(1) 2010-11 Modified Format: Majestic Dawn and On! [6/4]

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This means that they have to ban Machamp, as now against any basic it wins.

WPM, please post the Poképark Wii release date that I know so more people see it!
I was prepared for a PT-on shift, but with 3 other sets, we have to rethink what is going to happen. With Machamp UnownG-less, SP decks will be cut back, and people just plain won't use them as much. And if Machamp is on the rise, Gengar and any other possible Psychic decks will be on the rise as well. But what all do we retain from each set?

MD - Call Energy, Dawn Stadium, Glaceon/Leafeon X, Porygon-Z X (decent draw engine if you can find the space in your deck, unlikely however), Unown Q (for Spiritomb), and Warp Point (> Switch)

LA - AMU X, Gliscor X, Kingdra, Mewtwo X, Regice (No Felicity), Stark Mountain, Devoluter

SF - Dusknoir X, Gyarados (No Felicity), Heatran X, Luxury Ball, Machamp, Poke +'s, Premier Ball

What decks and techs we lost from the first 4 sets:

DP - Dark Palm Dusknoir, that's pretty much it.

MT - Magmortar X, Mr. Mime, Team Galactic's Wager (Now replaced with Judge), Time-Space Distortion

SW - Gallade/Gardevoir X, Roseanne's Research, Weavile

GE - Claydol, Darkrai X, Claydol, Felicity's Drawing, Claydol, Moonlight, Claydol, Sceptile, Claydol, Unown G, Claydol

So what do these 4 sets have to do with current Metagame decks? Obviously Gyarados is gonna die, even if he's still available. Dark Decks lose support with Darkrai X (sometimes played) and Moonlight (Tyranitar Prime's best friend). Roseanne has some takers for top Supporter, I believe Cyrus in 1st, Bebe in 2nd, and Collector in 3rd, with PONT right after. Claydol screws anything that ran him over, but I'm glad to see him go. Unown G leaves SP more vulnerable, so their speed catches up with them (Oh crap, I forgot to be an evolved Pokemon!) Flychamp with Tomb FTW, no Claydol needed.
This rotation makes sure that sp's and evo's are on equal footing now....
W00T, this is just AMAZING news. They sadly cut off Claydol, but hey, we have Uxie. Anyways, I really can't see why you guys hate DP-LA.. What should we do without Azelf? Donk decks had been ruined without Uxie, and there is NO point in Palkia G X without Mesprit. I'm VERY happy about this rotation.
Why is the format ruined? SP is one of the best things to ever happen to pokemon.

Yes, let's hate on toolboxes, the things that make THINGS GOOD.

I'm happy with the rotation. a bit disappointed that pretty much everything that made Jumpluff just went down the crapper, but the fact that SF is still legal makes me extremely happy.
My only complaint is that Fainting Spell/Shadow Room Gengar will still be around! Gloscor/Spiritomb is ALSO annoying.

Glad my deck isn't hurt TOO bad... I just need to replace my 2nd Stage 2 Evo Line with something else, Claydol, and the G's...

I expected my ENTIRE DECK to go out the window.
Wow, I like the new rotation. Luxchomp stays king for one more year. :D. 2 toxicroak G techs will get rid of machamp near enough. Plus it will be a bit slower now thanks to the rotation of claydol.
I laugh at the people who thought that we were going to have PT-on. That means I laugh at myself, but that's beside the point.
But now I'm sad. Gengar and Gyrados decks will reign for yet another year.
sgtspontaneous said:
MD - Call Energy, Dawn Stadium, Glaceon/Leafeon X, Porygon-Z X (decent draw engine if you can find the space in your deck, unlikely however),

How are you going to play pory Z X without a porygon Z?
amisheskimoninja, you can play the Porygon-Z promo (which I find better) but there is no Porygon or Porygon2! I have a great Porygon-Z deck, (thanks to Regi for the idea) but it will go down the drain without Porygon or Porygon2. I think PUSA messed up. But, on the flip side, If it was Platinum on, we'd have Drapion Lv.X but no Drapion. The way the sets came out was crazy back with the Lv.X's in different sets than the non Lv.X's.
I forgot to mention, I am looking forward to running a combo of SF Gengar, Gengar (Prime), and Gengar Lv.X. It'll be fun.

Plus, where is the Claydol???
I want my drawpower!
Eh, maybe Magnezone (Prime) will be the next Claydol.
It's a stage 2, though...

