You’re tripping ho oh effectively revives fire boxAm I tripping but do these cards suck absolute CHEEKS for the actual PTCG?
You’re tripping ho oh effectively revives fire boxAm I tripping but do these cards suck absolute CHEEKS for the actual PTCG?
They are just being reprinted because this set is gonna be used for a kind of "pre-release"-like tournament in Japan. They are likely getting new regulation marks when it's actually time to do so.So it’s not just Judge… Switch and Pokemon Catcher got direct reprints and they’re still G block too. I’m really curious what’s going to happen in regards to these staples
Hydrapple ex?My first reaction is "How do we break Yanmega ex?"
I'm still a bit skeptical about fire box's viability. I think Cynthia box will be solid for sure, but am worried fighting types will be getting eaten by gardevoirEthan's Ho-Oh is the best Fire type generator in a long time and Cynthia box will absolutely be BDIF once the Mega set drops with the friggin' Fighting damage boosting item.
Yanmega ex is possibly the best Grass type attacker in this entire generation and it can move those energies to other mons better than Ogerpon strats. Dondozo I can see being used for Chien Pao since a slower meta benefits it and it wants to have something to deal with the occasional Gholdengo/Archaludon deck without having a Metal weakness.
The only ex I'm skeptical about is Electivire since it could be good for Miraidon but the 5 energy cost for 280 seems really steep when VSTARs will be gone and 50 to two Pokemon seems like an awkward multiprize to land.
Can work, but then you're running 2 evolution lines (with one of them a stage 2 line even) with limited draw/search supports other than bug catching set. Sounds super clunky.Hydrapple ex?
If nothing else Ho-oh slots into Raging Bolt real easy.I'm still a bit skeptical about fire box's viability. I think Cynthia box will be solid for sure, but am worried fighting types will be getting eaten by gardevoir