black incorporating poison after its horrible purple phase was a no-brainer, but you really aren't going to find a lot of common ground for any currently-unrepresented types and the existing single typed colors (red, yellow, silver), while purple definitely fits fairy more than any other type would fit with it together in a returning pink. if dragon weren't this game's multicolor, you could make a case for it living in red, and i wouldn't hate arguments for rock to go join its brother in silver given how frequently these two tend to get damage mitigation for the same reasons as each other... but i don't think i would ever with a straight face describe the restraint to not flood the game with colors merely for the sake of it as "halfassing" anything.The problem is the flair. Im not alone in thinking a single color representing 3 typings is quite a stretch while you have colors just representing 1. The flair is important since I think a vast majority of people that played in the first place is because well they like pokemon and know the videogame typings. Since they want around 9 colors imo it shouldve been just 2 per type. There's obviously quite the steps theyd have to take to make this possible and I wont go into detail rn of how to do that while changing the current game as less as possible but an "easy" baby step is just detaching fairies from psychic and ghost. So yeah I personally join the wave of people wanting fairy back, which I assume most do because of the aesthetic, that pink was really pretty for those pokemon while the purple looks hella ugly.
Anyways in other words what we have right now in tcg with water and dark is what I personally love and where I think they have succeded. A color that encompasses 2 types while making a distinction between them with their weakness. It gives each type a bit of a stronger identity, since I believe type system is a very strong concept that a lot of pokemon fans are fond of or at least very familiar with. The TCG doesnt have to be a 1:1 to the video games ofc but they could easily improve what they're already halfass doing
pokemon fans are already barely familiar with basic rpg concepts anymore, ever isolating themselves from the genre to avoid the risk of tasting anything. i don't care if they're unable to grasp colors in a card game, what they want doesn't really make for competent design.
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