(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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RE: Rumors & Speculation

professorlight said:
P.D: poodles ARE dumb, and loud, and annoying, and ugly. I'm 100% with you there, but the people who humanize the poor animal are worst.

That's why I want to keep the Furfrou I'll get normal looking.
It's so sad that the Pokémon that protected a king is now nothing but a mere doll.

(Kinda funny we're talking about how people treat dogs and I'm watching the ep of King of the Hill about Dog dancing. Heck, it even has a froofy poodle win!)
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
professorlight said:
P.D: poodles ARE dumb, and loud, and annoying, and ugly. I'm 100% with you there, but the people who humanize the poor animal are worst.

That's why I want to keep the Furfrou I'll get normal looking.
It's so sad that the Pokémon that protected a king is now nothing but a mere doll.

(Kinda funny we're talking about how people treat dogs and I'm watching the ep of King of the Hill about Dog dancing. Heck, it even has a froofy poodle win!)

How is putting on clothes in a way that I like vain?
RE: Rumors & Speculation

Blob55 said:
professorlight said:
P.D: poodles ARE dumb, and loud, and annoying, and ugly. I'm 100% with you there, but the people who humanize the poor animal are worst.

That's why I want to keep the Furfrou I'll get normal looking.
It's so sad that the Pokémon that protected a king is now nothing but a mere doll.

(Kinda funny we're talking about how people treat dogs and I'm watching the ep of King of the Hill about Dog dancing. Heck, it even has a froofy poodle win!)

It is said that poodles were once warriors or something equally badass, that bit from furfrou was taken from that myth.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

professorlight said:
Blob55 said:
That's why I want to keep the Furfrou I'll get normal looking.
It's so sad that the Pokémon that protected a king is now nothing but a mere doll.

(Kinda funny we're talking about how people treat dogs and I'm watching the ep of King of the Hill about Dog dancing. Heck, it even has a froofy poodle win!)

It is said that poodles were once warriors or something equally badass, that bit from furfrou was taken from that myth.
Did real poodles protect kings I know for a fact they are really popular retreivers?

Fun fact: they got those stupid haircuts originally to help them go through water quicker.
RE: Rumors & Speculation

"P.D: poodles ARE dumb, and loud, and annoying, and ugly. I'm 100% with you there, but the people who humanize the poor animal are worst."

Not to throw anymore fuel on this stupid fire but poodles are one of the more intelligent breeds of dog. Like any dog though, it's really only as smart as it's owner.
Metalizard said:
I'm also trying to say Frogadier's name correctly, I know the "-adier" comes from French too, but it's kinda difficult to say Frog and then make a french accent to say the rest of the name... It's similar to Gardevoir, although -voir is easier to say... There's also Escavalier, but it's an easier name too IMO...

I'm fairly sure its based on a brigadier (a military rank, originating from napoleons armies), but you replace brig with frog. It should be pronounced "frog-uh-deer" or "froɡəˈdɪə" if we use the OED pronunciation key
grassdragon said:
P.DelSlayer said:
I'm actually wondering if the leaker didn't actually tell the truth with the starter evolution types.

I mean, the types they confirmed seemed way to much into fan theory for me - everyone and their mother speculated a Psychic/Dark/Fighting reverse triangle with them.

This has only gotten stronger with Quilladin; not only do Rock and Ground (and Steels not much of a stretch either) seem more suitable for it (Mud Shot wouldn't be a move I expected it to learn, as with Rollout), but there seems to be nothing pointing towards Dark - infact, its mainly the opposite, what with it being gentle and avoiding battles, that seems like nothing a Dark type would do.

You're basing your theory on Quilladin, which is PURE Grass. The final evo could have a drastic change in personality to make the Dark type fit.
Plus there are Pokemon of all types that can learn Rollout.

I never said a Grass/Dark type was impossible, I said that considering the way Quilladin is going a Dark type seemed one of the more unlikely types it could be.
with Rollout, I was more thinking of it not suiting Chespin, and it was probably the first real pointer towards a potential Grass/Rock evo.
But that still doesn't explain Mud Shot, which is really a move that I really wouldn't assume Quilladin would learn, and its not learned that much outside of Rock, Water or Ground types (which are the types that could potentially include mud).
For a pure Grass, then learning a Ground move and a Rock move via level up isn't a usual occurence.

They could pull a complete huge turn with Quilladin to make it a Grass/Dark type, but I just can't see it. Especially considering its entry (about how Quilladin avoids battles).
P.DelSlayer said:
I'm actually wondering if the leaker didn't actually tell the truth with the starter evolution types.

I mean, the types they confirmed seemed way to much into fan theory for me - everyone and their mother speculated a Psychic/Dark/Fighting reverse triangle with them.

