(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
I don't like that you have to groom the poodle Pokémon to get Beauty trainer soul thing up is lame, as I hate how stupid poodles look when people do that and the fact that fassion is a big part of the game is so stupid, as all it is is shallow people wearing things even more shallow people are wearing.

The poodle thing is in there just because the game is based off of France, and a lot of people associate France (and Paris) with beauty and boutiques like that. So, it makes perfect sense. As for the beauty theme, how is it "shallow"? Customizing your character in a way that reflects your personality is a great idea. Do you remember how many people hated the male character's beret when D/P came out? With this, you can make the character really feel like you, which makes for a more immersive experience, in my opinion. Customization is standard in many games now, it's time Pokemon came into the new era of gaming.
Please get over yourself and your criticism of fashion. Conformity is a hallmark of human existance, and even nonconformity is in its essence, a form of conformity. The ability to groom a poodle is hardly something to get up in arms about. If you don't like it...leave your poodle a shaggy mess. No one is forcing you to do it.
shinysearcher said:
Can anyone help me guessing what does the Quil- part of its name is? Some of us have already guessed that the last part is directly connected to Paladin, but that Quil- part I just can't figure it out...

Quill, like the quill of a porcupine. Sharp pointy barb like things. Thats a safe bet, I think.
Teal said:
Wait, some people actually thought the branch in Braixen's tail was actually part of the Pokémon?

hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha :DDDD

Yeah, so? The first thing I read was "has a twig in its broom-like tail". I just figured it was supposed to be a broomstick and gave it no other thought. Boy, I guess I should feel pretty stupid about now. :rolleyes:
I don't know why but I really like furfou's design, the name leaves much to be desired.

The Pryroar female form looks great.
ECHOxLegend said:
Braixen albeit the name I don't understand, looks a lot better in motion like I speculated, has a lot of sass to it just like fennekin.

It could be from Branch (since it keeps one on its tail) or Brazier (container for fire) and Vixen (female fox). ^^'
Drokas said:
Video revealed:

You were right and I was wrong: Braixen's stick is a wand and not a torch. ;)

So, like Oshawott about its shell, I'm guessing this Braixen will be somewhat careful about loosing its wand. Now I'm thinking, does it loses its "magical"/psychic powers without the wand or maybe this is just a way of better channeling them?

Quilladin's name just made me like it despite my initial reaction and seeing it in the video...seems good to me.

Female Pyroar...what a lioness, it reminds me of some african amazon warrior. O.O

About Furfrou (this guy will get a nickname because its name is so hedious) I will choose to turn it into the orange one because it has some sort of pompadour (maybe I'll call it Louis XIV XD).

PS: now I know why I was hating Quilladin so much - it reminded me of this little fellow that I particularly don't like a bit:
Rumors & Speculation

Tatertot said:
Blob55 said:
I don't like that you have to groom the poodle Pokémon to get Beauty trainer soul thing up is lame, as I hate how stupid poodles look when people do that and the fact that fassion is a big part of the game is so stupid, as all it is is shallow people wearing things even more shallow people are wearing.

The poodle thing is in there just because the game is based off of France, and a lot of people associate France (and Paris) with beauty and boutiques like that. So, it makes perfect sense. As for the beauty theme, how is it "shallow"? Customizing your character in a way that reflects your personality is a great idea. Do you remember how many people hated the male character's beret when D/P came out? With this, you can make the character really feel like you, which makes for a more immersive experience, in my opinion. Customization is standard in many games now, it's time Pokemon came into the new era of gaming.
Please get over yourself and your criticism of fashion. Conformity is a hallmark of human existance, and even nonconformity is in its essence, a form of conformity. The ability to groom a poodle is hardly something to get up in arms about. If you don't like it...leave your poodle a shaggy mess. No one is forcing you to do it.

^ This. 100%.

If I get Furfrou I will keep it shaggy, but it's cool that the option is there and it's something different for Pokémon!
Shampoo Thief said:
Love the female Pyroar, looks like a punk rock badass. I like her more than the male.

So glad it is meowstic and not with the 'k.' Was meowstic the evolution of espurr? Meowstic is already tiny and cutesy, I am wondering what Espurr will be like.

Furfrou. You can definitely see the poodle in it now. Look at that face haha. I really like this guy, and the customization is a cool idea. Especially since the hair grows back after a few days.

I'm getting even more excited about the starters' themes with the english names revealed.

Female Pyroar's mane sort of reminds me of Pidgeot's crest or whatever that hair feather is...or is it just me still I love the design.
Drokas said:
ECHOxLegend said:
Braixen albeit the name I don't understand, looks a lot better in motion like I speculated, has a lot of sass to it just like fennekin.

It could be from Branch (since it keeps one on its tail) or Brazier (container for fire) and Vixen (female fox). ^^'

Or from the portuguese Bruxa (witch). :D
Leaf_Ranger said:
You were right and I was wrong: Braixen's stick is a wand and not a torch. ;)

Haha, maybe it's both since it gets lightened on fire when Braixen wields it. =P

Leaf_Ranger said:
Or from the portuguese Bruxa (witch). :D
I see what you did there! xD
Pokewiz1999 said:
Anyone else think the Female Pyroar's hair looks like Pidgeot's feathers? I think so...

I thought that too! Pyroar and Pidgeot should hang out

So excited for customization!! Also, love the female Pyroar and the animations for everything. x3
Pokewiz1999 said:
Anyone else think the Female Pyroar's hair looks like Pidgeot's feathers? I think so...

Lol I just made that reply before reading your comment...great minds think alike even so I still like her design.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Drokas said:
FloodBadge said:
Torimian may possibly be some wild and crazy bird or pixie. I could see it being a kiwi, even.

Huh? But isn't Torimian the "poodle" Pokémon already revealed? =S

Oh yeah lol
I guess i was pretty close though. It's a poodle which scratches and has crazy wild fur... so... idk

Also i noticed something about the japanese names:
Torimian = Trimian = Trim + Pomeranian
Chigorasu = Chigoras = ??? + -saurus
Amarusu = Amurus = ??? + -saurus or Parasaurolophus
I'm really glad they made male and female forms of Pyroar. Not that it would have been a huge deal overall but it would have irked me to see a lioness with a mane. It's the little things.

Customization is looking nice from what I've seen so far. Hopefully more info will come out on online interactions. That's what I'm most curious about.
Ghost types immune to trapping moves yes! Female Meowstick the aggressive one yes! Massive trainer customization yes!

Female Pyroar getting an awesome mohawk, holy cow. The only thing that will keep me from training it is how it will probably be the ubiquitous villain team pokemon.

I liked both fossil pokemon pretty equally when I saw them, but Tyrunt is winning over the huge Jurassic Park fan in me. That alone might earn it a spot on my team.

And could the battle sequences in this game look any better? I went from being really lukewarm on this batch of pokemon to loving almost all of them once I saw them in action. So how much am I going to love the X/Y versions of pokemon that I'm already fond of? That's a big credit to the animation style. God I can't wait for these games
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