“Heat Wave Arena” All 63 Main Set Cards Revealed!

I'm really surprised Misty didn't get an ex but even more to the fact she isn't getting an art rare, what's the point of her being here?

The Gyrarados attack already wasn't gonna see play outside prerelease but she really has no mons to work with.
I'm pretty sure she gets even 2 ARs. There are four spots left between Rapidash and Rotom.
064 is Pinsir or Yanma
066 is Shaymin or Dwebble
070 - 073 are 4 totally open ARs (I'm ruling for Cyndaquil, Misty's Starmie, Misty's Psyduck and Manectric)
085 Yanmega SAR
088 Mabostiff SAR

As I said yesterday, only 4 SARs....
I'm pretty sure she gets even 2 ARs. There are four spots left between Rapidash and Rotom.
064 is Pinsir or Yanma
066 is Shaymin or Dwebble
070 - 073 are 4 totally open ARs (I'm ruling for Cyndaquil, Misty's Starmie, Misty's Psyduck and Manectric)
085 Yanmega SAR
088 Mabostiff SAR

As I said yesterday, only 4 SARs....
We know Misty's Psyduck and Ethan's Pichu have ARs, the arts were shown at Worlds.

I audibly gasped seeing that yanmega has finally gotten something (at the very least since prime, break doesnt count cuz those cards were ass ugly) my baby is finally in the limelight,,, first pocket now here, the fact it looks really good too is amazing
Looks like 5 spots for IRs yet to he revealed

Between roserade and crustle is Shaymin

Big gap between rapidash and rotom and Greedant is the last standard Mon of the Dex so that's where they end. Going out on a limb and saying it's Typhlosion and Psyduck because of the sleeves arts.

Lots of grass which is interesting.
Am I tripping but do these cards suck absolute CHEEKS for the actual PTCG?
Ethan package has great potential
Yanmega ex is this close of being a broken card, just gotta figure how and with whom
Cynthia is poised to be a solid tier 2 deck until mega Lucario arrives, then it could be tier 1
There is a Grass type wall wall killer
I mean thats already quite a few good cards already
Can work, but then you're running 2 evolution lines (with one of them a stage 2 line even) with limited draw/search supports other than bug catching set. Sounds super clunky.
Id say that with Teal Mask ogerpon you have just enough draws to get these out consistently. With great tree getting 1 drapple is not that hard and the fact that they gotta deal with that juiced up guy should give you enough breathing room to get a second, and the yanmega allows you to.slot in attackers that can be big threats while you build up more hydras.
WIth the available search as well it should be very doable
It's incredibly funny that there's even a discussion if Yanmega is viable.
Not in whether it is or it isn't, but that the game has degenerated to such a level that self-loading, energy-spreading engine that only needs switching to operate might be considered underpowered.
My first reaction is "How do we break Yanmega ex?"
It has one retreat so Rescue Board is perfect for it pivoting with other Yanmega, the attack itself is baller and it lets you move energies to other Grass types like Venusaur ex. Two Lilligant (if that card ever reaches the west) will boost its attack to 250 letting it handle basically any basic rulebox, making Prime Catcher a necessity in an aggressive build. Honestly the best Grass type in Scarlet & Violet.
I completely forgot about Lilligant. Good call. Then you can probably run Iron Leaves as a finisher/secondary pivot attacker if you dont have another Yanmega set up. Seems to be a fun Grass Box archetype.
Yanmega ex looks like a lot of fun, especially since it can be boosted pretty easily with Lilligant. Will it be competitive though? Ehh. Doubt it
Yanmega crucially resists Garchomp and even Mega Lucario, making Roserade and Premium Power Pro necessary (2 mandatory in Mega Lucario's case) and OHKOes both of them even if Garchomp holds the Power Weight. It also instantly combos with Bloodmoon (if it's KOed after attacking, Bloodmoon can immediately attack for the rest of the game and leave the active spot with a benched Latias, maybe into another Yanmega). If you really wanted you could just load up energies on multiple of these things and attack with Hydrapple ex instead. Really dope card, love to see it.
I would like to address the Green Counsel and deliver my proposition on how we might wield Yanmega ex. As long as tech Pokémon are the main counters to Safeguard Pokémon, I believe that Yanmega ex/Crustle could have potential. Yanmega helps you power up a Crustle that can sweep multiprizers and can then in turn dispense with the tech attackers your opponent throws at you with ease. In a matchup where Crustle isn't of use, however, such as against a single prize deck, you can just rely on two or three Yanmega ex to clean up your opponent's board.
I will now leave the Green Counsel to discuss this proposition. It has been an honor, my lords.
I would like to address the Green Counsel and deliver my proposition on how we might wield Yanmega ex. As long as tech Pokémon are the main counters to Safeguard Pokémon, I believe that Yanmega ex/Crustle could have potential. Yanmega helps you power up a Crustle that can sweep multiprizers and can then in turn dispense with the tech attackers your opponent throws at you with ease. In a matchup where Crustle isn't of use, however, such as against a single prize deck, you can just rely on two or three Yanmega ex to clean up your opponent's board.
I will now leave the Green Counsel to discuss this proposition. It has been an honor, my lords.
Your proposition is duly noted. Safeguard Pokémon as a whole are mainly a gust/tech check to unoptimized decks. While Safeguard will become stronger with the departure of Cancelling Cologne, I doubt Mimikyu or Mysterious Shield Aegislash will become super popular as Fire types are also getting an amazing accelerator and both of those mons are easily countered by Fire Off Armarouge, as well as the rise in Pokémon with bench hitting moves.

