(1) 2010-11 Modified Format: Majestic Dawn and On! [6/4]

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amisheskimoninja said:
Wow, so you mean they're even cutting pop 9? That didn't come out very long ago. Not even a year.

It's strange indeed. Both Pop 8 and Pop 9 came out after Legends Awakened.
Oh dear god they left Machamp and took out unown g. *facepalm* What were they thinking?
pythagoras said:
Oh dear god they left Machamp and took out unown g. *facepalm* What were they thinking?

That people will tech Machamp against SPs and nobody cares about Arceus?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! What have they done!?!?!

I thought that a Platinum-on format would be kinda annoying. Majestic Dawn!? Are they out of their minds? I'm sick and tired of Uxie, and Azelf, and Mesprit, and Gengar, and Macheap, and Gyarados, and Sableye. I was looking forward to a slower format. So, they got rid of Claydol, but they let SPs keep their Uxie. Great. Sure they left us Machamp to "handle" them, but every deck will just tech in 2 Toxicroaks, problem solved. Unless something game-changing comes out soon, the next format is ruined imo. If I weren't so darn attached to Pokemon I might stop playing.
I thought that since Claydol was going to be used for the league challenge prizes that it wasn't going to get rotated out when the rotation finally came.
I kinda like it. IMO, it really could be worse. Can someone explain why it's so bad? I don't mean to be rude, I just don't understand. Though, I will miss Rosy.
yeah, this sucks and I don't even play. They took out Unown G and Claydol but left Uxie, Machamp, Gengar and Gyarados... EPIC FAIL...
Flare said:
I'm pretty happy about this, actually. I can see why people would be upset, but this means I'll probably be able to play my CurseGar deck next season, with the only big losses being Moonlight Stadium and Mr. Mime MT.

Umm.... What about CLAAAYDOOL?? CurseGar is ruined without constant draw power, end of story.

Gyarados is just about ruined without Felicity's.

Stage 2s that aren't Machamp or donk based are ruined without Claydol.

SPs continue to dominate....

We're going to have a really weird format, without claydol, we have no Gengar, without Unown G, we're hopeless against Machamp, so the metagame? What would that be?... Long story short, Pokemon really needs to rethink their format change
^Not really... Jumpluff has Sunflora. Charizard has Ninetales. Those will be the most common Stage 2s next season anyway.
SPs are just going to be broken against anything that doesn't use Ninetales
Prepare for nothing but Luxchomp and Machamp this format.
Man I am glad they are keeping all but 4 sets since I have not been able to get any cards for nearly a whole year now. I hope they release the Scizor over Wi-Fi here as well and the reverse holo card looks pretty cool as well too.:)
supersonic711 said:
SPs are just going to be broken against anything that doesn't use Ninetales
Prepare for nothing but Luxchomp this format.
SPs won't be broken, Machamp will PWN and I see a return of any Gengar that isn't curse... SPs are going to be WAY to vulnerable
jirachinick said:
SPs won't be broken, Machamp will PWN and I see a return of any Gengar that isn't curse... SPs are going to be WAY to vulnerable

Machamp and Gengar both rely heavily on Claydol, which is going bye-bye. Also, only like 1-2 cards (maybe) are getting rotated out of SP decks. (Unown G, Nm, Gallade [I've run into a LuxChomp playing it before, anti-Mewtwo tech])
So I guess it was a good thing I tore apart my Gengar deck apart afterall, unfortunately I don't think a
3-1 Uxie Lv. X tech would make it as consistent as Claydol has and Machamp has no chance of success with Spiritomb locking away a T1 Donk with Keystone Seal let alone the new Vileplume in the next set.

However I still have high hopes for Blastoise/Feraligatr, what would be the best engine replacement for it? Staraptor FB Lv. X for Fast Call? Delibird for Snowy Present? I got this bad feeling that Uxie Lv. X for Trade Off will make it real slow but it could work somehow.

Against Slow setup decks yes, not so much against Aggro.
Daren said:
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! What have they done!?!?!

I thought that a Platinum-on format would be kinda annoying. Majestic Dawn!? Are they out of their minds? I'm sick and tired of Uxie, and Azelf, and Mesprit, and Gengar, and Macheap, and Gyarados, and Sableye. I was looking forward to a slower format. So, they got rid of Claydol, but they let SPs keep their Uxie. Great. Sure they left us Machamp to "handle" them, but every deck will just tech in 2 Toxicroaks, problem solved. Unless something game-changing comes out soon, the next format is ruined imo. If I weren't so darn attached to Pokemon I might stop playing.

Yeah, I agree with you there. PL-on would have been so much better arguably, at least it would have had more variety. Cutting Rosies and Claydol isn't enough. Huge mistake IMO to really shake up the meta.

dmaster out.
imo this isnt the best rotation but it could have been worse....
This set rotation is . . . unusual.
Only four sets going good-bye.
The only things I can actually think of that are going away are Dusknoir DP, Night Maintenance (big deal we have Palmer and soon Flower Shop Girl), Gardy, Unown G, Roseanne's Research, and the obvious Claydol. Past that nothing of real interest.

Furthermore I find it strange that they want to keep the set number at 13, which means it maybe RR-on next year.

Very strange.

As for the rotation itself my problems lie far out of the rotation's reach, so I just don't care.
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