(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

HikaruAyame said:
manpanda said:
I think the grass starter is based off of a three toed skink. It may be called the grass snake pokemon because of the real animal's obvious visual similarities to a snake.
Epic find! I think it's really possible that it's the inspiration. That does mean it might not evolve into a true snake, though. :(
Who knows bro? I could see the last stages being a big snake or kobra with arms and legs. Sugimori tends to draw inspiration from multiple animals. And I wouldn't rule anything out with pokemon evolution. I mean look at octillery.
benny said:

I'd love for the piggy to learn EQ naturally. It was awesome last gen having a starter that could learn it with no intervention. It'd probably have to go split {f} then, though.

How about the snow cone learning sheer cold? OHKO moves could make a comeback.
kaorusquee said:
Dood, think about it. Do you draw? I do, and I KNOW my drawing style has changed from what it originally was. So, he created a bunch of pokemon when the idea was still fresh in his mind. Maybe now he doesn't like the way they looked, so he goes back and redraws them. It's not such a far-fetched idea. Look up the earliest drawings of Chikorita sometime, you'll see what I mean.
Not that I don't get what he's saying but I want
[/URL][/img]ed to show how a Pokemon, like Chikorita, changes with time.
there should be a move for EV training, like its not very strong but if it knocks the pokemon out you should choose which EV points it gets...lol nvm thats just stupid
benny said:

Tsutaaja will probably have scratch and tail whip, and later on learn vine whip, as its the only with claws and a wave-able tail, plus the ivy in its name.
For Pokabu I'd say tackle and growl, and later ember, because of its general appearance.
And for Mijumaru, I'll say pound and defense curl, with water gun later, as it has blunt hands and apparently is related to rolling.
Annihilator27 said:
Well put, Starter signature moves anyone?

I'd love for the otter to have some sort of move having to do with his shell...not that I can think of anything.
probably just the normal moves that starters learn..."Tsutaaja used scratch" "the flamer bunny used scratch" etc. etc. etc. 0_o
elite said:
there should be a move for EV training, like its not very strong but if it knocks the pokemon out you should choose which EV points it gets...lol nvm thats just stupid

That's not stupid, it'd be cool. Maybe just a choice between 2 or 3 instead of all 6?

Or maybe a move that if it knocks the pokemon out you get x2 EVs? (That would stack with 'rus and Power items) That would make EV training wicked fast.
Mechanos7 said:
As I just stated, snakes evolved from lizards with small arms and legs, they slowly grew out of them. The chances are the exact thing is happening with this starter, as its name includes a japanese word for snake.
Another thing is that some snakes still have very small legs which are usable when burrowing.
Well actually snakes came about because one convinced Adam and Eve to eat the fruit they weren't supposed to, but let's not get into that.

As for the moves they'll learn, 10 bucks says Pokabu learns rollout.
i hope the "shell" in his artwork on the corocoro scans doesnt stay with him..i hope that shell dies
elite said:
NO DUH!!! i was questioning his use of the phrase "Rough Draft"
Actually, I'm a girl. And I classify all my early drawings and story ideas as rough drafts. It's left over from school, sorry. Didn't mean to confuse you with that phrase.
So, I was thinking fire got new moves like Flare Blitz and Overheat. Water doesn't have anything quite as epic. Maybe a new powerful water-type move will be available?
elite said:
THIS IS POKEMON! IF THEY WANT TO PUT LEGS ON A SNAKE, THEN THEY WILL! There's a lot in pokemon that doesn't make sense, ex. A turtle with freaking cannons coming out of it's back?

Also snakes once had legs.

Anyways, I know people are entitled to their own opinion, but some of these are just untrue and annoying.
my opinions are not untrue, or else i wouldn't be fighting for them!
Well you're just fighting for a lost cause then. Really I don't care that you hate them, but when you start making outlandish comments that are not true, that's when your opinion loses it's truth.

Change topic: Claw Sharpen is a very nice addition. Wonder if they add anymore acc. raising moves that double team would become less broken?
Mechanos7 said:
Tsutaaja will probably have scratch and tail whip, and later on learn vine whip, as its the only with claws and a wave-able tail, plus the ivy in its name.
For Pokabu I'd say tackle and growl, and later ember, because of its general appearance.
And for Mijumaru, I'll say pound and defense curl, with water gun later, as it has blunt hands and apparently is related to rolling.

This will most likely be the case.
the pig was a BIG disappointment. Sea otter is cute, but not what i looking for. . I;m really leaning towards the grass one (for the first time), and yeah. i just really wanna see the evolutions because this doesn't give me much about them. i wanna see what i will get stuck with after it gets to lvl 36 or something. and the new girl is soo pretty!
scuba stevee said:
my opinions are not untrue, or else i wouldn't be fighting for them!
Well you're just fighting for a lost cause then. Really I don't care that you hate them, but when you start making outlandish comments that are not true, that's when your opinion loses it's truth.

Change topic: Claw Sharpen is a very nice addition. Wonder if they add anymore acc. raising moves that double team would become less broken?

i never said i hated them, i said the grass one looked like treeko which is not a lie, because it is not a fact, becuase it is simpely my opinion! and forums were created so you could descuss things and state your opinions!
I really hope the water starter uses its clam as a weapon all captain america style. It's signature move could be "clam slam"
Oh my God. Mijumaru is ridiculously cute. I feel like the types will end up being
Grass / Dragon or Grass / Poison
Fire or Fire / Dark
Water / Ice

Anyway I'm so excited~! MIJUMARU GET IN MAH HGSS NOWWW
kaorusquee said:
Actually, I'm a girl. And I classify all my early drawings and story ideas as rough drafts. It's left over from school, sorry. Didn't mean to confuse you with that phrase.
So, I was thinking fire got new moves like Flare Blitz and Overheat. Water doesn't have anything quite as epic. Maybe a new powerful water-type move will be available?
We've got Water spout. :/ *canned laughter* Oh, and Aqua tail's not TOO bad.

I'll be interested to see how this 'trickery' move works. The higher the stats, the stronger? Or made to squish weaker pokemon?

@manpanda: Clam Slam would be EPIC. Cloyster could use it as a body slam. XD

Hmm, I wonder if they'll switch things so that each move looks like the pokemon was actually using it? I remember Umbreon using Sand Attack looked rather unfortunate back when because he had a reversed sprite. XD And Z's coming out of that particular body part were rather hilarious, too.