(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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Water Pokémon Master said:

I'm slightly disappointed, I really wanted a Manticore Pokemon...the ultimate fairy killer will remain just a fans crazy dream now...
xxashxx said:
Guys if you want to make things even easier Just pick the fire starter then once Wi-Fi is open migrate you B/W team that you are using now. I will be doing that once Pokemon Bank and transporter are available. I will make sure I do it with a Japanese or European game owner unless our copies have it right away I have been doing that since I got Diamond and I have trade my cloned Diamond team 1 3 3 4 5 & I think now 6 times and once I get X/Y it will be 7 or 8 times. Makes everything a lot easier. Attacks may not be accurate before the 8th badge but you can be done quicker by doing this XD.:)
Off-topic much? And why would you want things easier? No country gets PokeBank/Transfer for TWO whole months, so there is no point. Even the worst player would be done by then, thus defeating your reason for doing that. And also, cheated Pokemon won't be allowed on PokeBank, so good luck with that. :p
xxashxx said:
Guys if you want to make things even easier Just pick the fire starter then once Wi-Fi is open migrate you B/W team that you are using now. I will be doing that once Pokemon Bank and transporter are available. I will make sure I do it with a Japanese or European game owner unless our copies have it right away I have been doing that since I got Diamond and I have trade my cloned Diamond team 1 3 3 4 5 & I think now 6 times and once I get X/Y it will be 7 or 8 times. Makes everything a lot easier. Attacks may not be accurate before the 8th badge but you can be done quicker by doing this XD.:)

But what about those of us who don't have BW/BW2? I can't get X, Y AND BW2, just because GF made this lame Poké Transfer bank thingy.
I'm happy pyroar isn't a manticore, not saying a manticore is a bad idea for a pokemon... but I hate how overconfident people were about it. His tail is just stylized, it didn't foreshadow a manticore.
Blob55 said:
Female Unfezants still have spurs, which is something only male birds have that they use for fighting.

Actually all female poultry can sprout spurs. Genetics are pretty awesome.
(I have a head hen who has little nubby spurs because we don't have a rooster so she steps up to the plate, and gives us an egg every day, so..)
Sky Pillar said:
I'm happy pyroar isn't a manticore, not saying a manticore is a bad idea for a pokemon... but I hate how overconfident people were about it. His tail is just stylized, it didn't foreshadow a manticore.
First I'm hearing of a Manticore. I always thought it'd be a lion, and so did everyone else I've heard... Weird. o_0
TokenDuelist said:
Tail looks pretty blade-based to me.

that mane and it's overall body. Perhaps if it has a third evo it is definitely going to be a Manticore.

Heck it still has the different coloured paws/arms/legs thing and the ball part of it's tail is still clearly visible. If anything it is a manticore here but without wings - or will become winged Manticore if it evolves further (or Perhaps Mega Evolve? )

I don't know, this looks like a final to me. I can't see it evolving any further unless it gets a Mega. It would have to be into something fairly over designed or bipedal to evolve again. I kinda like the simplicity it has.

Blob55 said:
Female Unfezants still have spurs, which is something only male birds have that they use for fighting.

They may still have spurs, but that isn't something everyone notices, especially a large general audience. They got the main part down- that male birds tend to be more extravagant than the female. A huge mane is something everyone would notice, so I think theres enough potential for a gender change. They did it for Luxray after all, although it was minor.
Sheriff_K said:
Sky Pillar said:
I'm happy pyroar isn't a manticore, not saying a manticore is a bad idea for a pokemon... but I hate how overconfident people were about it. His tail is just stylized, it didn't foreshadow a manticore.
First I'm hearing of a Manticore. I always thought it'd be a lion, and so did everyone else I've heard... Weird. o_0

Where were you during litleo's introduction?
Zielo said:
TokenDuelist said:
Tail looks pretty blade-based to me.

that mane and it's overall body. Perhaps if it has a third evo it is definitely going to be a Manticore.

Heck it still has the different coloured paws/arms/legs thing and the ball part of it's tail is still clearly visible. If anything it is a manticore here but without wings - or will become winged Manticore if it evolves further (or Perhaps Mega Evolve? )

I don't know, this looks like a final to me. I can't see it evolving any further unless it gets a Mega. It would have to be into something fairly over designed or bipedal to evolve again. I kinda like the simplicity it has.

Blob55 said:
Female Unfezants still have spurs, which is something only male birds have that they use for fighting.

