(1) 'CoroCoro' Leaking! [9/11]

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P.DelSlayer said:
DorianBlack said:
Here's a fascinating tidbit: on that page with all the moves listed, Geomancy, Oblivion Wing, and Parting Shot's types are all listed as "???". I can't think of any reason for this other than the original leaker's assertions that some moves could have more than one type...

I thought it was confirmed that Geomancy was Fairy, Oblivion Wing was Dark and Parting Shot was Dark?

The only thing I can really see being a dual type attack out of those is Oblivion Wing, obviously being a Dark/Flying attack. Parting Shot could be Dark/Fighting I suppose?

But Parting Shot is an status move, its type doesn't even matter. Why would they bother adding a second type? Assuming this is possible.
The twig in Fennevo's tail must serve a purpose and my guess is that now that it's bipedal it's going to use that stick as a sword and become Fire/Fighting. No jokes. I'm serious - it's a possibility. That leaker has gotten some stuff wrong so the final evo's typings could be among that misinformation. I'm guessing Grass/Ground, Fire/Fighting, and Water.
ahahahahaha, Hariboogu is SO STUPID-LOOKING
Good thing I decided on Froakie from the beginning. Froakie master race.
Is it just me? Or does Fennekin's evo have a sort of... Witchy vibe to it?

... Still annoyed that it's bipedal though =/ I really did make the right decision (so far) when it comes to favoriting Froakie.
fenekin's evo tail looks like a witch's broom. thus the psychic part. do you think it can fly? you know with the broomstick...?
jynxed said:
The twig in Fennevo's tail must serve a purpose and my guess is that now that it's bipedal it's going to use that stick as a sword and become Fire/Fighting. No jokes. I'm serious - it's a possibility. That leaker has gotten some stuff wrong so the final evo's typings could be among that misinformation. I'm guessing Grass/Ground, Fire/Fighting, and Water.

Or. . . Get this. . . that twig is It's a wand. . .
jynxed said:
The twig in Fennevo's tail must serve a purpose and my guess is that now that it's bipedal it's going to use that stick as a sword and become Fire/Fighting. No jokes. I'm serious - it's a possibility. That leaker has gotten some stuff wrong so the final evo's typings could be among that misinformation. I'm guessing Grass/Ground, Fire/Fighting, and Water.

I thought the twig made its tail into a broomstick?

Fire/Fairy maybe?
jynxed said:
The twig in Fennevo's tail must serve a purpose and my guess is that now that it's bipedal it's going to use that stick as a sword and become Fire/Fighting. No jokes. I'm serious - it's a possibility. That leaker has gotten some stuff wrong so the final evo's typings could be among that misinformation. I'm guessing Grass/Ground, Fire/Fighting, and Water.

Fire/Fighting, I would love that! haha.

Chespin looks more like a Grass/Rock to me. I guess Ground is possible too, but I don't see it becoming a Grass/Dark or /Fighting, or whatever that leak said.
Mega Garchomp in full:

P.DelSlayer said:
DorianBlack said:
Here's a fascinating tidbit: on that page with all the moves listed, Geomancy, Oblivion Wing, and Parting Shot's types are all listed as "???". I can't think of any reason for this other than the original leaker's assertions that some moves could have more than one type...

I thought it was confirmed that Geomancy was Fairy, Oblivion Wing was Dark and Parting Shot was Dark?

The only thing I can really see being a dual type attack out of those is Oblivion Wing, obviously being a Dark/Flying attack. Parting Shot could be Dark/Fighting I suppose?
I could see Geomancy changing type, what with its shimmering colors and all.
Pokequaza said:
P.DelSlayer said:
I thought it was confirmed that Geomancy was Fairy, Oblivion Wing was Dark and Parting Shot was Dark?

The only thing I can really see being a dual type attack out of those is Oblivion Wing, obviously being a Dark/Flying attack. Parting Shot could be Dark/Fighting I suppose?

But Parting Shot is an status move, its type doesn't even matter. Why would they bother adding a second type? Assuming this is possible.

They were; and I have no idea. Just pointing out that this page is saying something different. It could just be an error, but given that that leaker's info has been nearly flawless so far...
chespin with its snoot protruding looks a little more hedgehogish. i believe it's going to end up quadrupedal.
jynxed said:
The twig in Fennevo's tail must serve a purpose and my guess is that now that it's bipedal it's going to use that stick as a sword and become Fire/Fighting. No jokes. I'm serious - it's a possibility. That leaker has gotten some stuff wrong so the final evo's typings could be among that misinformation. I'm guessing Grass/Ground, Fire/Fighting, and Water.

I kinda feel like the stick does serve a purpose, but opposed to a sword it would make a lot of sense if it were a staff.
In my opinion, I may be wrong but I hope not. I think these are fake. They just don't seem up to the pokemon standard. And I'm saying this mostly about the starters evos an mewtwo new form. They just look like fan art to me. They don't seem that good looking compared to the rest of what we've been seeing. And as for garchomp, his is okay, but again looks like fan art. He looks like some kid just went over the top with the spikes and what not. For how awesome everything revealed has been up till this point, I expected better than what we just got. Their official artwork just doesn't look right. Again I could be wrong, but if I'm not, this news surely let me down.
It's a major CoroCoro leak, right on schedule. Fake pages do occasionally happen with the real ones, but they're pretty easy to spot. This is the real deal, so you'll just have to get over it.
Hackzo23 said:
In my opinion, I may be wrong but I hope not. I think these are fake. They just don't seem up to the pokemon standard. And I'm saying this mostly about the starters evos an mewtwo new form. They just look like fan art to me. They don't seem that good looking compared to the rest of what we've been seeing. And as for garchomp, his is okay, but again looks like fan art. He looks like some kid just went over the top with the spikes and what not. For how awesome everything revealed has been up till this point, I expected better than what we just got. Their official artwork just doesn't look right. Again I could be wrong, but if I'm not, this news surely let me down.
I agree, usually I relish in the changes they make to old pokemon when new generations begin, but with this leak, I find myself enjoying the new pokemon waaaaaay more. This is the first time that has ever happened =/ But yeah, i'm pretty sure it's real
Gee, they really try to make you hate Chespin? I still like the fella but that evolution leaves something to be desired. All in all I am happy though.

These aren't the final evolved forms, correct?
The new Mega's are not that awesome... (Mewtwo X is plain ugly and I liked Mewtwo Y better).
The starter evo's are awesome especially froakie's and fennekin's! Really doubting whih of the 2 i like more.

Absolutely LOVE the new fossils. ( Easily the best since gen 1). Wonder what they evolve into...
Meowstick? is pretty nice, but the new dog?! I mean, it doesn't even look like a dog until you get it trimmed and looks like a French poodle!

Overall decent reveals.
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