“The Glory of Team Rocket” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Team Rocket’s Mewtwo ex!

They haven't made a FA card a ETB promo since Pokémon Go (?). All ETB promos in SV have been IRs, FA Mewtwo being the promo is even less realistic than Meowth.
Already deleted it. Kangaskhan is the 22. IR, but after it comes only Arvens Greedent IR, so an IR as ETB Promo is sure.
Spidops was a choice.
Mewtwo ex is as good as Mewtwo VSTAR and will see about as much competitive play too. Why do they have to power-limit every Mewtwo?!?
The Mewtwo Tag Team was pretty op but ya they like to limit it. I thought Ariados fit team Rocket better for a stage 1 bug they could've used it instead but what do I know
At first I wanted rayquaza in this set, now I'm not sure I want rayquaza in any set until these scalpers, influencers, and "investors" calm down. Collecting rayquaza cards is a struggle fr.
The cards' functionality is really bad, hopefully we'll get some good full arts

Plus, all the scalpers will be going after this so people can get their hands on other stuff
This feels like Mewtwo VSTAR all over again only maybe worse? It's damage is capped at 280 was 270 for the VSTAR. It powers up by discarding energy. And ya it has really high HP for a basic but at the cost of having to have 4 Pokémon on your bench and being limited to only using Rocket Pokémon. I had pretty high expectations but I don't see this being a very good deck.
It might be better than that by virtue of the supporters and energy that make up the Rocket’s package and cards yet to be revealed. There might be some surprises to come.
Surely it’s worth trying to squeeze a Lillie’s Clefairy on the bench (maybe with Area Zero Underdepths) to be able to one shot Dragapult or Raging Bolt??
It might be better than that by virtue of the supporters and energy that make up the Rocket’s package and cards yet to be revealed. There might be some surprises to come.
I hope there is more to make it better because it really feels like Mewtwo VSTAR with better support but I don't really think lack of support was the only thing holding the VSTAR back.
Maybe this has been mentioned previously, but with Mewtwo ex I think Teal Mask Ogerpon on the bench to the initialize Area Zero Underdepths is the way to go with a net increase of 2 bench spaces combined with energy and card draw.
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I’m Japanese and have many phone numbers, but I can’t beat the Chinese residents in Japan (lol).