(1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

There we go! P!P finally made the right decision. A rotation on July 1st will now make Nationals and Worlds really fun to play now that many broken cards will be rotated out, especially Sableye. Boy, do I love this. The Format will finally be balanced!:D
LOL melvin (guiltysky) showing off your sexy ass full bling deck :p

Am happy with the rotation, going to miss some cards, SF gengar, Sableye (never used mine to build donk deck) Garchomp, Luxray (AR) Gengar X, Floatzel X e.t.c But happy to see some nice new cards coming into the format. Now hurry up pokemon and print a new gengar for me :D
The Power of Three said:

Why do Seeker, Judge, Rescue Energy, Pokémon Communication, and Junk Arm lose value though? O_e

This is lame. Everybody wanted the rotation because Sabledonk was broken. Sabledonk isn't broken. It's not even remotely close to broken. Sableye itself isn't even remotely close to broken. Now everybody needs to get new cards before Nationals. Money scam? Hmmmmmm...

Explain why Gyara-Sableye was able to win a mmultitude of BRs then. Sableye is broken under BW rules. THe fact that the person who goes first gets a big advantage, Sableye forces the person to get the advantage and that is clearly broken.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]


*insert image here*

^ My states winning deck. O well, recycle the shiny cards into new decks
And this is why you don't use RH cards unless you happen to pull them.
Trying to RH out a deck is really hard, and sometimes not worth it if your deck is using cards that are 100% going to be rotated next year anyway COUGH COUGH collector COUGH COUGH. I'm close to RH'ing out mine, but only at like 25-30 cards.