“Pokemon Card Game MEGA” Trademarked, Goodbye “Scarlet & Violet!”

The problem is the flair. Im not alone in thinking a single color representing 3 typings is quite a stretch while you have colors just representing 1. The flair is important since I think a vast majority of people that played in the first place is because well they like pokemon and know the videogame typings. Since they want around 9 colors imo it shouldve been just 2 per type. There's obviously quite the steps theyd have to take to make this possible and I wont go into detail rn of how to do that while changing the current game as less as possible but an "easy" baby step is just detaching fairies from psychic and ghost. So yeah I personally join the wave of people wanting fairy back, which I assume most do because of the aesthetic, that pink was really pretty for those pokemon while the purple looks hella ugly.

Anyways in other words what we have right now in tcg with water and dark is what I personally love and where I think they have succeded. A color that encompasses 2 types while making a distinction between them with their weakness. It gives each type a bit of a stronger identity, since I believe type system is a very strong concept that a lot of pokemon fans are fond of or at least very familiar with. The TCG doesnt have to be a 1:1 to the video games ofc but they could easily improve what they're already halfass doing
black incorporating poison after its horrible purple phase was a no-brainer, but you really aren't going to find a lot of common ground for any currently-unrepresented types and the existing single typed colors (red, yellow, silver), while purple definitely fits fairy more than any other type would fit with it together in a returning pink. if dragon weren't this game's multicolor, you could make a case for it living in red, and i wouldn't hate arguments for rock to go join its brother in silver given how frequently these two tend to get damage mitigation for the same reasons as each other... but i don't think i would ever with a straight face describe the restraint to not flood the game with colors merely for the sake of it as "halfassing" anything.

pokemon fans are already barely familiar with basic rpg concepts anymore, ever isolating themselves from the genre to avoid the risk of tasting anything. i don't care if they're unable to grasp colors in a card game, what they want doesn't really make for competent design.
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black incorporating poison after its horrible purple phase was a no-brainer, but you really aren't going to find a lot of common ground for any currently-unrepresented types and the existing single typed colors (red, yellow, silver), while purple definitely fits fairy more than any other type would fit with it together in a returning pink. if dragon weren't this game's multicolor, you could make a case for it living in red, and i wouldn't hate arguments for rock to go join its brother in silver given how frequently these two tend to get damage mitigation for the same reasons as each other... but i don't think i would ever with a straight face describe the restraint to not flood the game with colors merely for the sake of it as "halfassing" anything.

pokemon fans are already barely familiar with basic rpg concepts anymore, ever isolating themselves from the genre to avoid the risk of tasting anything. i don't care if they're unable to grasp colors in a card game, what they want doesn't really make for competent design.
Still missing the point. I'm not flooding the game with colors more than we already have, at least thats not my end goal. Heck with my goal we'd actually have just 9 thats less than the 10 we already have. I wont go into details of which type should go where since I dont think it's the main point but at the end of the day these changes would accommodate a little bit better to "rpg fans" (which arent dying but sure), while making MINIMAL changes to the gameplay
Still missing the point. I'm not flooding the game with colors more than we already have, at least thats not my end goal. Heck with my goal we'd actually have just 9 thats less than the 10 we already have. I wont go into details of which type should go where since I dont think it's the main point but at the end of the day these changes would accommodate a little bit better to "rpg fans" (which arent dying but sure), while making MINIMAL changes to the gameplay
it kind of is the main point, so you probably do have to share your specific proposals for the stated principle behind your nebulous goal to make any sense. poison joined dark in black not just because it was a type desperately lost and confused in its home in purple at the time, but because there is actual thematic overlap there, just as there is with every other color with multiple pokemon types in them. any more moving around from what we have currently is ultimately going to end up with wack, borderline random movements for types from where they are now.
Ok thanks for clarifying, I’m new to the TCG. But on several occasions on this site my honest queries have been met with snarkiness and/or hostility, what is going on with that?? Just be nice, please.
Honest inquiries is one thing. Asking really dumb questions is another especially since you didn’t read the cards clearly.
Pokemon has 8 true colors. Not 10. Dragon/Gold is multicolor, but gets supported like a color on occasion. Colorless, well, I really shouldn't have to be the one to explain that one to you. 8 colors is already a lot, and at times seems like more than they're really willing to seriously keep up with as it is.

Fairy was doomed to its fate pretty much from the word go, whether it's due to lack of variety at the time, the insistence to make it a full color instead of a Special color like Metal and Darkness were before they really got their footing, or any number of gimmicks they tried to go with to justify its existence near the end of its short life.

Believe it or not, recognizing the extreme difficulty involved in introducing (or worse, re-introducing) an additional full color that ought receive direct support (or in Fairy's case, what would be almost exclusively life support to justify the sunk cost) in every set until the end of time does not mean someone is "supporting Creatures being lazy". If anyone disagreeing with you needs to be "defending the evil billion dollar company" for your worldview to stay above water maybe the problem is with you.

