“Stellar Miracle” Pokemon TCG Set Featuring Terapagos ex Revealed!

I don't understand why people get so mad about power creep. Why does it matter if cards are stronger than they were 5-10 years ago? All that matters is that they are a similar power level to current cards. Having over 300 HP doesn't matter if there are other cards that have the same HP.
Even in this extremely "convenient" example you only need to look at the state of Poison and Burn to realize it's not that simple.
There is always context for card power - it's the game's rules. Power doesn't affect just raw numbers on cards, but the resources you can get through those cards. Resources are usually more important than numbers. If you print cards that overshadow the game's rules to an extreme degree, then automatically any deck that cannot slot them is not playable.
Even in this extremely "convenient" example you only need to look at the state of Poison and Burn to realize it's not that simple.
There is always context for card power - it's the game's rules. Power doesn't affect just raw numbers on cards, but the resources you can get through those cards. Resources are usually more important than numbers. If you print cards that overshadow the game's rules to an extreme degree, then automatically any deck that cannot slot them is not playable.
what would you specifically describe as a card that "overshadows the game's rules to an extreme degree" such that "any deck that cannot slot them is not playable"? because i can think of plenty of the former and essentially none of them result in the latter outcome.
And that’s fun how? The last few month I played against only three different decks played by 20+ different people, none of which I’m interested in: Lost Box (the mechanic is so stupid and the games are so long) and two Variants of Charizard (which is the most boring Pokemon and it’s just broken). Lugia is just coming back but it wasn’t viable for a few month now, so don’t act like it was and I saw no one playing Mew for about a year now.
But how long before the last year were people playing Mew? It was all anyone played. I guess it just sounds like maybe you don't like playing competitive Pokémon? That's how it is and it's not going to change anytime soon. Play more casually with friends or find another tcg maybe? Maybe once the new
what would you specifically describe as a card that "overshadows the game's rules to an extreme degree" such that "any deck that cannot slot them is not playable"? because i can think of plenty of the former and essentially none of them result in the latter outcome.
They have to make stuff up to prove their point because their wrong.
Even in this extremely "convenient" example you only need to look at the state of Poison and Burn to realize it's not that simple.
There is always context for card power - it's the game's rules. Power doesn't affect just raw numbers on cards, but the resources you can get through those cards. Resources are usually more important than numbers. If you print cards that overshadow the game's rules to an extreme degree, then automatically any deck that cannot slot them is not playable.
Name one card that over shadows the games rules. Complain about power creep all you want but it doesn't negatively affect the game because they are making multiple cards that are creeping. Now if you want to complain about power creep in the pokémon video games you would have an argument because newer Pokémon over shadow older Pokémon even though they are used in the same games and same formats. The reason it doesn't matter in the tcg is that newer cars aren't played together with older cards because of rotation so the power creep is irrelevant because of the balanced format.
Name one card that over shadows the games rules.
to attempt to pre-emptively explain or diffuse, any example of an effect that allows you to put more than your usual one energy card attach from your hand into play during each of your turns is something that could be described as "overshadowing the game's rules". that's not to say this is exactly what they meant by that, but i think it would be easy to name plenty of cards whose effects circumvent the intended flow of the game by allowing you to come into more resources either in your hand or on the table than you would without an effect putting them there. the difficulty would be convincingly demonstrating that this is an especially bad thing to be happening even though things like this have been around since the game's conception and never really stopped cropping up. cards giving you more cards is a pretty basic thing for them to be doing.
Name one card that over shadows the games rules
For real? The rules stipulate that you can only attach one Energy card per turn, and that you only draw one card per turn. The latter was overshadowed basically on the game's release day, so nobody really minds. But think about cards in the current Standard that attach multiple, if not infinite amount of Energy cards.
Complain about power creep all you want but it doesn't negatively affect the game because they are making multiple cards that are creeping.
There are people - the majority, in fact - who would like to play cards beside the few that are allowed to break the rules.
There are people - the majority, in fact - who would like to play cards beside the few that are allowed to break the rules.
i don't think that you would be able demonstrate this claim if you tried. gesturing at an offscreen "majority of people" who totally agree with you isn't really all that convincing in place of specific examples or argumentation.
i don't think that you would be able demonstrate this claim if you tried.
The usual amount of players who belong to the hyper-competitive category - they min-max and look up guides - is below 10%. In a PvE game I saw numbers below 5%. Pokemon TCG, being a game focused on PvP, might have these numbers skewed higher (you can look up ranked vs unranked players in some of the more popular online games), but I don't believe they would be an extreme outlier from the industry average. Even if it's something unreal like 50%, that's still millions of players who are not competitive.
In Pokemon TCG, the official leaderboards show below 1M who ever gained a Play! Point. It's hard to imagine that someone who attended a single prerelease qualifies as "Spike", but also the amount of PTCG customers is way higher than just 800k.
@Yaginku :
I wouldn't try to argue with that person... In my oppinion is he trying to aggrevate you with the intent to just ignore any information provided and only focusing on their own mindset.
You could rather move a rock with your arguments than certain people.
It's scientificly proven that the more you try to convince people and the more you give them proven facts, the more they'll belive their own belives even if proven wrong/false.

