“The Glory of Team Rocket” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Team Rocket’s Mewtwo ex!

Okay, I’ve read what the item does, and ooooh boy do I feel like the opponent’s bench is constantly going to be under attack. This is going to be like the Tag Call days, but if Tag Call could grab Guzma.
Also, I like that Spidops can one-shot Charizard ex or whatever the next relevant grass-weak darkness type ex will be (Mega Sableye ex? Watch it be a Mega Tyranitar ex with 400 HP that can live a hit from Spidops).
Why does Mewtwo ex have 280 hp as a basic. That is crazy. I know because of the ability it needs a certain requirement to even attack but still.
Team Magma’s Groudon was a single prizer in 2004 with the same Ability (effectively) and the HP of a basic ex (100) instead of that of other normal Groudon (80). I guess it’s tradition.
It doesn’t feel like that big of a step from Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex, but it’s a 27% imcrease from Miraidon ex. I’m sure most people thought of Miraidon ex first and Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex second, but I guess I’m weird.
I have to say, this looks pretty hype. Which might have negative consequences for the people trying to get their hands on it.

Also, if the entire set it either Rocket's Pokemon or Giovanni's Pokemon, it will be an extremely "closed" set with very few interactions outside of itself. Such is the downside of the Trainer's mechanic.
It'll 100% be sold out everywhere because of gambling addicts who use nostalgia to justify their vices (I'm a little bitter about all of this still), but as for the cards themselves, every other set has still had a good amount (if not a majority) of "free agent" pokemon. Though I wouldn't be surprised if instead of 4 trainers, we just get a boatload of rocket cards.
Team Magma’s Groudon was a single prizer in 2004 with the same Ability (effectively) and the HP of a basic ex (100) instead of that of other normal Groudon (80). I guess it’s tradition.
It doesn’t feel like that big of a step from Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex, but it’s a 27% imcrease from Miraidon ex. I’m sure most people thought of Miraidon ex first and Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex second, but I guess I’m weird.
Ah, i see, not very familiar with the 2004 era. Guess it makes sense though
I don't know, that Mewtwo would be good in any balanced format. Having the HP of a Stage 2, hitting for its own HP, and the only requirement to trigger it is to fill your bench with more of them. It does need to tank hits for three turns with supposedly no support, but no deck should hit for 280 damage in Turn 2... right?
Everyone saying mewtwo sucks competitively. Let's not jump to conclusions. First of all the energy is psychic and dark. And we didn't even get a dark type revealed. And it counts as 2 energy as well. It's going to get more cards.
I don't know, that Mewtwo would be good in any balanced format. Having the HP of a Stage 2, hitting for its own HP, and the only requirement to trigger it is to fill your bench with more of them. It does need to tank hits for three turns with supposedly no support, but no deck should hit for 280 damage in Turn 2... right?

The special energy provides 2 energy. You just need an attach for turn on turn 2.
Going second
arven for trolley and charm
fill bench with rockets mons and teal mask, attach rockets energy to mewtwo, e switch, attack? also grass energy for teal mask is good for spidops to provide the energy on the bench to discard + hits zard for weakness (which one shots mewtwo)
This is gonna be yet another scalped to Hell nostalgia bait that 151 was. Persian seems pretty funny, especially with Rocket getting the double energy I've been griping about for the last 2 sets. Spidops actually seems pretty solid, flood the bench with Porygon2/Z, use Terapagos and Area Zero to increase that damage output, but then again you're better off just trying to sweep with Mewtwo. 240 with Spidops just doesn't seem entirely worth it when you can easily attach 2 energy to benched Spidops and deal 280.