Ethan's Pinsir: 3/5. Great tech against Charizard EX or any other grass weak deck. If a grass weak deck is top tier this will be in Ethan's deck
Yanmega: 5/5 Oh man where to begin!! This card is so busted!! I don't think I can say anything more that hasn't already been said. Just a straight perfect card that will be used ALOT.
Cynthia's Roserade : 3/5. If the Cynthia archetype works than Roserade will always be included as a 1/1 line
Shaymin: 4/5. Thank goodness you came back to us just in the nick of time. Only reason you aren't a 5/5 is because you aren't poffin searchable and not full bench protection. But you do what is needed for your job by protecting small basics and we appreciate you that
Dwebble/Crustle: 3/5. I kinda like this over Mimikyu. Mostly because of Ascension and high HP. We are losing Cancelling Cologne so this might see some play
Hydrapple: 1/5. Hydrapple you are one of my favorite pokemon but man that attack combo is too much lol The only thing you kinda have going for you is that you get past Cornerstone Ogrepon EX in the Hydrapple EX deck
Teal Mask Ogerpon: I'm just going to rate them all. All 1/5 cards. Other pokemon do their job better
Rapidash: 1/5: 2 card combo for a 1 card draw. Naw we have better
Ethan's Quilava and Typhlosion: 3/5. Ok I love these cards!! They are consistent, easy and reliable. If you are playing a full Ethan deck, you are going to at least have a 2/2 line of quilava and maybe a 1 of Typhlosion
Ethan's Magcargo: 3/5. A pretty consistent card thanks to Ethan Adventure. Sometimes you don't need to go full 350 max every turn with Magcargo. Although it leaves Ho-oh super vulnerable each turn
Ethan's Ho-oh EX: 5/5. This is the main crutch of the Ethan Deck but it has an even better partner, Armarouge from Scarlett and Violet base set. These two can create a pretty cool box set powering up anything super fast. Honestly I see it used more outside of the Ethan archetype. Even as it's own little bulky basic deck with Penny.
Misty's Pysduck: 2/5: Meant to be used as guarantee Gyarados fodder. Pretty neat that you are guaranteeing yourself 70 damage though lol
Misty's Starmie: 1/5. Also Gyarados fodder. We aren't attack with it. Should've been an EX doing something more
Misty's Magikarp: 3/5 Gets a mention because it has bench protection for itself. So you don't have to play shaymin
Misty's Gyarados: 3/5. There are multiple ways to manipulate the top card of your deck to do big damage consistently. Night Time academy. Cypher maniac, and Psyduck. Still super risky but might be a fun deck. The reason it is a lower ranking is because that Sacred Ash item will come up with it making it more consistent
Misty's Lapras: 2/5. Your job is to find pokemon turn 1 then become fodder later.
Cynthia's Milotic: 1/5: Shaymin exists and we aren't playing you. You'll make a great AR though
Floatzel: 1/5 for the binder
Dondozo EX: 2/5. We are playing you as a wall and maybe for that first attack. Other than that, Blood Moon does your 2nd attack better
Electivire EX: 1/5. That artwork is so cool and I'm sad to see the card isn't as good. 5 energy to do 280 damage!? Just play Pikachu EX who's a basic, does more damage and survives a hit.
Ethan Pichu: 1/5. Happy to see you back though!!
Manetric: 1/5 For the binder
Rotom: 2/5. Don't we already have a pachirisu right now that's seeing no play? And Double Turbo energy is rotating so I don't see how this will be any different.
Zeraora: 2/5. I mean, you one shot Fez so that's neat lol Other than that the majority of good EXs are tera
Ethan Sudowoodo: 1/5. It's the coin flip. This attack with Mew EX is super good, but the coin flip on this attack makes it super unreliable
Cynthia's Gabite/Garchomp: 4/5: The damage is there, the consistency is there, the low energy cost is there. But guess what just got revealed!? YANMEGA EX!!! It's even funnier because Yanmega resists fighting ,so you can't even one shot it without 2 roserade on the bench lol Also it's super easy to power up that dragon blaster with a Powerglass.
Mudsdale: 1/5 for the binder. sigh will we ever get a decent Mudsdale card.
Arven's Toedscruel: 1/5. Just realized this is an Arven pokemon. Still really bad because Arven has next to nothing
Cynthia's Spiritomb. 3/5. Always going to be paired with Garchomp EX and Powerweight
Arven's Mabosstiff EX: 1/5. Even if you were able to consistently heal it, doing 150 ain't really it.
Tauros: 1/5 for the binder
Arven's Greedent: 1/5, Sigh Arven needs alot more than this
Sacred Ash: 4/5 card. Gardevoir EX is going to love this card as well as other decks that don't really need energy recovery. It's nice to have a combination of both Super Rod and Sacred Ash
Arven's Sandwhich: 1/5. Healing Mabosstiff that's it
Cynthia's Power Weight: 2/5. This card would have been great in Garchomp EX + Spiritomb but then Yanmega EX had to come along to ruin the fun
MC's Hype up: 1/5. This will be great in prerelease decks lol
Ethan's Adventure: 3/5. Love the consistency it adds to the Ethan archetype. I'm shocked this is the only supporter in the trainer archetype. They all should've at least had something similar to Ethan.
