(1) ‘CoroCoro’ Cover Reveals Silhouetted Pokemon, More Leaks Soon [2/11]

The attacks they purposely chose to show in the video are common moves that could be learned by many Pokemon, so it doesn't matter that they're all normal moves. Now that we know the name in other languages we have more clues.

Japanese: Ninfia (Nymph - Greek for female nature spirits)
French: Nymphali (same Nymph as Japanese)
English/Spanish/Italian: Sylveon (Sylph - air elementals/winged fairies or Sylvan - of the woods, both from Latin silva "forest")
German: Feelinara (Fee - German for fairy)

This pretty much only leaves Flying or more unlikely, a new Fairy type. Yes, Normal does encompass some cute "fairy" Pokemon, but they would not make a Normal Eevee evolution because it goes against the entire theme of the Normal typed Eevee being able to evolve into other types.
plutoplanetpower said:
The attacks they purposely chose to show in the video are common moves that could be learned by many Pokemon, so it doesn't matter that they're all normal moves. Now that we know the name in other languages we have more clues.

Japanese: Ninfia (Nymph - Greek for female nature spirits)
French: Nymphali (same Nymph as Japanese)
English/Spanish/Italian: Sylveon (Sylph - air elementals/winged fairies or Sylvan - of the woods, both from Latin silva "forest")
German: Feelinara (Fee - German for fairy)

This pretty much only leaves Flying or more unlikely, a new Fairy type. Yes, Normal does encompass some cute "fairy" Pokemon, but they would not make a Normal Eevee evolution because it goes against the entire theme of the Normal typed Eevee being able to evolve into other types.

GameFreak never claimed Eevee could only evolve into other types, even if it was dual-typed it would not violate any 'rules', this rule is made up by fans, well I have never heard of it, you might have made it up as well, but it does not matter. Just because its name contains 'fairy', does not mean Fairy will be a new type. Wailord is not a Whale-type either, is it?
Actually "spirit" could imply a ghost type however unlikely. I'm still bagging normal, but the English name could easily imply that it's a Ghost type...
Pokequaza said:
plutoplanetpower said:
The attacks they purposely chose to show in the video are common moves that could be learned by many Pokemon, so it doesn't matter that they're all normal moves. Now that we know the name in other languages we have more clues.

Japanese: Ninfia (Nymph - Greek for female nature spirits)
French: Nymphali (same Nymph as Japanese)
English/Spanish/Italian: Sylveon (Sylph - air elementals/winged fairies or Sylvan - of the woods, both from Latin silva "forest")
German: Feelinara (Fee - German for fairy)

This pretty much only leaves Flying or more unlikely, a new Fairy type. Yes, Normal does encompass some cute "fairy" Pokemon, but they would not make a Normal Eevee evolution because it goes against the entire theme of the Normal typed Eevee being able to evolve into other types.

GameFreak never claimed Eevee could only evolve into other types, even if it was dual-typed it would not violate any 'rules', this rule is made up by fans, well I have never heard of it, you might have made it up as well, but it does not matter. Just because its name contains 'fairy', does not mean Fairy will be a new type. Wailord is not a Whale-type either, is it?

I didn't say "rule," I said theme. It's just an observation that I and many others have made that Eevee's gimmick up until this point has been it's versatility to evolve into other types and many feel that it would be strange to break that trend now. That's it. Of course fairy doesn't mean it will be a new type, it's obvious that that part is just part of our fan speculation.
plutoplanetpower said:
they would not make a Normal Eevee evolution because it goes against the entire theme of the Normal typed Eevee being able to evolve into other types.

The situation is unprecedented.

A single eeveelution with no obvious type implication in its design nor its name, goes against what we took for granted about eeveelutions.
PMJ said:
Also, Dark/Psychic/Fighting isn't a trinity. It's flawed because Dark is immune to Psychic, not resistant to it. Aside from Fire/Grass/Water, the only other legitimate trinity of types is Rock/Flying/Fighting.

Fire, Rock, Steel and Grass, Ground, Poison also work like that.
Frost said:
PMJ said:
Also, Dark/Psychic/Fighting isn't a trinity. It's flawed because Dark is immune to Psychic, not resistant to it. Aside from Fire/Grass/Water, the only other legitimate trinity of types is Rock/Flying/Fighting.

Fire, Rock, Steel and Grass, Ground, Poison also work like that.

They don't resist each other in the opposite way.
Yes they do. Rock resists Fire, Fire resists Steel and Steel resists Rock; Grass resists Ground, Poison resists Grass and Ground resists Poison. They're exactly the same type of "triangle" as Grass, Water and Fire are, only without being inherently obvious to the kids, which I think is just as valid a reason for why they keep sticking to the traditional types as the fact that they all are super effective against and resist each other equally.
Frost said:
Yes they do. Rock resists Fire, Fire resists Steel and Steel resists Rock; Grass resists Ground, Poison resists Grass and Ground resists Poison. They're exactly the same type of "triangle" as Grass, Water and Fire are, only without being inherently obvious to the kids, which I think is just as valid a reason for why they keep sticking to the traditional types as the fact that they all are super effective against and resist each other equally.

Still not really like Fire, Water and Grass, as these three types resist their own type as well. Rock does normal damage to itself, and so does Ground.
Frost is right.
@Pokequaza: Fighting doesn't resist Fighting, Flying doesn't resist Flying, Rock doesn't resist Rock - so what?
Light type... No. Just no. I am certain its a normal type.

And from a friend of mine: Its a ghost type. Look at it's eyes.

I see why, but it cant be.

And how would it fly? The bow becoming wings? That is NOT like a pokemon.
Uh... Judging by the name "Sylveon", I would assume without a shadow of a doubt that it's flying, since it very clearly comes from the word "Sylph", which is a small, invisible air pixie thing.
Teal said:
Frost is right.
@Pokequaza: Fighting doesn't resist Fighting, Flying doesn't resist Flying, Rock doesn't resist Rock - so what?

Frost claimed that Rock - Fire - Steel worked exactly as Grass - Fire - Water did, they do not. In the 'original' triangle, they all resist their own type, are strong against another type and are weak against the last type (Grass resists Grass, is weak against Fire, and is strong against Water). This is not the case with Rock - Fire - Steel and the other type-triangle he/she mentioned.
This talk of "defining triangles" is really kind of silly; aren't they three sided polygonal shapes where two of the sides must be the same length or longer than the hypotenuse with a total of 180 degrees in the angles? What does that have to do with Sylveon?

I was just sayin' to a friend the other day that if it's a flying type, I would nickname it "Sylph" when I get it. I bet it evolves when it takes the trust test where it falls backward into its trainer, lol.
SuperArtNinja said:
This talk of "defining triangles" is really kind of silly; aren't they three sided polygonal shapes where two of the sides must be the same length or longer than the hypotenuse with a total of 180 degrees in the angles? What does that have to do with Sylveon?

If want to be sarcastic, do it good; A triangle is a polygon with three corners and three sides.
The name Sylveon sounded similar to me because of something else, but I couldn't remember what... Now that someone mentioned the word "sylphs", I remembered it. The name reminds me of Silphymon...
KiranTheWitch said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
I'd like to point out that on the bottom left hand corner of the page of Corocoro that shows us Sylveon's artwork, there seems to be another silhouette.

There's no silhouette. I have no idea what you're talking about.

...Wowwwwwww I cannot believe no one noticed this including me. Good job, Kiran!

This really does not look like Sylveon which makes me happy. It says something about B+W2 on it too???
I see it too. It's on the right page with the lines in the bottom left corner. I might be crazy though, but there are dark lines in the bottom left corner.