“Heat Wave Arena” All 63 Main Set Cards Revealed!

These cards mostly seem mid. The Ethan/cynthia package could be cool and maybe yanmega ex will be good but I doubt it.
So it’s not just Judge… Switch and Pokemon Catcher got direct reprints and they’re still G block too. I’m really curious what’s going to happen in regards to these staples
They are just being reprinted because this set is gonna be used for a kind of "pre-release"-like tournament in Japan. They are likely getting new regulation marks when it's actually time to do so.
Yanmega crucially resists Garchomp and even Mega Lucario, making Roserade and Premium Power Pro necessary (2 mandatory in Mega Lucario's case) and OHKOes both of them even if Garchomp holds the Power Weight. It also instantly combos with Bloodmoon (if it's KOed after attacking, Bloodmoon can immediately attack for the rest of the game and leave the active spot with a benched Latias, maybe into another Yanmega). If you really wanted you could just load up energies on multiple of these things and attack with Hydrapple ex instead. Really dope card, love to see it.
I’m just glad they didn’t make such a fuss about Misty. I mean they totally did with Cynthia which is not ideal but well counting my blessings
Is Switch leaving us for the first time... ever??? Yanmega seems pretty cool in like an Ogerpon type deck I can see it being used
Crazy that Yanmega ex has more potential than Misty AND Arven haha. as bummed as I am that they didn’t do an ex (or trainer card!!) for Misty i’m more bummed they didn’t get more creative. 4 Kanto Pokémon, yay… at least her deck seems fun.
The Cynthia stuff makes me laugh.

What do the other trainers have? Couple of neat attacks, some free retreat.

What does Cynthia have?
- damage boost from the bench
- HP boost from an item
- Archetype search on a Stage 1 in the primary attacking line
- Energy efficient damage output that also draws cards
Yanmega seems very interesting. Pairing it with Teal Mask Ogerpon would make sense, but it could as well be played as a heal loop deck assuming it doesn't get 1-shot.
So Electivire isn't good enough to play right? Kind of sad as it's my favorite electric type. I really would've liked to see more out of it but that's a lot of energy to still not even ohko stage 2 ex's. The snipe damage is cool but doesn't seem like enough to be worth it to me?
Ethan's Ho-Oh is the best Fire type generator in a long time and Cynthia box will absolutely be BDIF once the Mega set drops with the friggin' Fighting damage boosting item.

Yanmega ex is possibly the best Grass type attacker in this entire generation and it can move those energies to other mons better than Ogerpon strats. Dondozo I can see being used for Chien Pao since a slower meta benefits it and it wants to have something to deal with the occasional Gholdengo/Archaludon deck without having a Metal weakness.

The only ex I'm skeptical about is Electivire since it could be good for Miraidon but the 5 energy cost for 280 seems really steep when VSTARs will be gone and 50 to two Pokemon seems like an awkward multiprize to land.
I'm still a bit skeptical about fire box's viability. I think Cynthia box will be solid for sure, but am worried fighting types will be getting eaten by gardevoir
Misty been a waste of space reminds me of her ahh been bullied in S1 🤣

The set may look cheeks for the untrainned eye, but Ethan looks like tier 2 at least. Cynthia is so good it makes the hype for Hop's look tame. Yanmega is incredible for a Stage 1. This is good. Now to wait for TR to see what's up.

Who wants to bet they'll make the Admins better then Giovani?
Only 9 Secret Rares for this set (not enough trainer to have 10 like usual) and 4 SAR, Yanmega and Arven's mabosstiff are the only one available to join Ho-Oh and Garchomp unfortunately