“Heat Wave Arena” All 63 Main Set Cards Revealed!

Water Pokémon Master

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All 63 main set cards from Heat Wave Arena have been revealed by Pokemon! The set will release next Friday, March 14th.


Unfortunately, Misty is the first and only Trainer this year to not get a Pokemon ex. This was suspected because she is not featured on the booster pack artwork. As a fellow Water Pokemon Master, it’s an injustice I say! :p





The cards from this set will become part of our...

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I'm really surprised Misty didn't get an ex but even more to the fact she isn't getting an art rare, what's the point of her being here?

The Gyrarados attack already wasn't gonna see play outside prerelease but she really has no mons to work with.
Electivire ex
Atk 1: 50 to 2 of your opponent's Pokémon
Atk 2: 100, but 280 if this costs 2 more energy.

Well, RB does better
I'm really surprised Misty didn't get an ex but even more to the fact she isn't getting an art rare, what's the point of her being here?

The Gyrarados attack already wasn't gonna see play outside prerelease but she really has no mons to work with.
Yeah she isn't even being given a trainer card of any kind. Misty was just bloody passed on essentially. There may, MAY, be an art rare of one of her Pokemon but it would appear as though she is just completely screwed.
My first reaction is "How do we break Yanmega ex?"
It has one retreat so Rescue Board is perfect for it pivoting with other Yanmega, the attack itself is baller and it lets you move energies to other Grass types like Venusaur ex. Two Lilligant (if that card ever reaches the west) will boost its attack to 250 letting it handle basically any basic rulebox, making Prime Catcher a necessity in an aggressive build. Honestly the best Grass type in Scarlet & Violet.
I'm really surprised Misty didn't get an ex but even more to the fact she isn't getting an art rare, what's the point of her being here?

The Gyrarados attack already wasn't gonna see play outside prerelease but she really has no mons to work with.
There are 4 free spots between Rapidash and Rotom for water-type ARs, there is no indication that she won't be getting one
Am I tripping but do these cards suck absolute CHEEKS for the actual PTCG?
Ethan's Ho-Oh is the best Fire type generator in a long time and Cynthia box will absolutely be BDIF once the Mega set drops with the friggin' Fighting damage boosting item.

Yanmega ex is possibly the best Grass type attacker in this entire generation and it can move those energies to other mons better than Ogerpon strats. Dondozo I can see being used for Chien Pao since a slower meta benefits it and it wants to have something to deal with the occasional Gholdengo/Archaludon deck without having a Metal weakness.

The only ex I'm skeptical about is Electivire since it could be good for Miraidon but the 5 energy cost for 280 seems really steep when VSTARs will be gone and 50 to two Pokemon seems like an awkward multiprize to land.
It has one retreat so Rescue Board is perfect for it pivoting with other Yanmega, the attack itself is baller and it lets you move energies to other Grass types like Venusaur ex. Two Lilligant (if that card ever reaches the west) will boost its attack to 250 letting it handle basically any basic rulebox, making Prime Catcher a necessity in an aggressive build. Honestly the best Grass type in Scarlet & Violet.
I completely forgot about Lilligant. Good call. Then you can probably run Iron Leaves as a finisher/secondary pivot attacker if you dont have another Yanmega set up. Seems to be a fun Grass Box archetype.
Yanmega ex looks like a lot of fun, especially since it can be boosted pretty easily with Lilligant. Will it be competitive though? Ehh. Doubt it
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So it’s not just Judge… Switch and Pokemon Catcher got direct reprints and they’re still G block too. I’m really curious what’s going to happen in regards to these staples