(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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Brave Vesperia said:

Found this on Pokémemes. Exactly how I feel about it.

You think Chespin has and will have the best stater evolutions of this gen?
Ysmir said:
Gee, they really try to make you hate Chespin? I still like the fella but that evolution leaves something to be desired. All in all I am happy though.

These aren't the final evolved forms, correct?

Most Pokemon go through an awkward middle stage, so I won't be surprised if Chespin's final evolution is all beastly and capable of mass destruction. Just look at Marshtomp, Grotle (maybe monferno), and Pignite.
ECHOxLegend said:
You think Chespin has and will have the best stater evolutions of this gen?

TheRoyalXerneas said:
Most Pokemon go through an awkward middle stage, so I won't be surprised if Chespin's final evolution is all beastly and capable of mass destruction. Just look at Marshtomp, Grotle (maybe monferno), and Pignite.

Yeah. I'd honestly much rather have an awkward middle form than an awkward final form. Take Oshawott for example. Most of us can agree that Dewott is pretty epic, and Samurott is on the border of just alright and dislike. Finals are what you play the rest of the game with, so if I have to sit through an Easter egg stage for a few levels to get to something awesome, I can stand it.

At the same time... this also somewhat scares me. I never cared too much for Swampert, Torterra, OR Emboar. I'm hoping that whatever is next doesn't come out over designed or even freakier than this.

Brave Vesperia said:

Found this on Pokémemes. Exactly how I feel about it.

I'd love to see how Chespin will turn into something snake-like. o_O

On another note, currently, I can see how Fennekin's and Froakie's evos will go into Psychic and Fighting, respectively. But so far, both Chespin and its evo are some of the farthest things from a Dark type I've seen. It just looks so overly optimistic and cheery. Maybe this will be one of the first happy and less grudgey dark types... or maybe it will hit a huge reality check at life once it gets its final stage. Or maybe even the leaker was wrong about the types. Lets just wait and see.
ECHOxLegend said:
Brave Vesperia said:

Found this on Pokémemes. Exactly how I feel about it.

You think Chespin has and will have the best stater evolutions of this gen?

Possibly. I also have high hopes for Fennekin.
I am pretty impressed with what was shown but i can't help but expect more, this might just be because its the last corocoro before X/Y's release and my desire to see new Pokemon.

Mega Mewtwo X took me a little while but has grown on me (More so with the in-game pics)

Mega Garchomp is legitimately one of the scariest Pokemon I have ever seen so i guess its doing its job

Torimian (The Normal Type Poodle) is a unique and interesting idea with the ability to change its fur style and color

Chigorasu (The Rock/Dragon) is one of the best fossil pokemon to date

Amarusu (The Rock/Ice) is my new favorite fossil pokemon of all

Espurr is another really unique and interesting pokemon idea where one gender has one move set and the other has a different move set

Hariboogu (Chespin Evo) grew on me greatly from this morning and is my second favorite of them all

Teerunaa (Fennekin Evo) is my least favorite because it looks kind of strange but i guess i'll have to wait and see its final evo

Gekogashira (Froakie Evo) is my favorite, it shows that froakie will probably be some kind of fast ninja-like assassin pokemon
Zielo said:
ECHOxLegend said:
You think Chespin has and will have the best stater evolutions of this gen?

TheRoyalXerneas said:
Most Pokemon go through an awkward middle stage, so I won't be surprised if Chespin's final evolution is all beastly and capable of mass destruction. Just look at Marshtomp, Grotle (maybe monferno), and Pignite.

Yeah. I'd honestly much rather have an awkward middle form than an awkward final form. Take Oshawott for example. Most of us can agree that Dewott is pretty epic, and Samurott is on the border of just alright and dislike. Finals are what you play the rest of the game with, so if I have to sit through an Easter egg stage for a few levels to get to something awesome, I can stand it.

