(1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

Oh man for the last pokemon in the pokedex, The bug/steel legendary looks better than I pictured (but still not as good as Arceus IMO), I love it! xD
i love all of them :) especially the trio and the dragon/ice one
ps does anyone know if there is bikes in the game
I'm a big fan of most of them (Meloia is my new favorite legendary, I love how her hair is a musical staff with notes on it), but I'm withholding judgment on all until the art comes out. It's redeemed many a poke for me in the past *nod nod*
The base stats look very evenly leveled out this gen....it's nice to see there aren't many final forms or single stage pokemon that are complete losers.

I don't know the specifics though so maybe some are rubbish, but to me most look good.
Hahahaha The Dark/Dragon base and first stage look like emos XD

Also I don't know what you guys are talkng about some mirror, do you mean the Giant Snowflake ice-type pokemon?

This gen is weird and I love it :)

It looks also as though that fire/bug can fly.
Except for the beast trio, zekrom, reshiram and victini, all other legends are just UGLY, they don't even look like pokemon, specially that rainbow ponyta
There are a lot of cool pokemon and a lot of disappointments...

I can't put a whole stance on it now, but I will say one thing:

These pokemon have no middle ground. They are either awesome looking or horrid. About half and half for each.
I'm kind of upset that they made the dark/dragon too strong. It has three forms and it is stronger than most of the legendaries itself. Why? I would have liked to use him a lot, but now that he's too strong, it's just pointless to play him against my friends.
These pokemon have no middle ground. They are either awesome looking or horrid. About half and half for each.

If you think about it though, that may only mean that the pokemon of this generation are very marmite like. In that they'll all have many lovers and haters.

I think that's better than getting a bunch of pokemon most people just feel alright about...

I'm not sure if I'll use the Dark/Fighting lizard, I had been thinking about it but it looks more.....clownish than I had imagined. Not bad but not really what I was hoping for.
@ Dizzard

True, that is a good thing. But seeing as how many of the good looking pokemon already relate to preexisting pokemon takes away the effect of looking awesome.
I really like the pokemon of this gen. there's not much i'm really dissapointed with although there are too many pure fighting types. I really like the ground/ghost evo goruggo
The sprites themselves are clearly a little off due to what I assume is because of the animated movement. I want Sugimori art. NOW.