(1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

First reaction- WTF.

Now that I have had time to think about it, Im ok with it. There are so many older Pokemon that needed rebalanced stats (although just rebalancing stats would have been simpler), and this is a decent way to do it- with a bit of FLARE(^_^). I for one, have always thought Ampharos shouldve been a Dragon type, and it finally can gain that typing through MEGA(Awakened) EVOLUTION(Form).

It also seems as if this could be the result of the Dream World's run on BW, with such a big turn out of people wanting older Pokemon with new abilities that they decided to give a nice boost to a lot more Pokemon, as well as change types up a bit with new stats and designs as well. If only they would have revealed this a bit closer to release, as now its going to be nearly impossible to contain my excitement!
TokenDuelist said:
Recently noticed WPM added that little thought about Team Flare, however there is something many seem to have forgotten. It probably has nothing to do with team flare.

Colress created a device to try awakening a Pokemon's hidden potential. Are we not forgetting that he has still not given up that work?

Hmmm. Ive always thought colress didnt get enough screen time even though he was an important character so this might be where he comes back.
Wait for it... we'll get Mega Charizard, and he'll be Fire/Dragon type.

I bet this has been mentioned in this thread several times already.
Bloodronin said:
Jay said:
They gave ampharos a powdered wig and called it a mega evolution. I am at a loss for words right now.

I think I may go join a digimon forum. I apologize for being a bit of a hater here, but.... I don't like this at all :/

he has slightly different horns now too

It also has a different fur pattern on its upper chest, black toe tips (instead of white) and multiple red orbs on its more cloud-like tail instead of just the one it has on the tip of its usual tail.
I have to say this:
If I was unsure if I should keep buying Pokémon games, now I have pratically no doubt that I want to be able to have fun with this!

Mega Evolution is probably one of the best things that ever happened in Pokémon!
Yeah, it seems kinda similar to Digimon but that's just another reason for me to like it (Pokémon and Digimon are getting closer and closer... One day my dream of a crossover between both will happen muahah).
They all look awesome and actually I'd like if they keep the name Mega in the west.

Now, what I'm more interested to know is:
-How many and what pokémon are getting Mega evolutions?
-I assume they're supposed to be stronger than the normal forms, but will they all have an increase in BST or just change the stats while keeping the same BST? And if they're all supposed to have a higher BST, how higher will it be in average? For example, Mewtwo already has a BST of 680. Unless they don't mind surpassing Arceus (speaking of which, imagine a Mega Arceus... yeah...), Mewtwo can only have an increase of 40 points. Or taking Blaziken, will Mega Blaziken have a BST similar to Pseudo-legendaries or just a few points higher?
-How will this be treated in the TCG?

I'm not sure if it's already confirmed that they are in-battle exclusive, but I hope not. I'd really like to keep a Mega Evo out of battle...

Now, they better make a Mega Charizard, or I'll rage... Preferably as Fire/Dragon, but I'm not sure of that change. Mega Ampharos has Dragon added, not replacing a previous type. Seems they're doing the same thing they do with Fairy retcons.
That's the only thing that's bugging me, why is Mega Ampharos Electric/Dragon? Just because of -ryuu in its jap name? Really? Looks like another Altaria or Kingdra...

I also hope, as much as I like this new mechanic, that they don't forget to include other new evos for older pokémon like someone already said. Mega Mawile could have been a traditional evo but ok...

@MuhFugginMoose: About the 2 Mewtwo forms... Remember the source said the other form looks more like Mew... After knowing about Mega Evos, I'm thinking the source mistook a Mega Mew for another Mewtwo form...


btw, forgot about comenting the new pokés...
Not really impressed with them...
Another Pikachu clone or should I say a Raichu clone instead? Part Fairy to further improve its gimmickness...
A (boring) Normal-type rabbit that looks like it came from some other cartoon...
a Gogoat pre-evo, which I already expected but, that doesn't look as cool as the aformentioned evo...
It sucks that Ampharos's mega evolution is getting a lot of hate. It's my favorite one.
No, it's not just a "wig", did you notice he has a different body pattern, different feet, completely brand new tail made up of the same gems that are on his forehead? Also he has big, sharp horns now.

****EDIT****: Has anyone noticed the blade on Mega Absol's head is in the exact shape of the DNA-looking piece from the boxart from the japanese versions of the game?? It may be a coincidence but if the rumors are true about that DNA-symbol being linked to these Mega Evolutions, then who knows...
Wow, I wasn't expecting this at all. They're pretty hit or miss design wise, though. Blaziken and Lucario look 2edgy, but the rest look pretty nice.

Oh wow, with Magic Bounce you'll be forced to attack Absol, but it'll just use Sucker Punch before you have a chance.
Metalizard said:
That's the only thing that's bugging me, why is Mega Ampharos Electric/Dragon? Just because of -ryuu in its Japanese name? Really? Looks like another Altaria or Kingdra...