@the whole discussion:
The EX era this time tried to bring back stage 2 but failed at it imo.
You now got a heavy focus on strong, bonkers base Pokémon and the whole part of evolving Pokémon feels like a gimmick for tier 2-3 decks.
THAT is something I meant with powercreep for example, a whole portion of the games mechanics just not beeing useful or even considered in design.
Or as already mentioned, you got trainer cards, not even supporter, attaching energies on a Pokémon without drawbacks and it has become the norm for cards to attach energies for free.
Isn't the format the most diverse it has been in ages? I feel like every set revealed there are a few cards that make a new deck a possibility, and maybe just need a few new cards to become properly competitive.
I wish the tera pokemon worked the same as lv x in which you play it on top of your current one like you would tera in game and that they made multiple types for the same pokemon.
Isn't the format the most diverse it has been in ages? I feel like every set revealed there are a few cards that make a new deck a possibility, and maybe just need a few new cards to become properly competitive.
Finaly some pisitivity here, this format is awesome and we need to Say it more.

We have strong basics, strong stage 2, archetypes, Come back decks, control decks, hyper agressive, 1 prize decks. The only missing thing is hand control
Man, just reading this makes me wish we had ways of punishing Energy acceleration properly. Crushing Hammer, Gengar ex, Enhanced Hammer, Giacomo can only do so much and the first two aren't exactly good at doing it.

That and, to some wishful thinking on my part, Creatures Inc. should consider pushing an "emergency rotation" like the one that occurred before the 2011 World Championships.
Isn't the format the most diverse it has been in ages? I feel like every set revealed there are a few cards that make a new deck a possibility, and maybe just need a few new cards to become properly competitive.
I'd argue that it's diverse to an extent, there are different strategies in place but they kind of fall flat when meeting Energy costs are met with similar strategies that either involve attaching more than one energy per turn, ignoring part of an attack's Energy costs or ignoring them entirely, or just straight-up not attacking unless you can guarantee a win via deckout.
Man, just reading this makes me wish we had ways of punishing Energy acceleration properly. Crushing Hammer, Gengar ex, Enhanced Hammer, Giacomo can only do so much and the first two aren't exactly good at doing it.

That and, to some wishful thinking on my part, Creatures Inc. should consider pushing an "emergency rotation" like the one that occurred before the 2011 World Championships.

I'd argue that it's diverse to an extent, there are different strategies in place but they kind of fall flat when meeting Energy costs are met with similar strategies that either involve attaching more than one energy per turn, ignoring part of an attack's Energy costs or ignoring them entirely, or just straight-up not attacking unless you can guarantee a win via deckout.
but without these energy accel isnt the game kinda boring? i know some of them are really stupid like charizards and bax, but i feel like metang, xatu and supporters are all good and healthy really, i feel like sometimes something problematic comes through, they release counters to it
but without these energy accel isnt the game kinda boring?
It really isn't, in fact you don't have to spend minutes each game watching your opponent set up their engine.
Energy is just a part of the equation for deck speed - commonly called "tempo". You need damage to progress the game, and you need Energy to power up attacks that do damage. If you have Type-conditional energy acceleration, it simply allows that Type to be faster by doing more damage quicker. If you have it on an attacker card (like Charizard), it just allows that deck to be faster.
The last part of this equation is discarding energy from knocked-out Pokemon. It's an additional punishment for committing to high-cost attacks. Acceleration can help you past that penalty and focus on your high-cost attacker.
A card like Crispin is great because it's universal, has a clear drawback (being a Supporter) and forces you to play multiple types of Energy, encouraging deck variety.
Anyway, I like the fact that Stellar type references Crystal types and that, for the first time, we actually have cards that reference Tera and benefit them. Also, the single prizers revealed have interesting effects, and the Trainers are cool too. So yeah, a great reveal.
to attempt to pre-emptively explain or diffuse, any example of an effect that allows you to put more than your usual one energy card attach from your hand into play during each of your turns is something that could be described as "overshadowing the game's rules". that's not to say this is exactly what they meant by that, but i think it would be easy to name plenty of cards whose effects circumvent the intended flow of the game by allowing you to come into more resources either in your hand or on the table than you would without an effect putting them there. the difficulty would be convincingly demonstrating that this is an especially bad thing to be happening even though things like this have been around since the game's conception and never really stopped cropping up. cards giving you more cards is a pretty basic thing for them to be doing.
Oh you mean like base set Blastoise? So you're not mad about power creep you're just a rule follower and are mad they don't follow their own rules? I'm sorry but there's zero chance I'm playing this game if ionly get to attach one energy per turn. It slows down the game a ton and makes a lot of Pokémon unplayable. I'm sorry but no I don't think that over shadows the rules. And if it does it's better for the game so boo hoo.