(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

First the trainers: I'm really liking both of them. Thy male reminds me of Blue/Gary a lot. Also who has short shorts!? Man I know people complain how Dawn's skirt was so short, so they're probably going to complain how her shorts are too short. But really she looks like she can beat me up. xD
They do look older which is cool.

The starters: At first I was meh about them, but after looking at them for awhile, I really love them. I love them so much right now, I don't which one I'll pick(I always pick water) I really adore the water one; it looks so sad, I want to give it a hug <3 The grass has that slick to it and the fire made laugh because it looks so happy!

Now my guess on their types:
Grass/Electric: I guess it's the yellow on it, but it looks like it has some electric in it.
Fire/Dark: God if it's fighting again, I'll scream!
Water/Ice: Now last gen. I guess both turtwig's and chimchar's second type right, but I got piplup's wrong(I mean it's a penguin, logically it would of been ice) But if this critter turns out to be something else, I give up xD

The rest of the info, I don't have much to say, except it all looks awesome!
They're certainly the most unique set so far....interesting use of some different colours.
At first I found it hard to picture them as "mascots" as the starters usually are, but they're growing on me. The Water type looks odd for a starter but I think it would be my choice, depending on how it's evolution family turns out. If I dislike it I'll go with Fire. The Grass type is okay, but I've never been a fan of choosing the Grass type starters; Turtwig aside.
I am a little bit disappointed that we have another grass lizard as a started, even though it does look quite cool (the best of the bunch imo). I don't really like the other two if I'm honest. However, what matters most to me is what their final evolutions look like and what (if any) secondary types they will have. I didn't originally like torchics design that much but chose it based on its final evolution originally. Looking forward to how they will look.
::QUOTE::Divine_Light said-
"Dude, Diglett/Dugtrio, Koffing/Weezing, Doduo/Dodrio, Rhyhorn/Rhydon.

That's not creativity. That's repetition.

You are blinded by the fact that you grew up with the first and second generation, and that's why you love them.

Pokémon will always be Pokémon, no amount of b**ching and whining will change that."

::Quote::supersonic711 said-

"Yeah first gen was SO original

Voltorb was a Pokeball with eyes better yet it just flips upside down when it evolves.

Or Magnamite & Diglett a design so original a 2 year old child could replicate and their evolutions are top notch, gluing 3 of them together, pure creative genius!"

First off I was stating my opinion, not attacking anyone. If I remember I said I didnt like them no offense intended!!! Even though you may like them doesnt mean your right, or im right for not likeing them, but atleast I can act like an adult and not attack someone for their opinion. You can say they were repetitive and unoriginal, but it started a phenomenon, when was the last time you started one? You could have atleast asked me why I didnt like them maybe you could have understood my side of it, instead you both have to act like kids and get mad because not everyone agrees with you. The starters werent horrible, but im just dissapointed and I have a right to think that. And another thing is I may not like some of the starters from the newer games but it doesnt mean I didnt like a lot of the new pokemon in general. A lot of the new pokemon have def. become favorites of mine.
LilStarFire said:
First off I was stating my opinion, not attacking anyone. If I remember I said I didnt like them no offense intended!!! Even though you may like them doesnt mean your right, or im right for not likeing them, but atleast I can act like an adult and not attack someone for their opinion. You can say they were repetitive and unoriginal, but it started a phenomenon, when was the last time you started one? You could have atleast asked me why I didnt like them maybe you could have understood my side of it, instead you both have to act like kids and get mad because not everyone agrees with you. The starters werent horrible, but im just dissapointed and I have a right to think that.

I completely agree that everyone is entitled to an opinion. We can hope our opinions change, but until then we all just need to respect one another. :) Um, LilStarFire? Would it be possible for you to change the color you write in? That one's a little hard on the eyes. I had to highlight your paragraph to read it.

The lizard is already growing on me. I can't wait to see their fully evolved forms, I bet they'll be wicked. Any sign of the other scans yet? (Like the one saying how Zorua will evolve?)
HikaruAyame said:
I completely agree that everyone is entitled to an opinion. We can hope our opinions change, but until then we all just need to respect one another. :) Um, LilStarFire? Would it be possible for you to change the color you write in? That one's a little hard on the eyes. I had to highlight your paragraph to read it.

The lizard is already growing on me. I can't wait to see their fully evolved forms, I bet they'll be wicked. Any sign of the other scans yet? (Like the one saying how Zorua will evolve?)

Yah np Hikaru i can change my txt! Thanks for the comment too!
Done the Water Starter. Here they all are, together!

I will say this... I DEFINITELY like the starters now after I've seen the actual artworks for them... The silhouettes looked GOD AWEFUL, but the actual artwork is pretty nice! The otter looks SOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!! XD

I'm starting with the Oinkers though. (I ALWAYS started with fire ever since the original GS.) Called it being a pig! My friend back home said it might be the grass type but I KNEW it was the fire type.

First time i think Water Starter very ugly . i don't know why now i like him a lot .
but he still ugly anyway -.-
LilStarFire said:
I do have to say tho is that these new starters are better then the ruby and saphire ones. These new ones kinda grew on me tho their kinda cute and I like that they have a lot of design and color to them instead of simple shapes with one or two colors. Im still dissapointed but im kinda curious to see what they will evolve into! The water one isnt the best and looks weird with that clown look but lets just see what happens.
Haha, see? Opinions chage super fast. :) I find it interesting how almost nobody is on middle ground with Mijumaru. It's either love or hate.
The reason why the first generation was so originall... maybe because it was THE FIRST? Seriously, you must have known that!?
I do have to say tho is that these new starters are better then the ruby and saphire ones. I like that they have a lot of design and color to them instead of simple shapes with one or two colors. Im still dissapointed but im kinda curious to see what they will evolve into! The water one isnt the best and looks weird with that clown look but lets just see what happens. To me the best one outta the grp is the lil piggy! Cant wait to play the games tho!!!!
Terrible in my opinion. We already have two of those species of animals (pig, and snake). Wow definitly disappointing on the starter part. I actually like the idea of older trainers and they don't look half bad (although the guy looks like an older ash in a way). And if the spriting is gonna be that terrible in battle why change the whole system?
The grass starter looks pretty cool. Hopefully he'll evolve into something slick =D

Looking forward to more info.