(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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Zielo said:
Oh yeah, about Clemont and the female trainer being in Ash's new group, I honestly would have no objections to this and I kinda hope its true.
I've been wanting a kid back in the group since Max, and Clemont is my favorite Kalos gym leader so far. It would be cool if Clemont was some kind of smart alec. And I love the female trainers design and I think she'd fit in nicely, I could easily get used to her so long as she doesn't have the same up tight personality as Misty or Iris, always teasing Ash and calling him a kid.

Not that I disliked Misty or anything, but I only ever wanted one Misty. Iris had Misty's personality and it was annoying the second time.

I think it would be awesome if Yvonne also did gym battles and kinda be like a nicer Gary/Paul. Then at the Pokemon league I want Ash to lose to her, and she could either win the league or lose to some character introduced three episodes before.
* I know Ash beats his rival at the league, but this time I want him to lose to her. During the series they should be evenly matched, where they win some and lose some when battling against each other from time to time....
Does anyone else think it's unfair that one Fossil is Rock/Dragon, while the other is Rock/Ice? Also, I don't like that the female cat is a lousy supporter. I'm sick of all Animé portraying females as healers/supporters.

I'm glad the Water starter got cooler uon evolution, but the other two look lame. It now looks like Chespin will end up being a Grass version of Emboar and Fennekin looks more like a Fire/Ghost type, as witch-like Pokémon tend to be Ghosts.
Zielo said:
You know how, when you're an artist, you do that thing where you take a break from working on a project for a while so that you can go back and look at it later to get a fresh perspective on it?

I keep trying to do that with Chespins evo and it just isn't working for me. ;_;


How about now?

Blob55 said:
Also, I don't like that the female cat is a lousy supporter. I'm sick of all Animé portraying females as healers/supporters.
Wasn't it confirmed though that the female is the one with the attack moves (gets Extrasensory) while the male plays the supporter (gets Miracle Eye)?
Also, Amarusu is so OP, because it gets an awesome ability that allows it to have all Normal move Ice, while the T-Rex only gets an ability that ups biting moves a bit. Isn't the most powerful biting move Crunch anyway? It won't even be STAB!
J.D. said:
Zielo said:
You know how, when you're an artist, you do that thing where you take a break from working on a project for a while so that you can go back and look at it later to get a fresh perspective on it?

I keep trying to do that with Chespins evo and it just isn't working for me. ;_;


How about now?

Blob55 said:
Also, I don't like that the female cat is a lousy supporter. I'm sick of all Animé portraying females as healers/supporters.
Wasn't it confirmed though that the female is the one with the attack moves (gets Extrasensory) while the male was the supporter (gets Miracle Eye)?

O_O that just made me love Hariboogu a million times more (I want it, I want it now!!). Plus, I felt like the male espurr should be the offensive one, not because of gender, but because it looks like more of an attacker IMO.

Blob55 said:
Also, Amarusu is so OP, because it gets an awesome ability that allows it to have all Normal move Ice, while the T-Rex only gets an ability that ups biting moves a bit. Isn't the most powerful biting move Crunch anyway? It won't even be STAB!

Not really OP when it has two 4x weaknesses, like four other weaknesses, and will most likely have decent offenses and cringe worthy speed. Practically anything that could kill it will most likely out speed it....where's your freeze skin now.
J.D. said:
Zielo said:
You know how, when you're an artist, you do that thing where you take a break from working on a project for a while so that you can go back and look at it later to get a fresh perspective on it?

I keep trying to do that with Chespins evo and it just isn't working for me. ;_;


How about now?

Its funny, I was just about to try and draw it to make it look cute. Guess someone beat me to it. That definitely is a little better. Part of the reason I dislike the original so much is just because of the pose its in. It puts the face at a really awkward angle and makes the nose stick out like a sore thumb, while its eyes are just staring into space.
TheRoyalXerneas said:
J.D. said:

How about now?

Wasn't it confirmed though that the female is the one with the attack moves (gets Extrasensory) while the male was the supporter (gets Miracle Eye)?

O_O that just made me love Hariboogu a million times more (I want it, I want it now!!). Plus, I felt like the male espurr should be the offensive one, not because of gender, but because it looks like more of an attacker IMO.

