(1) 'Black' and 'White' American Release Date: April? [10/5]

I think it's more likely they will be released in march, since the BW TCG set will most likely come out in February.
Why couldn't they have released it like HeartGold and SoulSilver, in March? Or better yet, the Christmas season this year? This doesn't seem right. Why would they push the release date back a month from when they last released HG and SS? I hope this is wrong.
It's just a 1-month difference. It's not like the date is so far back that by the time it's out, you'd have outgrown pokemon, unless you plan on outgrowing pokemon in the near future of course.
Oh, noooooooo. I have to wait a whole MONTH for B/W. Pff, I honestly don't care. xD
I doubt that I'd even have the game by the time it would be released in March. ><

And is it REALLY that bad for B/W to come out on a Friday instead of a Sunday? Why does it matter if you have to go to school/college, whatever? It's not like you'll never be able to get the game(s). =/ And besides, it coming out on a Friday is better, because you have 3 days to play the game with no school. :3 In general, I'm fine with whatever date B/W is released... But if it's released in like, DECEMBER of 2011, I will NOT be happy. 3:<
I've not seen anything.. I thought japanese got those keychains that made the sounds for their preorders.. another reason why i thought this whole thing sounds fishy.
Might as well post here that it's confirmed to be a false date. Nintendo just put up a Q1 2011.

Meaning January~March.

So yeah, this just goes to show what we've been shown billions of times already; you can never trust GameStop with anything.
I heard about this on Pokemonaus.com yesterday. I knew they were going to be released in March. I just could'nt see them pushing the games back another month. I'm so happy there is finally some official confirmation! I been hoping they would be released in March!:):) Nintendo makes and translates games faster than we think! That's why I kept hoping March 2011! Remember, Pokemon Black and White were annouced for the US on Pokemon.com on May 28,2010. It has been almost 6 months since that date. Did anyone ever think that they have been making the english versions and giving all the new Pokemon english names since then?
I thin it will come out like the other games have. on the 22nd. So April 22 is my guess
But that was Diamond and Pearl's release date, and they are not ALWAYS on the 22nd, HG/SS was released on March 14th, so, it will most likely be on any date between February 6th and March 27th, they can't mess that up....

I always use the anime to predict the release of future games in the states, there are only 12 episodes of D/P/Pt left, meaning that it will be released on a Sunday like always 12 weeks from now, making it January 30th, but Christmas is on a Saturday this year, giving the very likely chance that Carton Network will be showing Christmas Specials and Films instead of Pokemon in it's usuall time slot, making it February 6th, then there is the likely chance of Cartoon Network showing a marathon of one of their shows (most likely Adventure Time, since CN seems to LOVE Adventure Time) on a Saturday Morning, of course it could be a Pokemon Marathon, but it will most likely be reruns, or they could show the 13th Pokemon movie on a Saturday Morning, so, it will most likely between February 6th and March 30th, if Cartoon Network does not screw up the anime schedule (or worse, Nintendo screws up something royally on the locolization and has to spend 6 weeks trying to fix it/start the translation from scratch)...

Seriously, you know darn well CN will screw up the schedule for future anime episodes in favor of Adventure Time, you know it will happen, not that Adventure Time is a bad show or anything, CN just seems to love it so much for some apparent reason, but either way, it will put B/W behind on schedule....
I sure hope it comes out early March. Why? So then I can actually have a chance to make my final preparations for VGC without having to cram it into a month. Plus then that means that the game comes out in time for there to be no filler set.
Great.(sarcasm) I was hoping for early march... I hope they make it march instead of april. i have been waiting since I first saw Zoroark back in April.
well the original release date for Soulsilver and Heartgold, as i remember it, last year, was in april. then they later moved it to March.... sooo.... i guess we will have to wait and see?
Just wanted to note, if not noted already, that GameStop reservation dates are not specifically any kind of street date! If it was definitely coming out a specific date, it would be listed as SD (street date) in the system. But there has not been a specific street date made yet, so the date, April whatever, is only a place-holder date.
I just wanted to clear this up since there are so many people here saying GameStop is wrong, when they are not making any specific mentioning of a release date...