(1) 40+ 'Call of Legends' Scans [1/27]

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Oh no! We're doomed! The game is broken. You have no chance to survive, Make your time!!

Also, @ Afro-G, you don't know there won't be an errata. Those happen after the set comes out.
Honestly I think its gonna be harder to get 6 Pokemon in the Lost Zone than everyone thinks, you just gotta play your hand smart. Im in the school of thought that LostGar is going to be a top tier deck, yet not break the game like a lot of people are fearing.
Thanks Tamoo. Yeah I think it says 81 as well.
Anyway, now it's time to sit back, relax, hit refresh on this page a few times and see how many posts we get along the lines of "only six pokemon, this card is so broken"
(also thought of another reason why this set kinda bugs me. Too many rare cards in general)
I definitely agree with Stanky! here. Some people say Lostgar is going to completely wreak the format others are saying that everybody's going to play it for states, lose with it, and decide it's a bad deck. I don't think it's either of those. I do think it will be a good deck and a tough deck to beat, but I do not think that Lostgar is a practically unbeatable deck like some people say.

To Mods: I apologize if I went off topic to much.

Edit: On topic: Pineco is probably one of my least favorite reprint in the set because of the artwork. Just look at Pineco UD and Pineco CoL.
Compare them and laugh.
"Once during each player's turn, if that player's opponent has 6 or more Pokemon in his or her Lost Zone, that player may choose to win the game."

...That's impossible. You can't win The Game just by choice.
^That wording is unfortunate because it means both players can't win at once. Which means it will be more difficult to counter a lost gar deck with a mewperior deck. I was planning on just using their lost zoned gengar to lost zone their stuff.
As far as the set goes, I'd say we should all just be patient. There are still several cards we haven't seen, and if my suspicion on a couple cards is right, the best is yet to come.
I think that people are over reacting with the whole Lost World thing. I've played a LostGar deck before. It's like with VilGar, just keep the Pokemon out of your hand like you would trainers.(there not going to always have a Seeker.)

I don't like the set all that much, but I can't say I hate it. The Rev Holo Energies are going to be awesome, so is Pachirisu, and some more cards will be worth it, also, I am still going to the Pre-release with my brother.

I know those of you who are saying LostGar is going to dominate are entitled to your opinion. So if you think it's going to do so good, why don't you play it? Heck, the more people who play it, the more people I beat...
^seeker isn't the only problem. You also have to worry about spiritombs forcing you to shuffle and draw a 6 card hand.
Which can be power sprayed. People just have to run a lower pokemon count, like 3-2-3 instead of 3-3-3 or 4-3-4.
The more spiritombs they play, the more prizes I take with Thunder Fall.

I like the art work on Groudon a lot =)
@Afro-G: I know Pineco's artwork is almost a flipped copy, but look at Tyrogue's artwork.

Palkia's artwork is very good though.
Which can be power sprayed. People just have to run a lower pokemon count, like 3-2-3 instead of 3-3-3 or 4-3-4.

I'm going to avoid starting yet another SP vs. Lost world thread, and instead point out that your deck will run slower and less consistently if you reduce your pokemon lines. Plus when they do manage to lost zone a whole evolution you've lost even more attacking potential.
Wowzorz. The epic-artwork Legendary cards are terrible. Time Rewind? Are you kidding me? I love the artwork, but these cards make me cry.

Skarmory CoL > Skarmory UD in artwork. I like the rainbow-shards of glass things. Nice.
I think UD is now a great set.
Only b/c of Smeargle and the fact that it had primes, this set has RH Basic energy,mime jr. and Lost world. This set is just sad..
As long as they are going HGSS on reprints, who wants a Smeargle other than me??
any news of any Pikachu Japanese Promo's being translated and put in this set? :)
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