Looking at it now, it kinda looks like an alt evo of Skitty.
Hegafire0 said:I've been trying to figure out why they don't want to show types. It doesn't seem too important, and the only Pokemon with types revealed are the starters. Yveltal and Xerneas haven't had the types released, and seem hard to surely type. The same thing with Ninfia. Although I don't like the idea of it much, but it seems possible for there to be new types.
jynxed said:They did the same thing with Zoroark at first last time, though, didn't they?
Bolt the Cat said:jynxed said:They did the same thing with Zoroark at first last time, though, didn't they?
I don't think so, but even if they did, Zoroark's type is obvious anyway. Xerneas, Yveltal, and Ninfia's are not.
jynxed said:I think Yveltal is pretty obvious, though.
Sharkopath said:I think I've figured it out. They're introducing a new type, Light.
Nympheon will be a Light type. It's pictured alongside a rainbow, which is diffracted white light, and it's shining. The bows and ribbons further reference the rainbow theme.
Xerneas will have a Light/Grass typing. It's shown bathed in light in the trailer and on a forest background. It's antlers are also rainbow colored.
Yveltal will be Dark/Flying. Light will be supereffective against Dark, but they're balanced out by their respective Grass and Flying types.
This conclusion is consistent with the games' association with genetics. Chromosome is Greek for "colored body," which gives further credence to the idea that Xerneas will have a Light typing since its antlers are literally multicolored and shaped like chromosomes.
Bolt the Cat said:superstarxalien169 said:Here is a better Scan of the CoroCoro page:
Can anyone tell me what move is it using at the upper left?
Looks like Swift to me.
Starboard Driger said:Sharkopath said:I think I've figured it out. They're introducing a new type, Light.
Nympheon will be a Light type. It's pictured alongside a rainbow, which is diffracted white light, and it's shining. The bows and ribbons further reference the rainbow theme.
Xerneas will have a Light/Grass typing. It's shown bathed in light in the trailer and on a forest background. It's antlers are also rainbow colored.
Yveltal will be Dark/Flying. Light will be supereffective against Dark, but they're balanced out by their respective Grass and Flying types.
This conclusion is consistent with the games' association with genetics. Chromosome is Greek for "colored body," which gives further credence to the idea that Xerneas will have a Light typing since its antlers are literally multicolored and shaped like chromosomes.
The rainbow could be referencing the colors/types of the Eeveelutions. I mean, look at it: red = Flareon, yellow/orange = Jolteon, green = Leafeon, blue = Vaporeon/Glaceon, purple = Espeon.
Both theories are plausible, but I think it's more likely that they just threw in a rainbow because it would look better than just clouds in the background.
Blob55 said:Starboard Driger said:The rainbow could be referencing the colors/types of the Eeveelutions. I mean, look at it: red = Flareon, yellow/orange = Jolteon, green = Leafeon, blue = Vaporeon/Glaceon, purple = Espeon.
Both theories are plausible, but I think it's more likely that they just threw in a rainbow because it would look better than just clouds in the background.
But pink isn't a colour of the rainbow and neither is black (Umbreon).
If they really wanted the rainbow theme, they'd make Ninfia Orange.
Bolt the Cat said:Looking at it now, it kinda looks like an alt evo of Skitty.
jawor361 said:I have found something on its type, and it is very convincig ( http://thedailyhotness.net/post/42939398704/ninfia-or-nympheon-is-the-first-of-two-eevee ).
I'd definetly go for light type, or eventually for normal (but it should be brown then), but honestly I don't see Ninfia flying around with its ribbons flapping like wings...