At the same time... this also somewhat scares me. I never cared too much for Swampert, Torterra, OR Emboar. I'm hoping that whatever is next doesn't come out over designed or even freakier than this.

Brave Vesperia said:

Found this on Pokémemes. Exactly how I feel about it.

I'd love to see how Chespin will turn into something snake-like. o_O

On another note, currently, I can see how Fennekin's and Froakie's evos will go into Psychic and Fighting, respectively. But so far, both Chespin and its evo are some of the farthest things from a Dark type I've seen. It just looks so overly optimistic and cheery. Maybe this will be one of the first happy and less grudgey dark types... or maybe it will hit a huge reality check at life once it gets its final stage. Or maybe even the leaker was wrong about the types. Lets just wait and see.

I'm thinking of snake with the grassy thingy being the cobra hood thing.
mikes-ocean-sun said:
Tuoko said:
I'm confused...
Why're you guys calling the cats Meowstick?
I mean--
They don't look like evolved cats. o-o
So... Aren't they Espurr?

I was thinking the same thing!

zappy800 said:
Why do people say it is Meowstick and Not espurr it doesn't look fully evolved to me?

I was thinking that it is assumed they are Meowstick because the Japanese name is Nyaonikusu. Nya in Japanese is meow in English. I agree that they don't look fully evolved though, but hey, maybe they are just bigger than we think. Or maybe its the other way around and Meowstick evolves into Espurr. The leaker has made a few careless mistakes in some of the information, such as the "Mew" Mewtwo form being the one we already had, the starter types, and Panchams name.
I'm hoping for the ice type fossil to be a more bulky Pokemon so it may have a chance to survive all its weaknesses. Still glad I'm getting X, that Mewtwo looks pretty epic. I'm actually not disappointed by the middle evos (well except for poor poor Chespin). I'm actually very curious to see how they'll implement more witch themes to fennekin's final evo. And I love all the new Pokemon revealed (Espurr is totes my favorite cat Pokemon ^_^)!!

Now that I think about, there's way too many good Pokemon revealed. I'm gonna need more than six slots in my team....HOW DARE YOU GAMEFREAK MAKE ME ONLY USE SIX POKEMON!!! I NEED MORE SLOTS!!

On another note, the fairy type king is very pleased with the new type charts (the reign of fairies has finally begun)
I'm split about the new Pokes, some I love and some are...meh

Starter Evos:

Chespin Evo: I feel so sorry for it, it looks like it can barely move, I hope it is like Sheldon, looks lame them changes into something awesome.

Fennekin Evo: A witch? I wasn't expecting that! However, I am glad that its not another freaken' kitsune. I was hoping for it to be extraterrestrial, based on some western legends about foxes. It's also incredibly feminine, I wonder if it will be the first starter (and Pokemon in general) to get the unused 87.5 F to 12.5 M ratio.

Froaky Evo: Looks awesome. Froaky was my least favorite starter (I am not a fan of water types) but it may now be tied with Fennekin for my favorite. It just looks so sleek and mysterious.

Mewtwo X: I have no idea. Like I said before, this one also looks like a Xenomorph and Mewtwo had a baby. Overall it looks cool, other than its tiny tail and wonky feet.

Psy Cats: They are the most adorable things I have ever seen. I think the female looks the best with its little scarf and beret. Looks purrrfectly fitting in PokeFrance

Fossils: The only Pokemon I am disappointed with. I was that Kalos' fossils would be the first ever mammalian fossil Pokemon, due to the Lascaux caves in France.

Poodle thing: I like it. It looks interesting and cute, I wonder if each "style" will change its type or something.

Mega Garchomp: One of the most plain megalutions. It looks like someone vomited spikes on it and painted it in a few places.

Team Flare: The scientists look so familiar, but I can't but my finger on it. Also, what happened to the "make lots of money" goal? Will they make you pay to enter this "perfect world" also, I think DNA will still somehow relate to them, sort of like a Pokemon version of Gattaca or something?

