(1) All PokeBeach Card Scans Re-Scanned, Re-Edited, Re-Placed [8/16]

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They certainly are better then before. They look clearer and just look more amazing! And now we have Unown G! ^.^

(Or is that old news. >.>)
Banner makers will appreciate you to no end Jon. =] Wait I'm a banner maker! I guess I appreciate you to no end! =D

Yes we have all of them, but what about the promo cards? When will we get those?
Wow, the quality is just amazing. They look just like if someone taped the real card to the screen(except for the size)
This is really amazing . they are absolutely the best quality on the whole internet!
Going through them makes me think about all the decks that I made with those cards :)
Happy, yet expensive times xD
I never want to see another Pokemon card EVER!
Oh, wait. Supreme Victors just got released today.

*back to work*

Seriously guys. I think you have a problem. With your card scan quality at least. This is super cool, but it wasn't completely necessary. It's just a niceness issue. ;p I'm glad that scans that weren't on there before like Unown G are now on there, because that helps out the majority of people.

dmaster out.
Frankly, I actually like the old scans better. They're more full of color and don't look like they're light-bleached. Is there some way to be able to see the old scans as well as the new ones?
I knew about this, yet I'm still blown away by how much better they look. Thanks so much, WPM and Shakespeare! :D

Edit: Still no Latias *, I see. Oh, well. I guess that's not extremely important... ;(
DNA said:
Frankly, I actually like the old scans better. They're more full of color and don't look like they're light-bleached. Is there some way to be able to see the old scans as well as the new ones?

The new scans are definitely lighter, but they are closer to the actual cards. The old scans were artificially darkened. Shakespeare and I did everything to make sure the filters and effects we applied to the new scans matched the cards' colors and lightness in real life.
An Unown G scan! YES!!! Now I expect everyone who writes an article including Unown G to include this scan. XD

Thank you sooo much, Shakespeare!
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