“Pokemon Card Game MEGA” Trademarked, Goodbye “Scarlet & Violet!”

They look fine to me? I really can't tell what y'all are jawing about. I do like the thicker borders of WOTC better though because it looks more like a frame. I really hate TCGs that have no borders
Here's a side by side comparison of the english yellow and japanese grey borders, with the foiling details present in the picture (I took them from google search, results seem to be from eBay listings)
The yellow border does not blend well with the radiant foil. It takes away the highlight from the card itself and forces you to stare at the borders. It's terrible contrast.
Here's a side by side comparison of the english yellow and japanese grey borders, with the foiling details present in the picture (I took them from google search, results seem to be from eBay listings)
View attachment 20537View attachment 20539
The yellow border does not blend well with the radiant foil. It takes away the highlight from the card itself and forces you to stare at the borders. It's terrible contrast.
I will say I think the silver borders should stay for holographic pokemon,

anyway it'll be very funny if Lillie's Clefairy ex came out as a Psychic type right before Fairy Type came back, making it super useful in anti-Dragapault decks
I will say I think the silver borders should stay for holographic pokemon,

anyway it'll be very funny if Lillie's Clefairy ex came out as a Psychic type right before Fairy Type came back, making it super useful in anti-Dragapault decks
if you think pink would come back and not come back with the mega gardevoir as the face (or feature in trailers hyping the new series up at all) i'm afraid you are beyond help. it's not coming back.
You have been conditioned or been led to believe that this kind of comment is fine and normal but let me assure you it is not. This kind of behaviour will hold you back.
You have been conditioned or been led to believe that the lack of extremely basic reading skills and reasonable logical deduction is fine and normal but let me assure you it is not. This kind of behaviour will hold you back.
if you think pink would come back and not come back with the mega gardevoir as the face (or feature in trailers hyping the new series up at all) i'm afraid you are beyond help. it's not coming back.
Gardevoir is also a psychic type. Could have Mega Mawile, Mega Altaria, Mega Audino, Mega Diancie,

Or could have TWO Mega Gardevoir because gotta sell stuff.
I would love for them to bring back fairy types, but I feel that (and this also seems to be the general opinion) gray borders are a huge improvement. Having a border color that is plain and neutral (like gray) seems like the best option to me.
Ok thanks for clarifying, I’m new to the TCG. But on several occasions on this site my honest queries have been met with snarkiness and/or hostility, what is going on with that?? Just be nice, please.
Yeah, that happens. I'm sorry that it happens, but that's the internet sometimes I suppose. I always try to talk online as if I were talking in person to a friend, which helps me somewhat to be respectful and considerate, but I'm not very good at it and I will get caught up in the heat of the moment just as much as the next person.
fairy type could have worked but also i think supporting a new type so late in the games life is always going to be annoying, much more so for the tcg than the games (who can retcon a bunch of things to now be the new type and have a good design base). i think its fair to want to pivot back to the old design for consistency. im neutral on the card colors. pink looked good with some pokemon and less so with others, just like most border colors other than colorless (which looks good with 99% of pokemon) and metal