(1) 2010-11 Modified Format: Majestic Dawn and On! [6/4]

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Wow. I did not see this coming. We keep Gyarados, Uxie, AND the SP engine...

This format is gonna be huge!
We'll get around Roseanne's and Claydol. We have Collector and Cyrus' for Roseanne's, and Uxie(plus SSU)/Ninetales for draw power. And plus, we don't even know what we're getting in our next four sets.
No POP9 even? I guess there is a MT reprint (Gible), but still...
im extremely happy about this. im glad to continue playing decks like flyphan flychamp gyarados luxpluff and more :D
The Power of Three said:

Shoot me now.

PUSA's screwed up before, but this is just stupid beyond words. >__>

Who's up for starting on Magic? Anyone?

Idk, the fact that my Eevee's stay in format make me

my pants. (Bad MTG pun...)
The worst format I think they could've done, this makes Machamp/Gengar too good IMO, but not as consistent w/out Claydol..
Also THREE sets of Eevees, pretty sure that's never happened before and that's a joke. Also as far as i'm concerned this format is a joke, some decks are just crippled while SPs in essence get better as the loss of Rosy/Claydol doesn't affect them as much as Evolutions(SPs have cyrus for energies and a lot don't use claydol anymore), also isn't felicity's rotated out now? That could hurt Gyarados.
Props to all of you who kept those Mesprits,Uxies, Azelfs and SF Cards(thank god i'm included in that), and to think of it i almost just sold my call energy for next to nothing since i thought they were going to be rotated, good thing i kept those, i expect that to be the most expensive non legend /lv.x.

edit-also dude who posted up on me, Porygon Z LV.X isn't rotated out, it was released in MD and the Porygon Z in the regular sets was pretty crummy too.
Sabett said:
How is that? The only card they've lost is roseanne's. Evo's have lost one of their greatest assets.
machamp/mew2/spiritomb/call.....we are on equal footing than if it were pt-on...
So, like everyone else, I'm am also angry.


Do you think we could gather 50% of the market and revolt against this madness ? You know like get everyone we know to e-mail PUSA about this madness, and make them change the modified-format and threaten them with our business. I think if half their market was complaining they would definitely change some stuff around. Personally I would like HGSS-on, but even I know that's ridiculous.
I'm actually surprised they didn't factor in POP8+9... Rosie's would stay in then... anyone else realize that?
Why does everyone hate SP now that it's MD on? SPs were always overpowered and lame, and Pt-on they would be even worse.
6-Dimension said:
Why does everyone hate SP now that it's MD on? SPs were always overpowered and lame, and Pt-on they would be even worse.
NO, if ti were PL on, the SP decks would have no drawpower, with Uxie gone, our only drawpower left would be ninetales, changing the metagame a lot
6-Dimension said:
Why does everyone hate SP now that it's MD on? SPs were always overpowered and lame, and Pt-on they would be even worse.

i agree.but they would lose draw power like uxie. my brother personally thinks that uxie mesprit and azelf are a big waste of deck space
I am not surprised at all. I knew they were only going to get rid of the first 4 sets. I am not mad or sad. I just saw it coming.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Everyone forgot that Rosie's is in Stormfront? -_-

lol, i don't know what Stormfront set you've been looking at, but there's no Roseanne's Research in Stormfront.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Everyone forgot that Rosie's is in Stormfront? -_-
theres no rosies in stormfront. it secret wonders and some pop set. and those two sets have both been cut
Last year, we we're all exited that they weren't taking any sets out, but know, we're made that they aren't taking enough out....
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