(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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Pretty sure the colour scheme of that tail alone tells us it might still possibly be a manticore.

Regardless, this is probably another small slip done on purpose to get us wondering.
I'm curious... will both Meowstick (or Espurr) be classified as a single Pokemon in the Pokedex, or will they go the Nidoran route and each gender gets its own entry? ...personally hoping it'll be the latter...
J.D. said:
I'm curious... will both Meowstick (or Espurr) be classified as a single Pokemon in the Pokedex, or will they go the Nidoran route and each gender gets its own entry? ...personally hoping it'll be the latter...

I think it'll be like Burmy. With Espurr being 1 Pokemon, then Meowstick having a seperate Pokedex entry for Male and Female evolutions.
TokenDuelist said:
Pretty sure the colour scheme of that tail alone tells us it might still possibly be a manticore.

Regardless, this is probably another small slip done on purpose to get us wondering.

I dunno, looks like tan fur to me.


It's tough to say because the tail is at least partially obscured in both pictures, but I'm pretty sure if they were going for scorpion tail it would be more clear than that. Even Litleo's tail looks more like a scorpion.

It's fun to imagine this being the 2nd of an epic 3-part evolution, or getting a mega forme with wings. But they'd really have to introduce the manticore elements out of the blue, after this. And its stature and giant flamboyant mane really scream final evolution. :/
man, a lot happens in a day.

Unsure about how i feel about the starter evos (minus froakie's, its actually pretty cool). I really dont see how chespin is gonna get a dark typing, i mean both of them are grinning like idiots.

I like the other new pokemon though. This gen keeps getting better and better. Nice touch making Pyroar's mane shaped like a coat of arms/shield. Also, the t-rex might be my favorite fossil pokemon to date...

just needs a backpack and shorts :p
I think if it was meant to be a Manticore there would be more of an indication. Although, look at Mega Ampharos where the Dragon typing kind of came out of nowhere. I'm not saying it couldn't become a Manticore, but Pyroar isn't a Manticore.

Fire said:
Nice touch with making Pyroar's mane shaped like a coat of arms/shield.

I didn't even notice that until you said it! Nice catch! :)
Am I the only one who thinks it's an awesome design choice to put the fire kanji in Pyroar's mane?

The way it overall looks screams Manticore inspired Lion at the very least though.

but regardless, it seems these "accidental" leaks are happening a lot lately huh?

unsheathed said:
Am I the only one who thinks it's an awesome design choice to put the fire kanji in Pyroar's mane?


No I spotted that right off the bat and went "WOW THAT'S CLEVER"
shinysearcher said:
That mane is friggin' dense! I want it to move freely, like Ponyta's and Rapidash's fire, but that won't be happening :(

Actually I wonder how they'll animate those pokemon in 3D. All we've seen so far is the little fire on Charizard's tail, not a whole pokemon covered in fire.

Heck, I want to see Arcanine in 3D! o_0
Fire said:
Nice touch with making Pyroar's mane shaped like a coat of arms/shield.
Yeah I saw that right away too. But I still wish it was made of fire, like Rapidash. It looks too weird, comical, and almost inanimate (like an old school lion megazord or sumtin..)

unsheathed said:
Am I the only one who thinks it's an awesome design choice to put the fire kanji in Pyroar's mane?

Wow, I didn't even see that, nice catch! That is actually pretty cool.. :p

PS. Lions are cooler than Manticores, I for one DON'T want a Manticore. What is this, Yu-GiOh? <_<
I have to agree that a flaming mane would have been a lot cooler. I am content with what I've seen from it so far though.

I'm nail biting with the stats, I doubt it will be fast but I hope it has some bulk too it. Oh and one last thing... Please learn flare blitz
Sky Pillar said:
I have to agree that a flaming mane would have been a lot cooler. I am content with what I've seen from it so far though.

I'm nail biting with the stats, I doubt it will be fast but I hope it has some bulk too it. Oh and one last thing... Please learn flare blitz
Scientifically speaking, fire can't move slow. Heat=energy=speed.

I was considering using Litleo's final stage on my playthrough team, but seeing that atrocious mane has changed my mind... :(
Yes, Coat of Arms/Kanji is cool, but how much starch does he have in there? o_0

I can't believe they actually named him that... That is what I was calling Litleo before we had his english name and was planning on nicknaming my Litleo. Guess I don't have to now. ^_^
Sheriff_K said:
Sky Pillar said:
I have to agree that a flaming mane would have been a lot cooler. I am content with what I've seen from it so far though.

I'm nail biting with the stats, I doubt it will be fast but I hope it has some bulk too it. Oh and one last thing... Please learn flare blitz
Scientifically speaking, fire can't move slow. Heat=energy=speed.

I was considering using Litleo's final stage on my playthrough team, but seeing that atrocious mane has changed my mind... :(

Tell that to flareon, heatmor, emboar, chandelure, and magcargo.
Sky Pillar said:
Sheriff_K said:
Scientifically speaking, fire can't move slow. Heat=energy=speed.

I was considering using Litleo's final stage on my playthrough team, but seeing that atrocious mane has changed my mind... :(

Tell that to flareon, heatmor, emboar, chandelure, and magcargo.
Well, all of those Pokemon have a reason to be slow (ie. fat, a snail, an inanimate object, an eater-of-slow-insect), except for Flareon. Flareon is just an exception. Oh why Flareon, must you be so weak?! /cry...

PS. Does the Recoil from Flare Blitz get reduced by your Resistance, since it deals Fire damage?
shinysearcher said:
That mane is friggin' dense! I want it to move freely, like Ponyta's and Rapidash's fire, but that won't be happening :(
But then he wouldn't have much of a mane... he'd just be a big cat with Emboar's beard...

Sheriff_K said:
PS. Does the Recoil from Flare Blitz get reduced by your Resistance, since it deals Fire damage?
Don't think so, since recoil is a specific percentage of the damage you inflict on your opponent, and not related to weaknesses, resistances, or stats.
Sheriff_K said:
Sky Pillar said:
Tell that to flareon, heatmor, emboar, chandelure, and magcargo.
Well, all of those Pokemon have a reason to be slow (ie. fat, a snail, an inanimate object, an eater-of-slow-insect), except for Flareon. Flareon is just an exception. Oh why Flareon, must you be so weak?! /cry...

PS. Does the Recoil from Flare Blitz get reduced by your Resistance, since it deals Fire damage?
He has that mane slowing him down, plus even though the listed pokemon aren't physically nimble doesn't mean they couldn't be.

Chandelure might be inanimate but so is electrode

Emboar is fat but so is miltank

Anteaters aren't fast at all but neither are slugs (accelgor)
unsheathed said:
Am I the only one who thinks it's an awesome design choice to put the fire kanji in Pyroar's mane?


I noticed that right before you said it. I love the little details like that.
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