(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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zappy800 said:
gacs said:
The day Chespin fans collectively cried.

Also X-Mewtwo looks positively dreadful (frog feet/arms and some skin flaps here and there), to the point where Y-Mewtwo is starting to look like a better design.

I am a chespin fan and I love it's evo. Besides it isn't that bad LISTEN TO TWIGGY.

Of course there are people who still like it, but all in all the reaction has been decidedly negative. It's justified because really, it's just not an accomplished design at all.

Froakie looks very good and now I have high hopes for final-stage wizard Fennekin.


Dedenne the Electric Fairy Type said:
Everything revealed today was awesome!

I'm interested to see how Yveltal will be able to take on Xerneas. Since fairy type moves are super effective against dark type pokemon. And dark type moves arent very effective against fairy type pokemon.
Maybe since Xerneas is the Life pokemon it has the upper hand specificly to stop Yveltal from destroying everthing?

No cover mascot will have an "upper hand" lore/story-wise. Kyogre has the type advantage over Groudon yet they are equals. This is the same case here.
I'm predicting:

Froakie's final form is fighter
Fennekin's final form is mage
Chespin's final form is cereal mascot

You thought I was going to say that Chespin was a thief, didn't you?
I just realized something...ice type facade....damn Amarusu might be the fossil I choose. I'll probably choose it because of its cute design though ^_^
Insert satire about earlier thread events here. Cue people getting offended over anything.

DorianBlack said:
Ice-type Hyper Beam/Giga Impact anyone?
Ew, no. Those moves are still total shit because you still have to recharge the next turn.
jynxed said:
Fairy/Ghost is only resisted by Litleo (as far as we know).
Dark resists Ghost so Houndoom, Bisharp, and Drapion resist it, too.
Sheriff_K said:
a sheep you can shear,
Since when do sheep have long floppy ears and paws?
P.DelSlayer said:
Sky Pillar said:
Rock/ Dragon: it looks alright, but why can that be a dragon but not charizard :(

Because gamefreak logic
No, this time Game Freak actually used logic. In gen 1 there were no damage-dealing Dragon moves. making it Fire/Dragon makes it unfairly stronger than the other starters and even loses its Water weakness. There also were no abilities so no Levitate and Game Freak wanted Charizard to use its wings.
J.D. said:
Oh boy... did this guy really need one? I know with Fairy-types and all Dragon-types are taking a hit this generation, but still... I could never see Garchomp loosing that much competitive ground. This just makes him even more a monster!
Why not? They already game Lucario and Blaziken Megas and Megaken even gets Speed Boost.
Thetwiggy13 said:
The Ice-type Normalize ruins it for me, though. Look were Delcatty got.
To be fair the brontosaurus's ability only changes Normal moves to Ice moves, not to mention how horrid Delcatty's stats are.

I honestly could not give two shits about Fennekin's evo being bipedal, but I still don't like the design. It's pretty awkward looking. The combination of the skinny legs, shoulder pads, elongated nose, flared fur skirt, and thicker thighs isn't nearly as elegant as I expected Fennekin to become and is all around awkward. The witch concept is cool, though and the broom tail is neat. I hope its final stage is some kind of sorcerer/wizard for males and some elegant witch/sorceress for females. Chespin's evo is goofy, but so was Chespin. It's alright, but I don't like the long nose and it kind of looks like Chespin devolved. I still have hopes that it will have some badass armadillo knight evo. Middle stages are usually the worst in the line (except Quilava) and I might like them more once I see Chespin and Fennekin's evos in gameplay. Froakie's evo is pimping and I can totally see it becoming some sort of assassin.

I really like Froakie's evo, the T-rex, and the new mega Mewtwo (even the feet). I think Megachomp's head and axe hands are cooler than regular Garchomp, but the extra spikes are unnecessary. The poodle is alright and its ability certainly gives it potential to kick ass and take names.

Espurr/Meowstic (I refuse to call it Meowstick. I'm pretty sure the name is a pun on meow and mystic and the leaker just did't notice this) and the brontosaurus don't really look like Pokemon to me. The brontosaurus's eyes are weird and the plainness of its body looks almost like a fakemon to me. I would call the cats fakemon, too but they really look like they belong in some non-Pokemon anime or cartoon. They definitely remind me of something, but I don't know what.
Cinesra said:
Dark resists Ghost so Houndoom, Bisharp, and Drapion resist it, too.

