(1) 40+ 'Call of Legends' Scans [1/27]

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@DNA: I completely agree with you on Dialga. Why in the world would I want to shuffle my hand into my deck. And wow, they misspelled Phanpy....that's pretty bad. I do however like some of the artwork. That Magmar looks awesome along with the Vulpix.
The good cards in this set so far: Mr.Mime, Skarmory, and some Traners and Supporters, Though, only one of those cards is brand new so yeah....
Yeah, this set is not the best one I have ever seen. Agreed you two, I don't see how that Dialga can be good at all. However, I will admit, I like the artwork. Dialga looks cool in my opinion, but the attack is not good at all.
Only cards I see that I approve from the 42 cards batch:
Mr Mime
Research Document

And lol, I remember the Drowsee naming error of 2004. And now this. Oh lol.
I was going to hit up 2 prereleases for this (as is my custom for every set), but I think I'll just hit up the one and buy/trade the stuff that I want with the cash I save. Wow, is this set bad. I would hate to pull any of those "legendary" cards.
Why reprint TSS if you're not going to produce any art for those? Pathetic.

Dialga, Groudon and Palkia were Japanese Promos, and they're usually not meant to be played, just collected. That's why those cards are so bad. They were created with the intention of collecting, not playing.

RH HGSS Energy is something to look forward to. Vulpix art looks gorgeous, Magikarp looks epic.
can anyone think of a good explanation as to why we're getting reprints of cards that havent even been out for a year
I dont like the set ^ good point heck cards we havnt even had for 6 months. there just isnt any point. im sure the phanphy will be collectable so im gonna get it for that...and lost world...and well i guess there are reasons to get these sets.
@DNA: It's not the fact that they misspelled Phanpy that gets me; it's the fact that they misspelled it TWICE.

@Hikikomori: They're releasing HGSS Energy as RH? When did this happen??? EXCITEMENT

Also I really wouldn't care for this set except I collect all shiny Pokemon so I have an obligation to buy lots of packs.

EDIT: Foil HGSS Energies sound waaaayyyy too good!!! :) I can't wait!
Call me crazy but that new Dialga might actually work with Rayquaza C Lv. X and that "Look Ma No Hand Strategy". Only problem is that it requires {W}{P}{F} besides {M} so it might not be that consistent. Rainbow Energies and Interviewer's might work but it's still kinda janky. I'd help Milotic SV hit for 110 damage with Scale Blow and a Expert Belt attached.
^Looker's investigation can already do that. Just Looker your own hand and nab 0. Cards like Dialga exemplify how bad this set is.
godzillab10 said:
can anyone think of a good explanation as to why we're getting reprints of cards that havent even been out for a year
Call of Legends may be the first set of the next Modified format - so it's "saving" several of the cards from the previous sets.
@ Water Pokemon Master: You mean next next Modified format right? Having only CoL and the B/W sets next rotation would be pretty limiting...
"This Set is Terrible"
It can't be that bad surely. There's probably a few decent cards in this set. So let's see what's in this set.....SHWEET (insert whatever words you want to here)
OK to be honest, considering what I thought was going to be in the set it's not that bad. It's still bad, but those that are still playing for the next few years might be glad to see cards from this set in a few years time.
My main problem is that it seems most, if not all, cards are from HGSS sets. But yeah, cards that do fairly high damage but at high cost and some risk (Donphan, Ursaring) might be the best things about this set in future formats. Well that along with the trainers, supporters and stadiums WHY REPRINT CHEERLEADER'S CHEER....sorry I'm going to be calm and rational about IT'S GOING TO BE REPLACED WHEN BLACK AND WHITE GET'S RELEASED.....sorry. Must hold it in. Must. Hold. It. IN!!!
I actually can't wait for Research Documents. Being able to play that right before a draw card is going to be superb. "Oh look, bunch of card I don't need. Well I'll just stick one right there on top (that's a keeper) and the rest can go right down there. Ok Uxie do your thing!
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