(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

Divine_Light said:
Dude, Diglett/Dugtrio, Koffing/Weezing, Doduo/Dodrio, Rhyhorn/Rhydon.

That's not creativity. That's repetition.

You are blinded by the fact that you grew up with the first and second generation, and that's why you love them.

Pokémon will always be Pokémon, no amount of b**ching and whining will change that.

Let's tone down the arguing here as a whole.

dmaster out.
elite said:
All grass starters have been reptiles so far and not one of them look alike except being green. You might as well complain about the fire and water starters being orange and blue all the time. Since they look alike color wise.

no duh they have the same color!, but my gawd!!! ok bulbasuar= wierd plant 4 legs thing, chikorita=weird completely different thing, treeko=looks like a tree gecko, turtwig=turtle, new thing looks like another gecko NEWS FLASH!: SNAKES don't HAVE LEGS!

THIS IS POKEMON! IF THEY WANT TO PUT LEGS ON A SNAKE, THEN THEY WILL! There's a lot in pokemon that doesn't make sense, ex. A turtle with freaking cannons coming out of it's back?

Also snakes once had legs.

Anyways, I know people are entitled to their own opinion, but some of these are just untrue and annoying.

Edit: Crap I got ninja'd xD Curse my slow typing!
elite said:
ok that makes sence "hey remember this for 8 years ok?" "what if i forget to draw it then?" "you won't"

ohhh that makes sense "hey remember this for years ok" "what if i forget to draw it then?" "you won't forget."

I'm sure they have sketch books or something full of different ideas.
Besides, like everyone else said, ideas change over time.

Straight from Bulbapedia here are two prime examples.


Mechanos7 said:
As I just stated, snakes evolved from lizards with small arms and legs, they slowly grew out of them. The chances are the exact thing is happening with this starter, as its name includes a japanese word for snake.
Another thing is that some snakes still have very small legs which are usable when burrowing.
so if what ur saying is true, the snake (new starter) will evolve from the lizard (treeko)

benny said:
I'm sure they have sketch books or something full of different ideas.
Besides, like everyone else said, ideas change over time.

Straight from Bulbapedia here are two prime examples.


...i'm guessing they gave those torchik's ears to cynthia hahaha
elite said:
All grass starters have been reptiles so far and not one of them look alike except being green. You might as well complain about the fire and water starters being orange and blue all the time. Since they look alike color wise.

no duh they have the same color!, but my gawd!!! ok bulbasuar= wierd plant 4 legs thing, chikorita=weird completely different thing, treeko=looks like a tree gecko, turtwig=turtle, new thing looks like another gecko NEWS FLASH!: SNAKES don't HAVE LEGS!

if they made 1000 pokemon back then (which im not saying they didnt) then how come the shading in the artwork look way different in 1st gen compared to lets say 3rd, and 4th?

Yeah also Orcas tails dont split off (Kyogre) Camels dont have volcanoes on their back, I could go on. So there ya go its a snake with legs big deal. Snakes evolved from reptiles with legs in earths past. It could happen for this starter.
I think the grass starter is based off of a three toed skink. It may be called the grass snake pokemon because of the real animal's obvious visual similarities to a snake.
Lol, it appears we're getting a little too feisty^^ Shall we just say to each their own opinion, and call truce? Ne, minna-san?
scuba stevee said:
no duh they have the same color!, but my gawd!!! ok bulbasuar= wierd plant 4 legs thing, chikorita=weird completely different thing, treeko=looks like a tree gecko, turtwig=turtle, new thing looks like another gecko NEWS FLASH!: SNAKES don't HAVE LEGS!

THIS IS POKEMON! IF THEY WANT TO PUT LEGS ON A SNAKE, THEN THEY WILL! There's a lot in pokemon that doesn't make sense, ex. A turtle with freaking cannons coming out of it's back?

Also snakes once had legs.

Anyways, I know people are entitled to their own opinion, but some of these are just untrue and annoying.
my opinions are not untrue, or else i wouldn't be fighting for them!
elite said:
if they were "rough draft" then why did he publish them?