That's what I hate about GF, their idea of what qualifies as a dragon is weird... like really, a sheep and a bird can turn into a dragon but not charmander. I understand Altaria's based on a Peng but still...
This is...interesting...to say the least. Personally...I'm meh on the situation with Mega evolution to be honest, doesn't really bother me at all, seems like it could be a cool concept to play around with. These will probably be similar to formes though, so no one really has to worry about if they want their pokemon mega evolved or not. Time will tell where this takes us though, so might as well enjoy the ride!
I still wish they would've just done like Gen 4 did and gave a bunch of old Pokemon evolutions but I guess this is the next best thing to that *grumble grumble*
RE: [split] Huge scoop in CoroCoro in August!

Mitja said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
If this happens to be true, I have only one question: WTF?
What happened to branched evolutions (for Combusken and Flaaffy) or just adding another evolution (Mawile, Absol, Lucario)? Was this thing really necessary?

the first would mean introducing a fourth stage for any pokemon with 3, which is a big no-no, since the stats would go way to high in those cases with regular evolution, whereas formes are minor changes in both design and stats.
And the point of alternate evolutions isn't to make an existing pokemon stronger (which is what this thing is about), its to add diversity.

All you need to understand is that basically Rotom already tested this concept back in Platinum and now its merely being expanded to the "average pokémon" because it unleashes tons of potential where there was a brick wall before.

Branched evolutions = Gloom, Snorunt, Kirlia, Clamperl. I didn't said anything about a fourth stage. That's why I said Combusken, not Blaziken.
Now, when I said adding an evolution to Mawile, Absol and Lucario that's not an alternative evolution, just adding one. You messed all up.
Where was that "brick wall"? Rotom I could accept because it is a ghost which possesses objects but this? We've been seen evolution since Gen. I, branched evos since II but forms have only appeared in Gen IV so despite perhaps being normal and repetitive (not for me but I can't discard the possibility of it being viewed like that) a simple evolution would be expected and easier.
Sky Pillar said:
That's what I hate about GF, their idea of what qualifies as a dragon is weird... like really, a sheep and a bird can turn into a dragon but not charmander. I understand Altaria's based on a Peng but still...

A lot of people think that Charizard will get a Mega form, and that it will be Fire/Dragon.
ogst92 said:
Does anyone notice that:

MegaBlaziken has a "X" shaped crest.

MegaLucario has a "Y" shaped fur on his chest.

MegaAbsol has "Y" shaped... wings/scarf thing.

MegaMawile has a "Y" shape body with his two heads or it could be "X"

MegaAmpharos has a "X" shaped body ears-arms or ears-feets wise.

MegaMewtwo has a... well this is the only one I don't really see neither "X" or "Y" it could be "X" if you look his fingers on his hands and feets.

Yup, back at the first page I've already pointed out about M.Blaziken and M.Lucario, not the others though.:p


Now I've come to realise another thing that pisses me off. If the rumours are true then we won't be able to "see" this M.Pokémon outside of battle. I suppose there will be a Pkdex feature to do just that but I would like to see it in my Pokémon menu page. At least we could keep Giratina in its form but this? It's so annoying that they make this cool looking guys and then BAM, they are called Mega-this, Mega-that. Seriously, would it be asking too much for an evolution of Absol and Mawile? JUST an evolution. I knew that B2/W2 Kyurem thing would mean trouble in the future.
I'm not a 1/2/3, etc. Gen. fanboy but right now with all this I am glad that I can still enjoy my old games, without Fairy, without regions not inspired in Japan, without Mega-something.
I really dont like these mega forms, but i'll get over it!

I just think they all look the same, but have frilly bits flowing off them...

Id just rather they have normal evolved forms and I hope they dont make every pokemon able to do this, that would suck!
Oh. My. God. I just died and was reborn out of sheer amazingness. Where do I begin....
But really this opens so many possibilities.
I don't care how I get it, I just like to see my favorite pokemon evolve and get stronger. This ampharos is my favorite thing ever and I think it could only be eclipsed by a Megatropius.
Ohman177 said:
Oh. My. God. I just died and was reborn out of sheer amazingness. Where do I begin....
But really this opens so many possibilities.
I don't care how I get it, I just like to see my favorite pokemon evolve and get stronger. This ampharos is my favorite thing ever and I think it could only be eclipsed by a Megatropius.

Lapras & Tropius YESSSS! Druddigon please.
Tom said:
I'd just rather they have normal evolved forms and I hope they don't make every pokémon able to do this, that would suck!

I can see your point, we were all expected to get new evolutions to old Pokémon in this gen (so far we only have the lone Eeveelution Sylveon which is prolly going to be the only 1 that evolves from an old Pokémon in this gen, unless we get some more split-evolutions like we did in Gen IV which is very unlikely), but I got a feeling every pokémon (minus the basic pokémon that already can evolve) are going to end up getting the Mega forms.