(1) 2010-11 Modified Format: Majestic Dawn and On! [6/4]

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OK, I think now everyone will play fire decks because of ninetales. delta.dec is gonna be terrific.
TDA said:
machamp/mew2/spiritomb/call...we are on equal footing than if it were pt-on...
Oh, well the footing still isn't equal, and not really better than pt-on, machamp will do nothing, toxicroak, as I said in that post, stomps all over machamp, and none of those other things have gotten better. SP can still use mewtwo X to counter mewtwo X, or use dialga, or use mismagius. They also use call energy, more effectively if anything. Spiritomb's in AR...and hasn't proven, in this format, to stop SP.

In a PT-on format they wouldn't have uxie, their main draw engine, aside from cyrus's. Like I said they've lost almost nothing. And with Hunter coming out, are becoming stronger.
OMG we get to keep evelutions, and with the addition of Umbreon and Espeon Prime being released they maybe a good deck. I had this weird feeling it might be Majestic Dawn on and I'm so glad that it is.
G-dos will be slower i think.
SP decks are going to tech toxitank in and add more stadiums because of Machamp. or still using Uxie X
I can understand why some people have been upset about this rotation as oppose to a predicted PLAT-and-on format, but seeing as I'm a big Eeveelution fan and have some big plans for the new Eeveelutions due to come out in August, I'm actually THRILLED to see MD still in this. Leafeon Lv X and HS Unleashed Roserade, anyone? ^^

Anyways, this still takes out some very key cards. Claydol and all the pixies that we love to use (namely Azelf) will all disappear, as does the popular Gardevior (sp?) and Gallade decks. The so-widely used Roseanne's Research will also be no more, so decks with 2+ different types of energies will be a little more difficult to play. You might find Energy Search begin to be used again in those decks. With Claydol's leaving, Flygon decks may be a little harder to play, too, as I've seen a good number use Claydol as a draw engine.

Overall, I don't believe that it's as crappy as a rotation as people are claiming it to be. The MD Eeveelutions get one final chance to prove themselves. Most every deck will need to make adjustments to compensate for the lack of Azelf and Claydol (excluding some SP decks, which are largely unaffacted), and with Azelf gone, key pokemon trapped in your prize cards will once again become a big factor. This rotation isn't enough to change the face of the metagame as a whole, but it WILL change most decks and perhaps give fire decks a shot at proving their worth with the fire-type draw engine, Ninetales. The inability to get your key pokemon out of the prize cards with Azelf will perhaps be one of the greater fears that a good number of decks will harbor.


Ignore what I said about the pixies. They're LA, not GE, so they will still be legal. I totally misunderstood the symbol. Heheh. ^^;
The pixies haven't been rotated out, they're in LA.

I'm not really sure how to feel about this rotation. It should be fun, but I feel like there's a lot less potential for rogue decks. Personally, I'm having trouble deciding what deck to play come August, though I'm leaning towards Charizard at the moment.. We'll have to see.
Heheh. Whoops. Misunderstood the symbol. lol Well that's good, then. Glad that prize cards won't be a strong factor. I'll go correct that in my original post. ^^;
green_monkey said:

Pokemon Rumble
HS Trainer Kit
DP Promos # 22 and higher
and ALL HGSS Promos

...Those aren't POP cards...

Also, wait. They said that they wanted 9 sets at the beginning of the season and 13 at the end, right?
But, won't they have 10 sets this time? Undaunted's being released before the next season begins, so...
Worse rotation ever. The EX era was by far the best IMO, there's a reason it lasted 15 sets. It was just the right speed, and plenty of diversity.

This, however, is just plain messed up. SP engine is so overpowered it's not even funny. If not for my love of the game, I wouldn't have even considered coming back from hiatus knowing how SP has dominated and will continue to dominate. It's even more tiring to see people net decks ie copy-paste deck lists off the internet.

Losing Felicity's, Claydol, Roseane's, and even some competitive pokemon, just means anything that isn't SP will have even less of a fighting chance.

Ah well, whatever happens, happens. I'll stick to my evolutions through this long, painful journey of waiting for SP to be phased out.
I just realized how much SP's will be affected with the rotation when I checked my SP deck and only four cards are being rotated, which I am filling in with two Hunter's and two Energy Exchange Unit's. SP's are going to be overpowered. But has anyone noticed that Uxie Lv.X + Lucario GL equals 120 damage to a Machamp, or 140 with an Expert Belt? Uxie Lv.X is a great Drawpower/Machamp tech.
Decmaster said:
I just realized how much SP's will be affected with the rotation when I checked my SP deck and only four cards are being rotated, which I am filling in with two Hunter's and two Energy Exchange Unit's. SP's are going to be overpowered. But has anyone noticed that Uxie Lv.X + Lucario GL equals 120 damage to a Machamp, or 140 with an Expert Belt? Uxie Lv.X is a great Drawpower/Machamp tech.

Yep. But if you're building an anti SP deck, you can throw some bubble coats in it to take care of the problem. They're nice and fast as opposed to Exploud.
Muddy68 said:
There is a reason they cut Unown G. This way, Machamp will stop SPs.

Why does everyone think that Unown G is the only thing to stop Champ? All people have to do is bump up their Toxicroak G lines (or just add them) and they're set.
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