ALL IN ALL. I'm Glad we got bench protection back in the form of Shaymin and I'm glad they made a card like Yanmega EX which is going to make alot of creativity in deck building. Overall this set is a 3/5. Nothing too crazy but we did get some stuff out of it
Yanmega: 5/5 Oh man where to begin!! This card is so busted!! I don't think I can say anything more that hasn't already been said. Just a straight perfect card that will be used ALOT.
Cynthia's Roserade : 3/5. If the Cynthia archetype works than Roserade will always be included as a 1/1 line
Shaymin: 4/5. Thank goodness you came back to us just in the nick of time. Only reason you aren't a 5/5 is because you aren't poffin searchable and not full bench protection. But you do what is needed for your job by protecting small basics and we appreciate you that
Dwebble/Crustle: 3/5. I kinda like this over Mimikyu. Mostly because of Ascension and high HP. We are losing Cancelling Cologne so this might see some play
Hydrapple: 1/5. Hydrapple you are one of my favorite pokemon but man that attack combo is too much lol The only thing you kinda have going for you is that you get past Cornerstone Ogrepon EX in the Hydrapple EX deck
Teal Mask Ogerpon: I'm just going to rate them all. All 1/5 cards. Other pokemon do their job better
Rapidash: 1/5: 2 card combo for a 1 card draw. Naw we have better
Ethan's Quilava and Typhlosion: 3/5. Ok I love these cards!! They are consistent, easy and reliable. If you are playing a full Ethan deck, you are going to at least have a 2/2 line of quilava and maybe a 1 of Typhlosion
Ethan's Magcargo: 3/5. A pretty consistent card thanks to Ethan Adventure. Sometimes you don't need to go full 350 max every turn with Magcargo. Although it leaves Ho-oh super vulnerable each turn
Ethan's Ho-oh EX: 5/5. This is the main crutch of the Ethan Deck but it has an even better partner, Armarouge from Scarlett and Violet base set. These two can create a pretty cool box set powering up anything super fast. Honestly I see it used more outside of the Ethan archetype. Even as it's own little bulky basic deck with Penny.
Misty's Pysduck: 2/5: Meant to be used as guarantee Gyarados fodder. Pretty neat that you are guaranteeing yourself 70 damage though lol
Misty's Starmie: 1/5. Also Gyarados fodder. We aren't attack with it. Should've been an EX doing something more
Misty's Magikarp: 3/5 Gets a mention because it has bench protection for itself. So you don't have to play shaymin
Misty's Gyarados: 3/5. There are multiple ways to manipulate the top card of your deck to do big damage consistently. Night Time academy. Cypher maniac, and Psyduck. Still super risky but might be a fun deck. The reason it is a lower ranking is because that Sacred Ash item will come up with it making it more consistent
Misty's Lapras: 2/5. Your job is to find pokemon turn 1 then become fodder later.
Cynthia's Milotic: 1/5: Shaymin exists and we aren't playing you. You'll make a great AR though
Floatzel: 1/5 for the binder
Dondozo EX: 2/5. We are playing you as a wall and maybe for that first attack. Other than that, Blood Moon does your 2nd attack better
Electivire EX: 1/5. That artwork is so cool and I'm sad to see the card isn't as good. 5 energy to do 280 damage!? Just play Pikachu EX who's a basic, does more damage and survives a hit.
Ethan Pichu: 1/5. Happy to see you back though!!
Manetric: 1/5 For the binder
Rotom: 2/5. Don't we already have a pachirisu right now that's seeing no play? And Double Turbo energy is rotating so I don't see how this will be any different.
Zeraora: 2/5. I mean, you one shot Fez so that's neat lol Other than that the majority of good EXs are tera
Ethan Sudowoodo: 1/5. It's the coin flip. This attack with Mew EX is super good, but the coin flip on this attack makes it super unreliable
Cynthia's Gabite/Garchomp: 4/5: The damage is there, the consistency is there, the low energy cost is there. But guess what just got revealed!? YANMEGA EX!!! It's even funnier because Yanmega resists fighting ,so you can't even one shot it without 2 roserade on the bench lol Also it's super easy to power up that dragon blaster with a Powerglass.
Mudsdale: 1/5 for the binder. sigh will we ever get a decent Mudsdale card.
Arven's Toedscruel: 1/5. Just realized this is an Arven pokemon. Still really bad because Arven has next to nothing
Cynthia's Spiritomb. 3/5. Always going to be paired with Garchomp EX and Powerweight
Arven's Mabosstiff EX: 1/5. Even if you were able to consistently heal it, doing 150 ain't really it.
Tauros: 1/5 for the binder
Arven's Greedent: 1/5, Sigh Arven needs alot more than this
Sacred Ash: 4/5 card. Gardevoir EX is going to love this card as well as other decks that don't really need energy recovery. It's nice to have a combination of both Super Rod and Sacred Ash
Arven's Sandwhich: 1/5. Healing Mabosstiff that's it
Cynthia's Power Weight: 2/5. This card would have been great in Garchomp EX + Spiritomb but then Yanmega EX had to come along to ruin the fun
MC's Hype up: 1/5. This will be great in prerelease decks lol
Ethan's Adventure: 3/5. Love the consistency it adds to the Ethan archetype. I'm shocked this is the only supporter in the trainer archetype. They all should've at least had something similar to Ethan.
ALL IN ALL. I'm Glad we got bench protection back in the form of Shaymin and I'm glad they made a card like Yanmega EX which is going to make alot of creativity in deck building. Overall this set is a 3/5. Nothing too crazy but we did get some stuff out of it