This has only gotten stronger with Quilladin; not only do Rock and Ground (and Steels not much of a stretch either) seem more suitable for it (Mud Shot wouldn't be a move I expected it to learn, as with Rollout), but there seems to be nothing pointing towards Dark - infact, its mainly the opposite, what with it being gentle and avoiding battles, that seems like nothing a Dark type would do.

My guess is that simply the leaker got it wrong and that Chespin will get Fighting and Froakie will end up Dark. It goes well with the paladin theme for Chespin and the thief theme for Froakie.

Also, all the information given by the leaker proven to be true, with slightly variation. And he/she even got Fennekin's secondary type right! (At least for me it is pretty clear that this line will end up Psychic)
Meowstic said:
Metalizard said:
So, now I think... After seeing how Braixen uses the twig as a wand and its general witch appearance, why isn't it a Fire/Psychic already? Why are they saving the second-type for the final evolution?

Because if fennekin gets psychic as its secondary type so early in the game it would be difficult to use in battles, since it is not fully evolved and Fire/psychic combo has so many type weaknesses as well.

It's not like weaknesses stops us from getting grass-type starters each generation. If the starters do end up Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic and Water/Fighting, the number of weaknesses basically evens out.
Wasn't there an initial mistake on the leaker's part on Chespin's and Froakie's secondary typing being mixed up? Maybe those were the actual typings although I'm still crossing my fingers for a dark knight stage for Chespin :D
Delta Nite said:
P.DelSlayer said:
I'm actually wondering if the leaker didn't actually tell the truth with the starter evolution types.

I mean, the types they confirmed seemed way to much into fan theory for me - everyone and their mother speculated a Psychic/Dark/Fighting reverse triangle with them.

This has only gotten stronger with Quilladin; not only do Rock and Ground (and Steels not much of a stretch either) seem more suitable for it (Mud Shot wouldn't be a move I expected it to learn, as with Rollout), but there seems to be nothing pointing towards Dark - infact, its mainly the opposite, what with it being gentle and avoiding battles, that seems like nothing a Dark type would do.

My guess is that simply the leaker got it wrong and that Chespin will get Fighting and Froakie will end up Dark. It goes well with the paladin theme for Chespin and the thief theme for Froakie.

Also, all the information given by the leaker proven to be true, with slightly variation. And he/she even got Fennekin's secondary type right! (At least for me it is pretty clear that this line will end up Psychic)

Actually he originally said that but then changed it so I currently believe that.
zappy800 said:
Delta Nite said:
My guess is that simply the leaker got it wrong and that Chespin will get Fighting and Froakie will end up Dark. It goes well with the paladin theme for Chespin and the thief theme for Froakie.

Also, all the information given by the leaker proven to be true, with slightly variation. And he/she even got Fennekin's secondary type right! (At least for me it is pretty clear that this line will end up Psychic)

Actually he originally said that but then changed it so I currently believe that.

I think WPM misinterpreted it as Water/Dark and Grass/Fighting, but the leaker only said it was Water/Fighting and Grass/Dark.

(I actually really want Frogadier to end up Water/Fighting...)
Even though Grass/Dark, Fire/Psychic and Water/Fighting form by no measure a perfect triangle, it is still a fairly good combo taking into account being able to deal SE damage to the other two; a more balanced Gen IV. Grass/Fighting, Fire/Psychic and Water/Dark are also acceptable, although it can be summed up as "type-matchups on steroids" where you will either stand no chance or completely crush the opponent.
P.DelSlayer said:
zappy800 said:
Actually he originally said that but then changed it so I currently believe that.

I think WPM misinterpreted it as Water/Dark and Grass/Fighting, but the leaker only said it was Water/Fighting and Grass/Dark.

(I actually really want Frogadier to end up Water/Fighting...)

Dude go back and look at that WPM specifically said the leaker told us the wrong types on "accident" either that or WPM is a lier.
Every speculation about the secondary types of the starters is baseless without knowing how the final evolved forms look like, and even so, nobody could tell what the second type is just by looking at the picture of a Pokemon.

Look at Hydreigon. Could you actually tell that it would be a dark type just by looking at it?
signofzeta said:
Every speculation about the secondary types of the starters is baseless without knowing how the final evolved forms look like, and even so, nobody could tell what the second type is just by looking at the picture of a Pokemon.

Look at Hydreigon. Could you actually tell that it would be a dark type just by looking at it?

Hydreigon yes, hes black and has mouths for hands and evil eyes, his evolutions are multiheaded ravenous little demons, how could he not be dark. now nuzleaf is a good of example of something that just goes poof, and suddenly, dark type shiftry. Same with scraggy, he could of been just fighting, but nope, rogue gangsta scrafty out of the woodworks.
zappy800 said:
P.DelSlayer said:
I think WPM misinterpreted it as Water/Dark and Grass/Fighting, but the leaker only said it was Water/Fighting and Grass/Dark.