That's why I got the offensive vs. supportive genders confused.
Am I the only one who thinks Chespins evo looks cool, and better than Chespin? I'm not even picking him as my Starter, but I think he looks good.. <_<

Haters gonna hate.
I honestly want to be one of the people that like Chespins evo. I hate being in the 99% that don't. I love Chespin but this one just freaks me out a little. I almost feel bad in a way for not enjoying the design and being loyal to Chespin. ._.

Maybe I'll give it a few days. Or a week. Let the information settle and then see.
He's a fat porcupine in a green Pikachu suit, what's not to love? :p

PS. I clearly remember reading the Pokebeach news in the morning and it saying that the MALE Meowsticks was the offensive, and the FEMALE was the supportive one. Was it a mistranslation and it got changed?
(Nothing against females, I just think the male looks cooler. So it comes down to the age old debate between looks vs stats. In which I ALWAYS side with looks ~.^
No point being badass, if you can't LOOK badass while doing it. :p)

Time to commit suicide, this change is too big. I can't handle it. My lofty plans, ruined. My gender views, crushed. How will I cope with such monumental a disturbancy to my otherwise marginal sanity?!
Water Pokémon Master said:
Whoa! Now that is a lion Pokemon!

Wonder if the female will lack the mane? It so totally better! ...it wouldn't look right...

Sheriff_K said:
PS. I clearly remember reading the Pokebeach news in the morning and it saying that the MALE Meowsticks was the offensive, and the FEMALE was the supportive one. Was it a mistranslation and it got changed?
Another popular Pokemon website (which I cannot name due to the rules) stated the Female was the offensive and the Male was supportive, and have repeated that claim multiple times since the reveal...
Water Pokémon Master said:

Oh wow that is EPIC! I would LOVE to see a battle between Pyroar and Luxray.

I wish we had a better view of its tail but from what I can see, it doesn't look like a manticore like most of us had hoped. :( But it is still pretty awesome. I wonder if this is Litleo's only evolution.

Edit: I really hope the female will look like a lioness too. I can see this looking really cool with or without the mane. :)
Sheriff_K said:
He's a fat porcupine in a green Pikachu suit, what's not to love? :p

PS. I clearly remember reading the Pokebeach news in the morning and it saying that the MALE Meowsticks was the offensive, and the FEMALE was the supportive one. Was it a mistranslation and it got changed?

Time to commit suicide, this change is too big. I can't handle it. My lofty plans, ruined. My gender views, crushed. How will I cope with such monumental a disturbancy to my otherwise marginal sanity?!

THAT explains it!
Zielo said:
Water Pokémon Master said:

Oh wow that is EPIC! I would LOVE to see a battle between Pyroar and Luxray.

I wish we had a better view of its tail but from what I can see, it doesn't look like a manticore like most of us had hoped. :( But it is still pretty awesome. I wonder if this is Litleo's only evolution.

Tail looks pretty blade-based to me.

that mane and it's overall body. Perhaps if it has a third evo it is definitely going to be a Manticore.

Heck it still has the different coloured paws/arms/legs thing and the ball part of it's tail is still clearly visible. If anything it is a manticore here but without wings - or will become winged Manticore if it evolves further (or Perhaps Mega Evolve? )
Zielo said:
Water Pokémon Master said:

Oh wow that is EPIC! I would LOVE to see a battle between Pyroar and Luxray.

I wish we had a better view of its tail but from what I can see, it doesn't look like a manticore like most of us had hoped. :( But it is still pretty awesome. I wonder if this is Litleo's only evolution.

Female Unfezants still have spurs, which is something only male birds have that they use for fighting.
I was excited for Litleo's evolution, now I'm kind of disappointed... :(

I mean, it isn't a FLAMING mane, like Rapidash. Pfft, weak. <_<
This is exactly what I was hoping for! I'm so glad to see Litleo got a cool evolution into a proper lion!

I pretty much guessed this because of the fire-typing and "Litleo" name. Seems to be the Pokemon representation of the Zodiac sign.
Guys if you want to make things even easier Just pick the fire starter then once Wi-Fi is open migrate you B/W team that you are using now. I will be doing that once Pokemon Bank and transporter are available. I will make sure I do it with a Japanese or European game owner unless our copies have it right away I have been doing that since I got Diamond and I have trade my cloned Diamond team 1 3 3 4 5 & I think now 6 times and once I get X/Y it will be 7 or 8 times. Makes everything a lot easier. Attacks may not be accurate before the 8th badge but you can be done quicker by doing this XD.:)
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