I think this will be all the info we get till the games come out next month. However, it is possible that Pokemon Smash will clear up a few things, such as the new 'mons species names and what happened to the attacks.
I'm still holding out for a Noctowl evolution...


But seriously, the Chespin evolution isn't that bad once you give it a chance. That Fennekin evolution though... :( it just isn't what I expected. Good thing I'm a grass-type trainer. Both fossils look amazing, I'll probably get the rock/dragon one depending on its stats.
The day Chespin fans collectively cried.

Also X-Mewtwo looks positively dreadful (frog feet/arms and some skin flaps here and there), to the point where Y-Mewtwo is starting to look like a better design.
Froakie for the win the evolution reminds me of grovyle and I love grovyle hopefully the the final evolution will look something like sceptile, chespin will probably end up being the fat kid of the group cant wait to see how he looks hopefully it wont be disappointing fennekin dont know how to spell it it looks weird at best and will probably be a disappointments
gacs said:
The day Chespin fans collectively cried.

Also X-Mewtwo looks positively dreadful (frog feet/arms and some skin flaps here and there), to the point where Y-Mewtwo is starting to look like a better design.

I am a chespin fan and I love it's evo. Besides it isn't that bad LISTEN TO TWIGGY.
Well... this batch of news is quite disappointing in general...

M2X - Just as ugly as Mewtwo but even weirder... Don't really like it. M2Y looks much cooler IMO... About the version exclusivity, I believe what is version exclusive is their Mega Stones, not the forms themselves which is something I already expected (Version exclusive Mega Stones... Wanna bet Mawile's and probably Sableye's stones will be version exclusives too?). Also, that theory of Mewtwo having an X form and a Y form turned out to be true...

Mega Garchomp - It's cool, it's not as bad as people were expecting, I think. It's looks a bit more uglier though but unlike Mewtwo, not in a bad way as it's scary-ugly. Its new lower jaw and eyes remind of Chaosdramon though.

Starter Evos - Chespin's evo... no, just no... Looks like Pignite but goofier... Chespin is definitely my least favorite starter ever! They should have kept the reptile trend in Grass-types...
Fennekin's evo... well, the design is nice although I'm also disappointed that it became bipedal... I'd prefered if it stayed quadrupedal for once...
Froakie's evo: Froakie is a bit derpy but it'd be my second choice as it looks better than Chespin. After seeing its evo, now I think I know how I'm going to combine the Kalos and Kanto starters in the games... It looks really cool. If the final form is at least as cool, it will be my main starter so I can complement it with Charizard...

The poodle pokémon always looked like a dog to me, not a llama like some people were saying... It looks ok...

I don't like the cats at all. Like some people are saying, they look like they came from some other anime, the style of their design looks way too different compared to other previously revealed pokémon. In fact, they resemble that cat from Sailor Moon (already referenced too). Seriously, Purrloin is a much better cat... Anyway, I think these are supposed to be Espurr, as Meowstick was the name of the evolution and these don't look like evolved pokémon.

I like the fossil Pokémon but, and I really didn't want to come up with this usual complaint, they look more like digimon to me. That's not actually a complaint as I like Digimon and it's probably because I've been watching Digimon a lot lately that I'm saying this. So, they don't look bad, although the blue one looks a bit too simple for my taste.

What I really liked in all of this were the new abilities. Very cool abilities, specially the Freeze Skin one.

Don't really get why Steel lost its resistance to Dark and Ghost... What was the point? Also, Fairy resisting Bug is weird and unfair for Bug-types. On top of that, no change to give more resistance to the Ice-type... Seriously? That was THE type that needed to be improved...

That's all for now, I guess...
Everything revealed today was awesome!

I'm interested to see how Yveltal will be able to take on Xerneas. Since fairy type moves are super effective against dark type pokemon. And dark type moves arent very effective against fairy type pokemon.
Maybe since Xerneas is the Life pokemon it has the upper hand specificly to stop Yveltal from destroying everthing?
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