(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

manpanda said:
have u seen them?
Yes I have. The similarities are that the grass starter and treecko are both bipedal, mostly green, reptiles with big eyes. They're species is different, their body structure is different, their head structure is different, their limbs are different, their eyes are different, and besides the green their coloration is different. There has been a pig pokemon before but I don't need to explain the differences between spoink and crispybacon. And unless I missed something, there hasn't been a sea otter yet. So I fail to see how these are not new ideas.

ok, treeko/the new grass starter, they've had 5 grass starters now!!! only 5! they could make them a little bit more different!?
elite said:
Yes I have. The similarities are that the grass starter and treecko are both bipedal, mostly green, reptiles with big eyes. They're species is different, their body structure is different, their head structure is different, their limbs are different, their eyes are different, and besides the green their coloration is different. There has been a pig pokemon before but I don't need to explain the differences between spoink and crispybacon. And unless I missed something, there hasn't been a sea otter yet. So I fail to see how these are not new ideas.

ok, treeko/the new grass starter, they've had 5 grass starters now!!! only 5! they could make them a little bit more different!?

All grass starters have been reptiles so far and not one of them look alike except being green. You might as well complain about the fire and water starters being orange and blue all the time. Since they look alike color wise.
elite said:
how would ur sister kno!? she's not Ken Sugimori!!

That she may not be, but it was released as common knowledge a looooooooong time ago. And she does have connections for getting info that others of us may not know.
I'm pretty sure I've read several times that there were thousands of ideas for Pokemon back when the first generation was released and besides, they haven't run out of ideas yet. If they did we'd be getting recolors and nothing but evolutions.

Personally, I don't even mind the evolutions and the slight similarities. I am just happy that they are coming out with a new game and we finally got the leaks everyone's been whining for. Of course, there will always be people who cannot be satisfied though.

We'll have to wait to see how things turn out. Who knows, maybe the grass starter will end up just like Sceptile and have all the same moves, but I highly doubt it.

The three starters are growing on me and the trainers already have a special place in my heart.

Only issue in my book is this:
If the new region is "very far away" that sounds like it'll completely rule out visiting any other regions. All the more reason to add a lengthy plot and big region though I suppose.
elite said:
ok, treeko/the new grass starter, they've had 5 grass starters now!!! only 5! they could make them a little bit more different!?

Bro. A snake with little arms and legs with a big leaf on it's tail IS a new idea. There has never been a pokemon like it, and I don't think anybody else predicted the grass starter to be a walking snake. Ken Sugimori gave us a new idea and I'm sure he will continue to.
Chimchar15 said:
Actually I heard about that too a long time ago and I'm pretty sure it's true as well.

I believe it was mentioned in an interview at some point. Sugimori & Tajiri sat down and just brainstormed like mad.
Annihilator27 said:
ok, treeko/the new grass starter, they've had 5 grass starters now!!! only 5! they could make them a little bit more different!?

All grass starters have been reptiles so far and not one of them look alike except being green. You might as well complain about the fire and water starters being orange and blue all the time. Since they look alike color wise.

no duh they have the same color!, but my gawd!!! ok bulbasuar= wierd plant 4 legs thing, chikorita=weird completely different thing, treeko=looks like a tree gecko, turtwig=turtle, new thing looks like another gecko NEWS FLASH!: SNAKES DONT HAVE LEGS!

if they made 1000 pokemon back then (which im not saying they didnt) then how come the shading in the artwork look way different in 1st gen compared to lets say 3rd, and 4th?
elite said:
if they made 1000 pokemon back then (which im not saying they didnt) then how come the shading in the artwork look way different in 1st gen compared to lets say 3rd, and 4th?
A person's art style can change over time. Ken must just like the way he does it now better than the way he did it before.
elite said:
if they made 1000 pokemon back then (which im not saying they didnt) then how come the shading in the artwork look way different in 1st gen compared to lets say 3rd, and 4th?

Because way back then was just rough drafts. Of course they're going to evolve (no pun intended) from the earliest drawings.
elite said:
if they made 1000 pokemon back then (which im not saying they didnt) then how come the shading in the artwork look way different in 1st gen compared to lets say 3rd, and 4th?

I'm sorry, but are you serious? They didn't make up all the art. The released art we got with Generation III was not drawn way back when they first released Generation I.
It's just the idea of the Pokemon, not the art and everything.
elite said:
if they made 1000 pokemon back then (which im not saying they didnt) then how come the shading in the artwork look way different in 1st gen compared to lets say 3rd, and 4th?

Ah, because a different way of shading creates a whole new pokemon???

1. They were restricted by technology. Look at some of the old sprites and see how closely they match up to the real thing.
2. Ideas that have been mulled over for a decade or two have plenty of opportunity to have changes made to them.
3. Art styles change. Do you draw the way you did when you were 4? (I hope not.) Especially for those in the profession of art, it's easy for your style to shift, even without you realizing it.
4. Most of what was created were BASIC ideas, not finished products. Like "A turtle with a duck's head and spikes down its back!" not a photographic image. >.<

EDIT: DOOD, ninja'd x4! Haha

EDIT@Elite: You're just hating now. You think they didn't take notes at their meeting? I bet they went through BOOKS of paper.
benny said:
I'm sorry, but are you serious? They didn't make up all the art. The released art we got with Generation III was not drawn way back when they first released Generation I.
It's just the idea of the Pokemon, not the art and everything.
ok that makes sence "hey remember this for 8 years ok?" "what if i forget to draw it then?" "you won't"

ohhh that makes sense "hey remember this for years ok" "what if i forget to draw it then?" "you won't forget."
elite said:
if they were "rough draft" then why did he publish them?

Dood, think about it. Do you draw? I do, and I KNOW my drawing style has changed from what it originally was. So, he created a bunch of pokemon when the idea was still fresh in his mind. Maybe now he doesn't like the way they looked, so he goes back and redraws them. It's not such a far-fetched idea. Look up the earliest drawings of Chikorita sometime, you'll see what I mean.
kaorusquee said:
Dood, think about it. Do you draw? I do, and I KNOW my drawing style has changed from what it originally was. So, he created a bunch of pokemon when the idea was still fresh in his mind. Maybe now he doesn't like the way they looked, so he goes back and redraws them. It's not such a far-fetched idea. Look up the earliest drawings of Chikorita sometime, you'll see what I mean.

ok, that would have made more sense if you wouldn't have said "Rough Draft"
elite said:

As I just stated, snakes evolved from lizards with small arms and legs, they slowly grew out of them. The chances are the exact thing is happening with this starter, as its name includes a japanese word for snake.
Another thing is that some snakes still have very small legs which are usable when burrowing.