(1) B/W Starter Pokemon Revealed in CoroCoro Scans [5/12]

I know this is off topic but I felt like everyone here would appreciate this.

ok... i know this is off topic but i just walked into the kitchen and asked my mom "what's for dinner?" and she said "i'm trying something new!" and i said "i guess i won't be eating tonite"
...ahh.. everywhere i go on deviantart there are people hating and criticzing these little guys.
people just dont learn do they?
this same thing happened with turtwig, chimchar and piplup. the 'ugliest starter pokemon ever' XD;
benny said:
I know this is off topic but I felt like everyone here would appreciate this.


the link says "407 forbidden"...i take it thats an error
benny said:
I know this is off topic but I felt like everyone here would appreciate this.


hmm...the link didn't work for me :(
Kurumia said:
...ahh.. everywhere i go on deviantart there are people hating and criticzing these little guys.
people just don't learn do they?
this same thing happened with turtwig, chimchar and piplup. the 'ugliest starter pokemon ever' XD;

Oh and I trust that this will happen for every generation to come, as it did with the past and present generations.
hey i have a question (imo a good point) if the girl pantagonist is like 15-17 years old, how will she be in the anime?
elite said:
hey i have a question (imo a good point) if the girl pantagonist is like 15-17 years old, how will she be in the anime?

Considering that Ash should be twenty-something by now? Hmm, who knows?
elite said:
hey i have a question (imo a good point) if the girl pantagonist is like 15-17 years old, how will she be in the anime?
She'll be 15-17 years old. And there's a thread for talking about the new trainers, so this would probably be better off in there.
kaorusquee said:
Considering that Ash should be twenty-something by now? Hmm, who knows?
well Bart off of the simposons should be 30 right now..TV will never age lol
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Hopefully that works, if not I don't know.
But that is a good point about the female protagonist.
They might just portray her as younger, or just not pay too much attention to it.
elite said:
well Bart off of the simposons should be 30 right now..TV will never age lol
Well this is a little off topic but in Following A Maiden's Voyage team rocket says they've chasing pikachu as long as Dawn has been alive. Dawn was 10 then and Ash was 10 when Team Rocket started cahsing pikachu so...I'm probally over thinkin
benny said:

Hopefully that works, if not I don't know.
But that is a good point about the female protagonist.
They might just portray her as younger, or just not pay too much attention to it.

hahaha thats freakin halarious, the grass one looks like a jerk lol
elite said:
hey i have a question (imo a good point) if the girl pantagonist is like 15-17 years old, how will she be in the anime?

They could pull another "Misty" and she could be a gym leader. But that's just my guess. Also I wonder how this will play out in the game, considering typically the trainer gets their starter at 10.
SinnohTrainer17 said:
They could pull another "Misty" and she could be a gym leader. But that's just my guess. Also I wonder how this will play out in the game, considering typically the trainer gets their starter at 10.
lol maybe they're mentally 10
benny said:

Hopefully that works, if not I don't know.
But that is a good point about the female protagonist.
They might just portray her as younger, or just not pay too much attention to it.

Oh my god. That made my day. THANK YOU :D