“Pokemon TCG Pocket” New Cards, Crown Rares, Gameplay, Mechanics, and Soft Launch Date!

Oh no, they have built-in AI battle assistance and they're going to allow card trading? Sounds like I'm only ever going to be playing against farm bots...
Well that's kinda disappointing to say the least
I think it's good, we shouldn't have games like this. A TCG client should just let you play the game. Imagine Pokemon TCG for GB but for the modern age. YOu pay your fifty bucks and you can play the game as much as you want. None of this Microtransaction bullshit. It's scummy, it's evil, and I don't respect it.
I get why ppl don’t like prizes, but prizes is what separates the pokemon TCG a lot from other card games. I would also say that the fact you don’t have access to 6 random cards at the beginning of the game changes each game and makes it unique. I don’t think that they should get rid of it, as prize checking and figuring out what ur prizes are very good for a skilled game. But I understand why ppl don’t like it.

The thing is, the fact that the mechanic leads to some specific skills being required to navigate them is just an unintended consequence. If I had to bet, I would say that back in the 90s, when the game was designed, they just didn't know better, and that's why the mechanic came to be, I doubt they designed it with the deliberate purpose of making it a skill intensive thing. And I also believe that we would be better off without it, the cons outweigh the pros. TCGs already have a degree of randomness by nature, the added randomness of prizes is not only unnecessary, but detrimental, specially in a game that leans so heavily on being so matchup and tech dependant. Praising the fact that the mechanic creates a collateral of demanding skills to solving a problem that shouldn't exist to begin with, is like praising the fact that people who go through some bullshit troubles come out stronger on the other side.
The thing is, the fact that the mechanic leads to some specific skills being required to navigate them is just an unintended consequence. If I had to bet, I would say that back in the 90s, when the game was designed, they just didn't know better, and that's why the mechanic came to be, I doubt they designed it with the deliberate purpose of making it a skill intensive thing. And I also believe that we would be better off without it, the cons outweigh the pros. TCGs already have a degree of randomness by nature, the added randomness of prizes is not only unnecessary, but detrimental, specially in a game that leans so heavily on being so matchup and tech dependant. Praising the fact that the mechanic creates a collateral of demanding skills to solving a problem that shouldn't exist to begin with, is like praising the fact that people who go through some bullshit troubles come out stronger on the other side.
I get it, but every game would feel so repetitive and boring knowing that anything you need in your deck will be there. I’d say the the cons for it really aren’t that bad and prizing adds a sense of risk and chance to the game were you don’t know if something will be there or not. I don’t think they should get rid of it, but include more cards that interact with it. With how far the pokemon tcg has come, it would hurt the image of the game, cause prizes are something the big 3 don’t rlly have. I think it is great that we as a community can debate these things. Some like it, some don’t. But we all love the same card game.