I wanted Machamp gone...
SP's forever!
I lost a game at Battle Roads to a four-heads Hurricane Punch from Machamp. :(
I don't see why people are saying that Jumpluff will die. It has Sunflora to replace Claydol, though of course it's not as good, and the rest of the deck is still fine.
Haha, Jumpluff will not die, all Im saying is cyrus conspiracy will be found in any deck that uses Luxray in it from now on.
"I see what u did thar". PUSA's trying to wane us off of all of this insane speed, so next rotation, when they cut everything pre HGSS, we're not all floundering about without any draw power. Also, no more unown G means playing SP is a bigger risk then before, seeing as Machamp can easily whip SP decks even without Claydol. Uxies and Unown Rs FTW. I really think that I'll miss Roseanne's the most though. Give us back our versatile searcher, PUSA! Maybe they'll reprint it, or come up with something better.
kashmaster said:
^ gyarados might die since no felecity + vileplume = Autowin against gyarados.
There's no such thing as an automatic win. It's a severe disadvantage, but there is no such thing as an auto win. You start with a single Oddish and 6 energy, I get a perfect hand. What do you call that? I certainly don't call it an automatic win.

And besides, we'll still have Regice for bringing up those plentiful Uxies that you're bound to see on the bench while discarding Magikarp. Plus, you won't waste your Supporter/use Sableye's attack for that turn. Kingdra could be used to dump the Magikarps. Many, many things discard cards from your hand. Gyarados will receive a pretty big blow, but it will NOT die out.
Oh Kingdra you live to see another season, it'll be great now that my deck will still be here. However now the Rosy's is going I might start puting more energy in the deck and also collectors. I like the rotation many because I hadn't gotten around to trading the pre PL sets.;)
Thank god it isn't PL-on, then it would have been nothing but SP decks until they released something good in the November set. At least they kept Gengar SF and Machamp SF as well as Mewtwo lvX (somethinkg to keep thoe pesky SP deck in check). Though this does kinda ruin my Jumpluff deck, i guess a 3-1 uxie lvX with SSU will have to do.

Gyarados won;t take that big a blow, you'll just to have to rely on Regice and Volkner's Philosophy, the T2 80 is still possible. (2 karps in the discard and an E.Belt attached)
TDA said:
This rotation makes sure that sp's and evo's are on equal footing now...
How is that? The only card they've lost is roseanne's. Evo's have lost one of their greatest assets.

Rubyiris said:
Why is the format ruined? SP is one of the best things to ever happen to pokemon.

Yes, let's hate on toolboxes, the things that make THINGS GOOD.

I'm happy with the rotation. a bit disappointed that pretty much everything that made Jumpluff just went down the crapper, but the fact that SF is still legal makes me extremely happy.
Because a good format is a versitile format, and that doesn't mean different builds of the same archetype.

Setosama said:
My only complaint is that Fainting Spell/Shadow Room Gengar will still be around! Gloscor/Spiritomb is ALSO annoying.

Glad my deck isn't hurt TOO bad... I just need to replace my 2nd Stage 2 Evo Line with something else, Claydol, and the G's...

I expected my ENTIRE DECK to go out the window.
Glisctomb won't have unown K anymore, but that only gets rid of one of their builds.

greeniax said:
"I see what u did thar". PUSA's trying to wane us off of all of this insane speed, so next rotation, when they cut everything pre HGSS, we're not all floundering about without any draw power. Also, no more unown G means playing SP is a bigger risk then before, seeing as Machamp can easily whip SP decks even without Claydol. Uxies and Unown Rs FTW. I really think that I'll miss Roseanne's the most though. Give us back our versatile searcher, PUSA! Maybe they'll reprint it, or come up with something better.
What do you mean wane us off this insane speed? One of the fastest decks in the format has hardly lost any speed at all. If anything, it's simply narrowed where we manipulate that speed. Playing sp is hardly going to be a risk, so what if machamp could pull it off as a real deck or a tech? Toxicroak g stomps all over it. No skip in sp's stride. SP has practically lost nothing, and will be gaining more with hunter coming out, while almost every other deck has lost a big piece of it's archetype. This is a very one sided format shift.

kashmaster said:
^ gyarados might die since no felecity + vileplume = Autowin against gyarados.
Regice+Floatzel GL will keep things just fine with gyrados.
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