Because what is it that you're trying to say by this? That Pokemon making money just magically means that the game's design is infinitely solvable no matter what stupid things they insist on doing in it? At that point, why stop at Fairy? Make like every deviantart / create a card hack that thinks every type should have its own color and flood the game with them. It's easy for armchair card R&D to say what "should" be happening when they have never once thought about things like set composition and how exactly 1-10 new colors would ever begin to have something resembling a distinct identity. To this unformed creative mind, all that matters is sating a desire to see more of something for the sake of seeing it. To hold back the primal nerd urge to "BWUH" post at the thought of a Clefairy being represented by purple. After all.. erm... Clefairy is not Psychic type you know... 🤓
Do you really expect me to read all that shit. Fairy already existed, that's why
my god one of you likes the pink pokemon cards and one of you doesn’t, it’s not that serious.
From a game design standpoint it is. “One of you is right here, and one isn’t” is the more simple observation here and by the way the person carried their opinions through their post, it’s clear who.
it kind of is the main point, so you probably do have to share your specific proposals for the stated principle behind your nebulous goal to make any sense. poison joined dark in black not just because it was a type desperately lost and confused in its home in purple at the time, but because there is actual thematic overlap there, just as there is with every other color with multiple pokemon types in them. any more moving around from what we have currently is ultimately going to end up with wack, borderline random movements for types from where they are now.
No it is not. Ive faced many who are like: What creatures does is fine what you propose is not. Simply because them is them and me is me. I dont see any point in keep arguing that tbh. I can assure beforehand that if I said poison should join dark before SWSH era people would just say no. And maybe Im assuming things about you but Ive argued about this topic before and I have no desire to do it here rn
From a game design standpoint it is. “One of you is right here, and one isn’t” is the more simple observation here and by the way the person carried their opinions through their post, it’s clear who.
I personally do think Fairy being included in Psychic was a good choice, but arguing about it like the other person cursed their family isn’t gonna get you anywhere. And there is more nuance to game making decisions than I think you’re giving credit to.
This is like saying Astral Radiance was the end of SWSH? We're gonna get a Z-A set or two for sure but SV wont end until early 2026, we don't even have official news of a Gen X core-series game yet?
my god one of you likes the pink pokemon cards and one of you doesn’t, it’s not that serious.
that's the thing, i also liked pink as a color, i just think they didn't do a very good job with it and its phasing out was totally sensible.

No it is not. Ive faced many who are like: What creatures does is fine what you propose is not. Simply because them is them and me is me. I dont see any point in keep arguing that tbh. I can assure beforehand that if I said poison should join dark before SWSH era people would just say no. And maybe Im assuming things about you but Ive argued about this topic before and I have no desire to do it here rn
just about anything would be better than poison in purple, i really just want to know what you had in mind for fire and lightning because i can't imagine any type making sense joining either of them there.

This is like saying Astral Radiance was the end of SWSH? We're gonna get a Z-A set or two for sure but SV wont end until early 2026, we don't even have official news of a Gen X core-series game yet?
it's in the original post, but the point of the news is that it's seeming like the sets are no longer going to be branded as "Pokemon Card Game Scarlet and Violet" starting with the Mega sets, instead being "Pokemon Card Game MEGA".
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The yellow made everything worse. It’s a simple Color-theory thing. That’s nothing subjective. It takes away from most color combinations as yellow is already such a strong color in itself. It’s just a simple presentation thing. You would never present art with colored frames or backgrounds for the same reasons. Feel free to join my art classes and I explain it to you in detail.
Well you're wrong,
my god one of you likes the pink pokemon cards and one of you doesn’t, it’s not that serious.
It's deadly serious. I don't think fairy works good as a psychic type. It should have been folded into colorless or just not gotten rid of ever. You make your bed you lay in it
that's the thing, i also liked pink as a color, i just think they didn't do a very good job with it and its phasing out was totally sensible.

just about anything would be better than poison in purple, i really just want to know what you had in mind for fire and lightning because i can't imagine any type making sense joining either of them there.

it's in the original post, but the point of the news is that it's seeming like the sets are no longer going to be branded as "Pokemon Card Game Scarlet and Violet" starting with the Mega sets, instead being "Pokemon Card Game MEGA".
Something they would never do in a million years, since these are starter types but joining them both is what works best imo. Think avatar lol (or sparks) fire and electric really arent that distant. And yeah rock with steel. And final which might be unpopular af but fairies and dragons (they could still be different colors and even their gimmick could be that they are 2 sides of the same coin). And out of all typings dragons and fairies are the only types that are beings (+ghost and flying kinda) and they're both on the mystic side, fairy tales association, and their in game lore both call back to a life force of sorts. This is ofc taking in mind to make the fewest changes as possible. And imo still these 3 new typings I said still make more sense that fighting and ground, so if that exists, these arent as outrageous. But yeah again what I expect at most that they do realistically is to make fairy type again and pair steel with rock ones. Id be satisfied with that
Something they would never do in a million years, since these are starter types but joining them both is what works best imo. Think avatar lol (or sparks) fire and electric really arent that distant. And yeah rock with steel. And final which might be unpopular af but fairies and dragons (they could still be different colors and even their gimmick could be that they are 2 sides of the same coin). And out of all typings dragons and fairies are the only types that are beings (+ghost and flying kinda) and they're both on the mystic side, fairy tales association, and their in game lore both call back to a life force of sorts. This is ofc taking in mind to make the fewest changes as possible. And imo still these 3 new typings I said still make more sense that fighting and ground, so if that exists, these arent as outrageous. But yeah again what I expect at most that they do realistically is to make fairy type again and pair steel with rock ones. Id be satisfied with that
i don't disagree generally with fire and electric being in a unified "red" but it feels harder to reconcile calling it "fire" and all of the flames branding red tends to get. i would certainly prefer pink came back as another multicolor color in the vein of dragon, sure. not a terrible idea.