(I actually really want Frogadier to end up Water/Fighting...)

Dude go back and look at that WPM specifically said the leaker told us the wrong types on "accident" either that or WPM is a lier.

whoops, that was a wrong point. I was going from memory, but it turns out you're correct.

Tho it is interesting.... Did they only get the appearance of the starters, and only assumed that we had a Grass/Fighting and Water/Dark?
Maybe they then attempted to use a Psychic attack on Quilladin's evo, yet found it ineffective and then made the logical decision that it was a Grass/Dark, and then made the assumption that Frogadier's evo was Water/Fighting.

Has anyone actually thought that they didn't actually know the starter evolution's types, and so went for the widely-speculated Psy/Dark/Fight reverse triangle.
They could've done it so as to make their info seem less credible (obviously at the time of the leak).
I don't know what to think about the typings anymore. But I do like the idea of grass/dark and the leaker got most of the things right so I'll just cross my fingers for his version of typings.
I don't like how Electric types are immune to paralysis. It makes sense for them to be immune to paralysis caused by electricity, sure, but there's still Stun Spore. An Electric type shouldn't be immune to the effects of a plant toxin.
xayshade said:
Tree frogs have thin bodies like that too. I don't really think having a thin body hints to anything else. I'm pretty sure he will still stay frog
Good point; I completely forgot about tree frogs. I guess it was because Frogadier is a Water type
Metalizard said:
The Kanji thing just makes me think of Fire Blast
Sheriff_K said:
@Cinesra, I meant remaking a 2D game in 2D would be going backwards. Since they wouldn't have the resources, or the drive/reason, to remake/completely redo it into 3D when they could be working on a 3D Sequel to X/Y.. So if they do release a remake, it'd be 2D, or nothing.
I'm pretty sure you're just making assumptions without actually knowing anything about Game Freak's potential distribution of resources or priority. I'm pretty sure Game Freak employs multiple teams to work simultaneously on main-series, remakes, and spin-offs.
FloodBadge said:
I hope they can fix this by making a camarasaurus, diplodocus, or brachiosaurus (despite proving to have never existed) evolution to make it seem better to some.
professorlight said:
The site referred to amamura's fossil as the sail fossil. Pleeeeeeease be a stegosaurus, pleeeeease.
Amaura is based on an Amargasaurus, which is a long-necked Sauropod with a spiny sail on its neck. So like a cross between an Apatosaurus and a Spinosaurus. This is not only evidenced by its name being a shortened version of AMrgsAURus, but by the fact that it's revived from a sail fossil. IIts eye crest/fin/things will probably expand into this spiny sail upon evolution. Regardless of this; there's no way a Stegosaurus would ever happen. I know we've had things like Remoraid->Octillery and Magikarp->Gyarados, but at least evolutions that different from each-other made sense (one is a handgun fish evolving into an aquatic tank, the other is based on an East Asian folktale/myth/whatever about a carp that becomes a dragon).
ashyboy said:
I think I know why Gamefreak is making these part normal type pokemon. Since fairy is here to bounce off fighting types not to get out of control and since steel lost its ghost resistance they are trying to encourage us to use more normal types which I wouldn't use if they were single typed. And let me tell you Pyroar and Helioptile (if it evolves hopefully )are great party members.
I was under the impression that Litleo was Fire/Normal because it was mostly a regular animal (the vast majority of Normal types) with some Fire elements. Same with Helioptile; it's more Electric, but still pretty much just a yellow lizard.
Baktwerel said:
Oh and Quilladin looks much better in the game. Also, is that a hint to paladin in it's name?
Only if the meaning of hint has suddenly changed to blatant giveaway.
Baktwerel said:
In this generation they are immune for sure. The typing table has a lot of new changes/immunities which will be applied in Pokemon X and Y, and quite possibly in the future generations as well. Of course the new updates don't apply for older generations.
Except Fire types have always been immune to burns.
Blob55 said:
Well, since Fairy type is SE against Fighting and Dark and Ghost type do normal damage to Steel types, won't that mean the biggest issues for Ice types be Fire and Rock types?
Not necessarily. Fighting will definitely take a hit if there are good Fairy types and moves (which seems pretty likely given Sylveon and Togekiss), but Steel types will probably remain as strong as ever, if not stronger. Sure, they lost two resistances, but they gained super effectiveness and resistance to Fairy. If anything, now Steel types have an actual reason to use STAB moves and Ice will take more of a hit
Leaf_Ranger said:
Or from the portuguese Bruxa (witch). :D
That doesn't explain the a between the r and the i.
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