They may still have spurs, but that isn't something everyone notices, especially a large general audience. They got the main part down- that male birds tend to be more extravagant than the female. A huge mane is something everyone would notice, so I think theres enough potential for a gender change. They did it for Luxray after all, although it was minor.

Maned lionesses are not uncommon though. It'd be interesting if they kept the dimorphism similar to luxray's imo.
Sky Pillar said:
Sheriff_K said:
First I'm hearing of a Manticore. I always thought it'd be a lion, and so did everyone else I've heard... Weird. o_0

Where were you during litleo's introduction?
All the video's I watched about Litleo only mentioned him probably getting a badass lion evolution.. >_<

Spurs? o_0 Never knew such a thing existed. I feel like a noob at life now...

PS. What if Litleo is the mascot Pokemon of Team Flare, like how all Team Plasma Grunts have Patrat?
PSS. I think there's prolly an evolution between Litleo and Pyroar. If so, I'll name him Simba :p
viper.fox said:
Zielo said:
I don't know, this looks like a final to me. I can't see it evolving any further unless it gets a Mega. It would have to be into something fairly over designed or bipedal to evolve again. I kinda like the simplicity it has.

They may still have spurs, but that isn't something everyone notices, especially a large general audience. They got the main part down- that male birds tend to be more extravagant than the female. A huge mane is something everyone would notice, so I think theres enough potential for a gender change. They did it for Luxray after all, although it was minor.

Maned lionesses are not uncommon though. It'd be interesting if they kept the dimorphism similar to luxray's imo.

Very interesting. I actually had no idea. And I call myself an animal lover. oo;

Still, it isnt something a lot of people would know about. 70% of the world recognizes a female lion as having no mane. I won't make a fuss though if they don't make any changes or make a very little change like Luxray.
Am I the only one who really doesn't like the Litleo lines designs? Litleo looks generic and Pyroar is boring looking. At least compared to Luxray.
It's probably just a wingless manticore then. .o.
It's tail still looks like a manticore one to me. Aswell as it's other features.
TokenDuelist said:
It's probably just a wingless manticore then. .o.
It's tail still looks like a manticore one to me. Aswell as it's other features.

Without the wings and scorpion tail, I'm afraid what you're calling a manticore is, in fact, just a lion d:

...I'm sad about it too, though.
Pyroar *drools*

*Plays "Between The Lions" song while narrating"

This looks like a 2nd stage pokémon to me, so I'm guessing that Litleo will undergo a weird puberty before hitting this badassness, I'm just hoping that it's not Fire/Normal too

*Play Lion King song*

That mane is friggin' dense! I want it to move freely, like Ponyta's and Rapidash's fire, but that won't be happening :(

I'm still trying to figure out how to love M2X, Mega Garchomp ChespinEvo and FennekinEvo :/
Well, we don't really have a very good visual of the tail. Theres still slight hope. But hey, even if its not a manticore, its still really cool. Theres always still the slight chance theres a Mega, too.

I feel like there will be a middle stage too, but you never really can tell with these things. A lot of things that are BA don't have middle stages (all the bear Pokemon, for example)
Zielo said:
I honestly want to be one of the people that like Chespins evo. I hate being in the 99% that don't. I love Chespin but this one just freaks me out a little. I almost feel bad in a way for not enjoying the design and being loyal to Chespin. ._.

Maybe I'll give it a few days. Or a week. Let the information settle and then see.

If it makes you feel better, I was disappointed that my preferred starter Fennekin got a lukewarm, frail looking bipedal evolution while Chespin got one that was so energetic, original, well-characterized and brimming with potential. Round shapes are sturdy and appealing, while animals-shaped-like-people is kind of tired out as a design.

I'm starting to come around on Teerunaa, but I'll still have to wait to see the final evos before settling on the starter. When before, I was pretty dead set on Fennekin.

J.D. said:
Sheriff_K said:
PS. I clearly remember reading the Pokebeach news in the morning and it saying that the MALE Meowsticks was the offensive, and the FEMALE was the supportive one. Was it a mistranslation and it got changed?
Another popular Pokemon website (which I cannot name due to the rules) stated the Female was the offensive and the Male was supportive, and have repeated that claim multiple times since the reveal...

I hope this is true and the female is offensive. It would make sense, since female house cats are often more aggressive than males.

I'll chime in as another person crushed that Litleo doesn't become a Fire/Poison manticore. I'd still hold out hope, but that pokemon looks every bit the part of a Fire/Normal final evo. Darn it gamefreak!
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