Back when they were just being brainstormed, they were only and idea and possibly conceptual art. These ideas were obviously put aside until a new generation was in the works. He didn't release them as rough drafts, he worked with them until he got the final art we have today.
elite said:
so if what ur saying is true, the snake (new starter) will evolve from the lizard (treeko)
It a completely different evolution line. But we've been told to tone down the bickering, so I shan't go too much farther with that. I think we need to just agree to disagree. :)

manpanda said:
I think the grass starter is based off of a three toed skink. It may be called the grass snake pokemon because of the real animal's obvious visual similarities to a snake.
Epic find! I think it's really possible that it's the inspiration. That does mean it might not evolve into a true snake, though. :(
Annihilator27 said:
no duh they have the same color!, but my gawd!!! ok bulbasuar= wierd plant 4 legs thing, chikorita=weird completely different thing, treeko=looks like a tree gecko, turtwig=turtle, new thing looks like another gecko NEWS FLASH!: SNAKES don't HAVE LEGS!

if they made 1000 pokemon back then (which im not saying they didnt) then how come the shading in the artwork look way different in 1st gen compared to lets say 3rd, and 4th?

Yeah also Orcas tails don't split off (Kyogre) Camels don't have volcanoes on their back, I could go on. So there ya go its a snake with legs big deal. Snakes evolved from reptiles with legs in earths past. It could happen for this starter.

but its not like, blastiose evolved from a cannon, its not like camerupt evolved from a cannon, so it shouldn't be like one pokemon evolved from a completely different one thus: treeko to new grass starter
I'm glad the grass starter looks good. I get to keep my tradition of picking grass starters going.
The male character looks awesome, much better than the male character of Gen IV.
HikaruAyame said:
It a completely different evolution line. But we've been told to tone down the bickering, so I shan't go too much farther with that. I think we need to just agree to disagree. :)

manpanda said:
I think the grass starter is based off of a three toed skink. It may be called the grass snake pokemon because of the real animal's obvious visual similarities to a snake.
Epic find! I think it's really possible that it's the inspiration. That does mean it might not evolve into a true snake, though. :(

that would stink if it evlolved into a snake...but i dont think it will...its pokemon
There's no point in arguing.
Yes, there are similarities.
There are also similarities between Rattata, Sentret, Zigzagoon, and Bidoof.
As well as Pidgey, Spearow, Hoothoot, Tailow, and Starly.



Oh and I've also heard that the grass starter may be based off of the leaf-tailed gecko or something like that.
SinnohTrainer17 said:

Back when they were just being brainstormed, they were only and idea and possibly conceptual art. These ideas were obviously put aside until a new generation was in the works. He didn't release them as rough drafts, he worked with them until he got the final art we have today.
NO DUH!!! i was questioning his use of the phrase "Rough Draft"
The grass starter's true inspiration is the vine snake. Look it up, they look the same except for the arms and legs. I like that one and the water starter. Not many people are giving the sea otter much credit, but they are nice looking animals. It's evolutions will probably be neat.
elite said:
Yeah also Orcas tails don't split off (Kyogre) Camels don't have volcanoes on their back, I could go on. So there ya go its a snake with legs big deal. Snakes evolved from reptiles with legs in earths past. It could happen for this starter.

but its not like, blastiose evolved from a cannon, its not like camerupt evolved from a cannon, so it shouldn't be like one pokemon evolved from a completely different one thus: treeko to new grass starter

benny said:
There's no point in arguing.
Yes, there are similarities.
There are also similarities between Rattata, Sentret, Zigzagoon, and Bidoof.
As well as Pidgey, Spearow, Hoothoot, Tailow, and Starly.



Well put, Starter signature moves anyone?
benny said:
I'm sure they have sketch books or something full of different ideas.
Besides, like everyone else said, ideas change over time.

Straight from Bulbapedia here are two prime examples.



Ugh, I'm sorry this is unrelated, but I LOVE Torchic's conceptual art.