono's Luxray" seems to imply they're gonna continue printing support for each trainer in future sets. Still, it feels weird to have the actual pokemon that this set is marketed around make up like a third of the set.
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Personally, I’d love to see more trainer cards in this set. If they’re planning to print more support in future, they could focus on adding additional trainers to establish new trainer archetypes. Out of 100 cards, we only got 36 that are trainers - couldn’t we have had more? Something like 60 out of 100 would have been good. As it stands, Prismatic feels almost devoid of new playable cards and leans heavily on reprints. It wouldn’t hurt to create a set fully focused on trainers. Whether that means expanding the existing four trainers or introducing, say, two more, it would bring much needed variety and excitement.
they really did not even try to make a good trainer's pokemon set. tragic and completely avoidable, were they not terrified of doing anything fun at all.
Whoever told me that this set is for competitive players and not collectors a few set ago must have been trolling. These could be really cool, but they didn't print enough support for ANY of these to work as their own deck in a functional way, which is sad because mini-archetypes seems to be the whole point. Iono is the closest to me, and the other seen really bad. This is coming from someone who will take a bulk bin card and make it into a deck. At least bulk can use meta support engines, which is tough to say of all of these but iono, which can at least use miraidon ex.
at the end of the day this set doesn't seem to be for anyone but the sad losers who will buy anything with iono's face on it and don't care about playing the game.
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I have never ever been more disappointed at a set in my life, like how the fudge did they butcher this this badly like this is beyond bad