“The Glory of Team Rocket” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Team Rocket’s Mewtwo ex!

This is gonna be yet another scalped to Hell nostalgia bait that 151 was.
Unfortunately I fear the same. "Investors" go absolutely bonkers once they see Pikachu, Charizard, Umbreon or Mewtwo.
I'm very curious about Persian's first attack tho, it seems like it could be busted when playing against the right deck. It's like a reverse Slowking, but with 10 cards to pick from, and most importantly, not limited to non-Rule Box Pokémon. Even if you find something like their Fezandipiti ex, you still do a powerful punch
So, active R Mewtwo ex with 1 psychic & 1 Rocket's Energy, two benched R Spidops + 1 (so far unannounced) R Pokemon + 1 Xatu + 1 Fez ex (Or L Clefairy ex). Hit for 280, reattach energies next turn, play Black Belt to OHKO 320's. Prime Catcher as a supporter and an item to find it for you. Did I miss anything?
Sadly currently why wouldn't you just play bolt, it is easier to attack with, doesn't have an extremely limiting ability, and doesn't have a damage cap
Okay, after all the cards are translated, the Team Rocket cards have the exact same issue as Trainer's cards - they're allowing a specific deck to access obviously overpowered effects (here it's Guzma, always-on Lillie, Double Colored Energy, and who knows what else) at the "cost" of being inflexible. In fact, they're even more inflexible than most Trainer's cards.
Because the cards are so strong and because you're not allowed to deckbuild, there are two outcomes - either the deck will be overwhelmingly powerful, or totally outclassed.
I was surprised to see everyone saying this deck will be bad. Just the supporter search and mewtwo alone got me excited plus there must be some dark mons coming at the very least.
You can Xatu to Mewtwo and Retreat somebody for free with Latias in play. You can try to build the deck around Area Zero if you want to go as wide as you can with your setup to make Power Saver less of a problem while also being as aggressive as possible with Squawk. There's a lot to like here for the archetype between a strong Basic attacker, Rocket Guzma, and Rocket DCE because on paper IT FEELS BROKEN
You can Xatu to Mewtwo and Retreat somebody for free with Latias in play. You can try to build the deck around Area Zero if you want to go as wide as you can with your setup to make Power Saver less of a problem while also being as aggressive as possible with Squawk. There's a lot to like here for the archetype between a strong Basic attacker, Rocket Guzma, and Rocket DCE because on paper IT FEELS BROKEN
you've just described a worse raging bolt
At least the mewtwo requires four of its respective team's pokemon vs. the magma groudon's 5. More room to maneuver a tera and maybe a dusclops for the 280 after the ability 50 for a better Giratina VSTAR-style KO by means of tossing energy into discard vs. lost zone! But it needs 3 energy vs. Giratina VSTAR's 2? No problem! Put a counter gain on it and once you have more prizes left...
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At least the mewtwo requires four of its respective team's pokemon vs. the magma groudon's 5. More room to maneuver a tera and maybe a dusclops for the 280 after the ability 50 for a better Giratina VSTAR-style KO by means of tossing energy into discard vs. lost zone!
The OG Team Magma's Groudon requires 4 actually, and I think very importantly, all of them include opponent's Pokémon unlike this Mewtwo
This is gonna be yet another scalped to Hell nostalgia bait that 151 was.

That's just every set now until TPCi wakes the hell up and does anything.

Don't know how people are excited for this. Bots were already crashing the Pokemon Center site yesterday in anticipation of Destined Rivals preorders that didn't even launch yesterday. We aren't getting this set.