(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

I just found out about the starters now after checking the website. I really love the starters they're pretty cool looking and I can't wait till they reveal what types of attacks they have and also the evolution of these Pokemon. The region seems to be taken place in the future, and it also does look really big! I can't wait to see more Pokemon and play the game!
Spherical Aura said:
Terrible in my opinion. We already have two of those species of animals (pig, and snake). Wow definitly disappointing on the starter part. I actually like the idea of older trainers and they don't look half bad (although the guy looks like an older ash in a way). And if the spriting is gonna be that terrible in battle why change the whole system?

I think it's a little early to judge the sprites. Firstly the picture we have is of a magazine scan, so obviously the quality is going to be poor. Secondly this will be an early build of the games - sprites are often one of the things that change regularly. Finally the original CoroCoro images of the battle screen between Zorua & Zoroark looked a bit iffy, but then the high quality image was released, and as you can see it looks much improved.

Spherical Aura said:
Terrible in my opinion. We already have two of those species of animals (pig, and snake). Wow definitly disappointing on the starter part. I actually like the idea of older trainers and they don't look half bad (although the guy looks like an older ash in a way). And if the spriting is gonna be that terrible in battle why change the whole system?

The first pics of HGSS didn't look as epic as the finished product, either. You've got to understand they're going off the Beta now, or maybe even the Alpha. There's still a LONG way to go, development-wise, before the games get their full polish.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Tsutaja!
Ehhh I don't like 'em.

I feel like all the pokemon after the first 2 generations became too.. robotic looking. It's hard to explain. I feel like the older ones have more detail, and more of a feel to 'em (especially in the eyes), and the new ones are just too.. agh I dunno. Like for the grass pokemon, I wish the legs looked a little more like actual legs than two triangles.
HikaruAyame said:
The first pics of HGSS didn't look as epic as the finished product, either. You've got to understand they're going off the Beta now, or maybe even the Alpha. There's still a LONG way to go, development-wise, before the games get their full polish.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Tsutaja!
Yeah but the starters are not that original. Lke for example the otter pokemon has Mime Jr.s nose and eyes and is much too similar to buizel, we already have a pig pokemon so im not even gonna go there, and the grass snake is just weird looking.
Hopefully, its like when Zoroark was revealed where once the magazine comes out, the official site upload the official art for them. I can't stand looking at scans for them for a few weeks!!!

Anyway, I love them, can't wait to see the rest, I hope the next few months fly by, I can't wait to see them all.
Spherical Aura said:
Yeah but the starters are not that original. Lke for example the otter pokemon has Mime Jr.s nose and eyes and is much too similar to buizel, we already have a pig pokemon so im not even gonna go there, and the grass snake is just weird looking.

Does the Otter Pokémon look like Buizel, though? No, not really. Does the Pig Pokémon look anything like Spoink or Grumpig? No. In the animal kingdom there are plenty of different types of each species of animal, so the same can apply to the Pokémon world, surely? Especially when all the "duplicates" look wildly different. Just because there are similarities between them (all birds have wings, that doesn't make them the same, they're all very different) doesn't mean they are in any way "unoriginal".

You're entitled to your opinion on how they look (personally I really like the grass snake, but I can understand the idea that it looks strange), but calling them unoriginal is falsehood. They're original, or at the most have minor overlap with other previous Pokémon. I think you're exaggerating how unoriginal they are, personally.
Wow!! I was up as soon as WPM posted it!! I love staying up!! But thank god no more waiting, i need to get some sleep haha. But omg i love the grass starter to death!!! My fav grass starter ever!! Fire pig is pretty epic, and the sea otter thing is not the best, but i still rllly like it :D. Best starter batch ever?? Oh yea!
DarkPkmnTrainer said:
Ehhh I don't like 'em.

I feel like all the pokemon after the first 2 generations became too.. robotic looking. It's hard to explain. I feel like the older ones have more detail, and more of a feel to 'em (especially in the eyes), and the new ones are just too.. agh I dunno. Like for the grass pokemon, I wish the legs looked a little more like actual legs than two triangles.

I totally understand what your saying, I feel the same way, even tho I like the new details of the newer pokemon there not easy to remember like the old ones were. These ones just look thrown together, I do like some of the simple drawing styles like the grass ones legs but I understand what you are saying too!
The starters honestly look lame and I'm really disappointed, the fire pig is ok but the rest look wack. Hopefully the evolutions can save them...
Da Master said:
The starters honestly look lame and I'm really disappointed, the fire pig is ok but the rest look wack. Hopefully the evolutions can save them...
For me its not all bad, it might take a while to get used to and I also hope that the evolutions are good.
I will pretty much pick the fire starter just because I have done so traditionally with every Pokemon game. The fire pig doesn't look bad at all, he might grow on me. The others are ehh.
The screenshots on the second scan look really good, I hope that this game is a little more "mature" in a way than the original games. Hopefully it'll be something like Pokemon Colosseum that game was really good.
Tsutaja said:
Does the Otter Pokémon look like Buizel, though? No, not really. Does the Pig Pokémon look anything like Spoink or Grumpig? No. In the animal kingdom there are plenty of different types of each species of animal, so the same can apply to the Pokémon world, surely? Especially when all the "duplicates" look wildly different. Just because there are similarities between them (all birds have wings, that doesn't make them the same, they're all very different) doesn't mean they are in any way "unoriginal".

You're entitled to your opinion on how they look (personally I really like the grass snake, but I can understand the idea that it looks strange), but calling them unoriginal is falsehood. They're original, or at the most have minor overlap with other previous Pokémon. I think you're exaggerating how unoriginal they are, personally.

Whatever you say bro, compared to the other starters they are stupid looking honestly. The only thing I like about the news is the trainers, even though the guy trainer looks like an older version of Ash. Whatever maybe the evolutions will be cool but as of right now Gev V is terrible Pokemon wise.
kaorusquee said:
I'm not a fan of the water one. To me, it looks too much like Piplup.
If you really do think about it, it actually does kind of resemble Piplup.
DarkPkmnTrainer said:
Ehhh I don't like 'em.

I feel like all the pokemon after the first 2 generations became too.. robotic looking. It's hard to explain. I feel like the older ones have more detail, and more of a feel to 'em (especially in the eyes), and the new ones are just too.. agh I dunno. Like for the grass pokemon, I wish the legs looked a little more like actual legs than two triangles.

What detail? All they did was take animals and paint them a different color. In my opinion I love these guys. Every new generation had their own flare on Pokemon and I'm liking this one.
DarkPkmnTrainer said:
Like for the grass pokemon, I wish the legs looked a little more like actual legs than two triangles.

A note is that Tsutaaja is a snake pokemon; snakes evolved from lizards which had legs. The chances are its intentional and that it will evolve to lose the legs; as they seem quite under developed.

I very much enjoy the 5th generation so far; It'll probably be my new favorite, but that I cannot predict with the few pokemon so far.