If you truly must have a tech to more creative ex blocking decks, then I do agree Crustle can help.
Your proposition is duly noted. Safeguard Pokémon as a whole are mainly a gust/tech check to unoptimized decks. While Safeguard will become stronger with the departure of Cancelling Cologne, I doubt Mimikyu or Mysterious Shield Aegislash will become super popular as Fire types are also getting an amazing accelerator and both of those mons are easily countered by Fire Off Armarouge, as well as the rise in Pokémon with bench hitting moves.

If you truly must have a tech to more creative ex blocking decks, then I do agree Crustle can help.
Thank you for your cordial reply. Another proposition, if I may?
If the preferred build of Yanmega ex is as a basic toolbox deck, Regigigas would be valuable against Dragapult ex, a matchup not as favorable for Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex.
Yanmega ex box rough draft.png
This specimen, though untested (And undoubtedly under-optimized to a catastrophic extent), should convey my vision for a Yanmega ex toolbox. I adopted the Precious Trolley/Brute Bonnet shell made popular by Klawf, Terapagos and Budew, since Brute Bonnet/Binding Mochi provides the same benefit to any of your Pokémon that two Lilligant would provide to Yanmega ex alone (Save for the addition of such Grass types as Zarude or Tapu Bulu)(Notice: I have substituted the upcoming Shaymin for one of exclusively Japanese release).
Just dropping my quick thoughts on Yanmega ex… I think that jet energy could really make this deck work a bit more, allowing you to instantly switch and perform the attack to move the energy to some of your benched attackers.
These are a few decks/cards I think could perform better with Yanmega:
1. Hydrapple ex: Kinda an obvious one. Maybe makes this deck a bit more competitive?
2. Ogerpon ex: I did a bit of testing and I found that Ogerpon is a great attacker with Yanmega. Probably not the strongest of attackers, but the draw power and potential high damage is pretty nice.
3. Toolbox Decks: There’s actually a few ideas. (The first idea is obv not mine) I love the concept of attacking with bloodmoon and regigigas, +poison to boost damage. I also had a concept where you use scramble switch where you use it to power up attackers without attacking in case where you need to.
This is an example of such toolbox list:
IMG_2177.pngIn cases where you would have already used scramble switch, or it’s prized, you can use energy switch or Yanmega ex’s attack. Note that this list if probably brick-y and unrefined, with no doubt extra and unnecessary cards. I believe that an archetype like this could work well, however.
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