Fairy does neutral damage to Houndoom (strong against Dark, resisted by Fire) and Bisharp (strong against Dark, resisted by Steel). So only Drapion fits.
Akamu54 said:
Cinesra said:
Am I the only one who sees the humor in a Japanese company making a move named Round Eye?

... Not really funny, dude...

I see the humor but it isn' funny. Besides they are definately going to change it for the english release.
Mega Mewtwo X: Kinda meh-ish don't understand the skin flaps....

Mega Garchomp: Pretty awesome. Enough said.

Chespin evo: It's kinda cute and it's pretty cool I guess...

Fennekin evo: No. Just no. Those tiny arms will annoy me every time I see that thing.

Froakie evo: Glad I decided on Froakie from the start. Love how he looks so sleek and it would be cool to see him evolve into a ninja or assassin

T-Rex fossil: Love it. I just love it. It looks fearsome yet cute.

Sauropod: Kinda meh-ish. It's cute but not appealing to me much

Espurr (Or whatever): I like the female design the male one is kinda meh.

Poodle: Meh-ish again. Just not appealing to me much.
Oh yeah, about Clemont and the female trainer being in Ash's new group, I honestly would have no objections to this and I kinda hope its true.
I've been wanting a kid back in the group since Max, and Clemont is my favorite Kalos gym leader so far. It would be cool if Clemont was some kind of smart alec. And I love the female trainers design and I think she'd fit in nicely, I could easily get used to her so long as she doesn't have the same up tight personality as Misty or Iris, always teasing Ash and calling him a kid.

Not that I disliked Misty or anything, but I only ever wanted one Misty. Iris had Misty's personality and it was annoying the second time.
Off topic again, back on topic please. The mods will handle any rule breaking. Thanks! :)
Pokewiz1999 said:

(Me too.. me too... xD)
I think its cool but we need Dragon too. Dragon is hardly even a type. Its just a pseudo type with individual weaknesses, resistances, and energy costs.
Zielo said:
Pokewiz1999 said:

(Me too.. me too... xD)
I think its cool but we need Dragon too. Dragon is hardly even a type. Its just a pseudo type with individual weaknesses, resistances, and energy costs.

YEAH THEY DEFINATELY NEED TO FIX DRAGON FOR THIS. (I'm trying also however I only collect cards for fun so i don't know anything competitive wise.)
I'm fine with basic Fairy Energy either way, to be honest. At first I was thinking it'd be cool to have some sort of gimmick, but I couldn't really think of anything to distinguish it.
I can't say why for certain, but something about Fennekin's evolution reminds me of Jinx from Teen Titans... and she's still my favorite of the three...

Still sucks that Steel lost two of its resistances... I can understand the loss of it's Ghost resistance, since Ghost's are immaterial and thus could pass through Steel's defenses, but how is Dark able to overcome Steel? Loosing its resistance to Ice would have made more sense--and speaking of Ice...

Also sucks that Ice is now officially dead... who'd use an Ice Pokemon over a Fairy Pokemon now? Or even an Ice attack over a Fairy-type attack, since Fairy-type covers Dragon, Dark and Fighting? All Ice covers is Dragon, Ground, Grass and Flying, with Dragon being it's only significant coverage; more common types could hit the others... now Fairy's got the Dragon's covered, both offensively and defensively...

Mega Mewtwo X... with Steadfast? Really?! I'm no fan of Mega Mewtwo Y getting stuck with Insomnia, but at least that can prove useful... how often will an opponent come along that's both fast enough and armed with a move capable of causing Flinch on Mewtwo? I also don't get why he's a Psychic/Fighting type, but Mewtwo Y is pure Psychic... could have at least given one of them Fairy-type STAB against the Dragon-types... but no... plus it makes them look a little uneven type-wise, just like how Gardevoir and Gallade were uneven before Gen 6 made Gardevoir a Fairy-type...
Calling it now. Meowstick (male?) ugh, the one on the right. It's ears and hair resemble Shanna's.
I sure hope that the Ice/Rock fossil Pokémon gets good Attack. Imagine an Ice-Type Return or Double-Edge. That'd be so beast. So far, I think my team will be:

Ice/Rock Fossil
You know how, when you're an artist, you do that thing where you take a break from working on a project for a while so that you can go back and look at it later to get a fresh perspective on it?

I keep trying to do that with Chespins evo and it just isn't working for me. ;_;
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