(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

I like the fire one more than I thought I would. I'm dispointed with the water starter.
On the topic of the grass starter, I actually like that the legs look weak. It makes it more feasable that Tsutaaja could lose them when it evolves and become a REAL snake.

EDIT: Augh, ninja'd by Mechanos!
Spherical Aura said:
Whatever you say bro, compared to the other starters they are stupid looking honestly. The only thing I like about the news is the trainers, even though the guy trainer looks like an older version of Ash. Whatever maybe the evolutions will be cool but as of right now Gev V is terrible Pokemon wise.

Well dude that's your opinion. these Pokemon are a lot more creative than the originals were. Especially Gen 3. I can't wait to see more new Pokemon.
Mechanos7 said:
A note is that Tsutaaja is a snake pokemon; snakes evolved from lizards which had legs. The chances are its intentional and that it will evolve to lose the legs; as they seem quite under developed.

I very much enjoy the 5th generation so far; It'll probably be my new favorite, but that I cannot predict with the few pokemon so far.

A Snake starter would be epic. So, I'm enjoying the new Pokemon as well. I cannot wait for what new evolutions they came up with.
I hope that the grass type does become a snake type. That is the one thing I really do like about each generation's starters is that each time they have different animals that are the starters. A snake would be a neat pokemon to start with. I really dont want to see another lizzard starter!
LilStarFire said:
I hope that the grass type does become a snake type. That is the one thing I really do like about each generation's starters is that each time they have different animals that are the starters. A snake would be a neat pokemon to start with. I really don't want to see another lizzard starter!

Exactly. We've already had Charmander (Salamander) and Treecko (Gecko) so a third biped reptile would be redundant. Best option is to go from biped to NOped. :D Is there a term for that???
Although i despise the lack of originality in the design of these Starters, The Only Decent ones are the Grass Snake/Lizard thingy and the Fire Pig, mostly cause Tsutaaja looks likes he got attitude like Treecko, and cause lil'piggy will probably turn into some kinda Badass Warthog/Wild Boar,

I still feel like Gen 3 & 4 starters 100x>>>>>>Gen 5 though...

I really wanna see some badass pokemon in this Gen though, i'm sick of "cute" Pokemon, 4th gen made my day with all the Badass Legendaries...
I never felt bad playing the fourth gen, cause Once i showed ppl Garchomp & Gliscor, etc they were like "Hey that's pretty cool", If i showed them the sea otter they would start laughing and asking "What is this stupid thing?"

The only good things IMO that 5th has going for it are Older & Cooler Protagonists & Zoroark...
These starters are pretty cool, I have a fealing the final-evo fire one is going to be good.
My favorite is the Ivy Snake guy, he looks pretty cool.

The main characters who you get to be aren't amazing, the boy is OK, but seriously, WHAT THE !@#$%^&* IS UP WITH THAT GIRL'S HAIR?
HikaruAyame said:
Exactly. We've already had Charmander (Salamander) and Treecko (Gecko) so a third biped reptile would be redundant. Best option is to go from biped to NOped. :D Is there a term for that?
Yeah. Snake.
HikaruAyame said:
Exactly. We've already had Charmander (Salamander) and Treecko (Gecko) so a third biped reptile would be redundant. Best option is to go from biped to NOped. :D Is there a term for that?

lol not sure but I get what your saying
nabby101 said:
These starters are pretty cool, I have a fealing the final-evo fire one is going to be good.
My favorite is the Ivy Snake guy, he looks pretty cool.

The main characters who you get to be aren't amazing, the boy is OK, but seriously, WHAT THE !@#$%^&* IS UP WITH THAT GIRL'S HAIR?

Lol I do like the girls hair but its cool if ya dont, im just wondering if everyone would like to see a character custimization option so we can look like ourselves and make our own trainer!!!!!
Personally I like GEN V startes better than GEN IV, which I hated. (Hikozaru was kinda cute though..)
Ugeda said:
Personally I like GEN V startes better than GEN IV, which I hated. (Hikozaru was kinda cute though..)
I didn't really hate the IV Gen, I thought they would pretty cool. I thought that these starters would be a disappointment to me, but it seems that I was wrong when I first saw them.
LilStarFire said:
Lol I do like the girls hair but its cool if ya don't, im just wondering if everyone would like to see a character custimization option so we can look like ourselves and make our own trainer!

I'd like a customization just to take off the dangly bits and smooth out the top. @.@ I'm hoping it's one of those quirks that will grow on me, like Kotone/Lyra's overalls.

BTW, the main character is going back to the PINK thing again. I mean, honestly? Do they think we wouldn't be able to tell she's female if she's not covered in pink LITERALLY from head to toe? Careful Pokemon, your sexism is showing. :D
Divine_Light said:
Dude, Diglett/Dugtrio, Koffing/Weezing, Doduo/Dodrio, Rhyhorn/Rhydon.

That's not creativity. That's repetition.

You are blinded by the fact that you grew up with the first and second generation, and that's why you love them.

This post. Times a thousand. Seriously, you guys harping on about how unoriginal these guys are compared to the "older" generations need to realise that a) First and second gen had some terribly unoriginal lines and b) Back then there weren't 400+ Pokemon in existence already, making it very easy to come up with new ideas. To me it looks like more effort has been put into these designs than anything the past generations have dished out.

Now, I'm not defending these new guys like a raging fanboy. The Fire starter is lacking in an interesting design and the Water starter just looks downright peculiar. But to say that these guys are "unoriginal" is an unfair criticism, I think.

Also the Grass starter is the coolest thing in existence. Although I am hoping for a Dark or Fighting sub-type, Dragon would be very interesting too.
Whatever a Pokemon is a pokemon and if Bidoof can grow on me then I'm sure a sea otter pokemon can. And I'm kinda diggin the lizard snake guy. I'm going to pick fire starter as I do every time but I wind up having all three sooner or later. It would be awesome if the pig evolves into some sort of Ganon like pig, I am a huge fan of Zelda.
Spherical Aura said:
Whatever a Pokemon is a pokemon and if Bidoof can grow on me then I'm sure a sea otter pokemon can. And I'm kinda diggin the lizard snake guy. I'm going to pick fire starter as I do every time but I wind up having all three sooner or later. It would be awesome if the pig evolves into some sort of Ganon like pig, I am a huge fan of Zelda.
Yeah, I think that people who don't like it now, will soon start liking the Pokemon, it just takes a matter of time.
yo does anyone know how many corocoro scans there's meant to be? Like is everything up or should we expect more?