(1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

RR-on is the second most terrible rotation idea I've ever heard (the first was LA-on). You still have game-breaking SP cards like Blaziken FB, Luxray GL, Garchomp C etc. still around (not to mention irritating things like Flygon), and what the game needs right now is to first get rid of SPs entirely, as they have overstayed their welcome. Stormfront has too, really - that and Rising Rivals were two great sets that had so many good cards they tilted the format in their own favor. It's time to move on.

Will other less powerful cards from RR/SV/AR come to shine in the new meta if we leave them in? I honestly doubt it - the really good ones will just be played more leaving the lesser ones in their shadow.

I will concede that I think the Arceus set should have stuck around, as it had quite a few good cards, but not overly good. Then again, it's probably because of the threat of Cursegar that we no longer have that set.

I can see your points though, but I think it's a bit...off. And who hasn't been jealous and bitter? Many, many, MANY people.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Let's tone down the posts here guys. I wouldn't want to hand out warnings for name callings and such.

dmaster out.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

TwilightErik said:
@Clear: For Prized Pokemon there is a thing called "Azelf LA" & "Alph Lithograph FOUR TR" for Prized Stuff but Azelf gets out Pokemon & you can look with Alph Lithograph FOUR. I have to say you do still need alot to learn about cards like I do I learn about cards and what they're affects are you should too. I'd like to add about the game is fun no mater what format whether it's unlimited or modified the game is still fun I guess you take the game way too serious when the game is just about fun I know people want to win but we can't win all the time. To call me a tool and you think Stormfront is a horrible set you're a hypocrite the reason why I say that you're one because don't hide the fact you've played with Stormfront cards your clearly out of your mind like those Tea Party Conservative Republicans.


See this? It's called a paragraph break. Use it.

And yes sir, you go ahead and put Azelf LA in ARCEUS of all things pretty much tells me that you know NOTHING about that deck. Also, Alph Lithograph is useless in that situation, know why? Cause Machamp/Gyarados has that +30 Weakness meaning it can never be taken down in one-shot, and knowing that Luke is in there means jack if I have no means to get it.

Do not challenge me on my knowledge on the card library, I have considered almost every option before making any deck making decisions, and Azelf and Alph Lithograph provides a used bench space that I need, and little no advantages, respectively.

Hey, I can do this too. I say that you think that you think Gyarados is not a threat because you sitting on a wonderful water resistance on your Tangrowth; too bad you lose against everything else.

And your logic is flawed anyway, of course I have played with Stormfront cards, how can one know how good/broken that one card/game piece/weapon/ability/class/whatever in a game without playing it YOURSELF?

To say something is wrong without experiencing it first is pure conjecture, and clearly for me, that is not the case.

EDIT: Oh, for the record, it was brought to my attention that my league last week lasted A HOUR among like 10 people. We usually operate in 3 Rounds in our spot and it lasted a HOUR. I wonder why... I say it would not surprise me one bit if some battle roads will end before lunch. Yeesh.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I do have to ask what current decks are you using at the moment and I'd love to hear what's in the deck All 60 cards! I loved what you said "Do not challenge me on my knowledge on the card library," I see no challenge from you anyway. But I do have to say for Tangrowth atleast I can put up a good fight and I have people who can back me up on this and I do win alot of battles with Tangrowth and atleast I techs in alot of stuff that can be useful in my arsenal.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Right, the person saying that I should use Azelf/Alph 4 to look for prizes in Arceus is not challenging my knowledge.

You know, between, not using proper grammar and line breaks, and your inability to address any of my counter arguments, boasting, and general BS, it is clear that you are not worth the time of anyone and I shall ignore you now.


Back on topic, from the wisdom of a good friend of mine, it (HGSS-on before Nats) is most likely going to happen since they would not have done the announcement if they not going to do it.

Our league has gone as far as banning Sableye right now actually, since all those juniors were rather upset (understatement) about having to sit down - and stand up less than 5 minutes later.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

TwilightErik said:
I do have to ask what current decks are you using at the moment and I'd love to hear what's in the deck All 60 cards! I loved what you said "Do not challenge me on my knowledge on the card library," I see no challenge from you anyway. But I do have to say for Tangrowth atleast I can put up a good fight and I have people who can back me up on this and I do win alot of battles with Tangrowth and atleast I techs in alot of stuff that can be useful in my arsenal.

i would love to see your tangrowth against LuxChomp. just because you combat one thing doesnt mean you combat them all. to many techs and you become clunky. the main problem with decks like machamp SF is ya it can OHKO any SP but it SUCKS against anything else. as i said you can combat one thing but lose to everything else.

and no....dont put that in arceus...it takes up to much space
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

i agree with catutie

any deck can be great against one or two other decks but lose to the rest

take garchompC for example, if you fight a shuppet deck with dunsparce in it then your garchomp will lose to that dunsparce

i think some people get too worried about making a deck that beats EVERYTHING, and it still does no good because watever you make gets stomped by something else
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

This is another bad move by Pokemon. Time to start playing YU-GI-OH again.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

DNA said:
RR-on is the second most terrible rotation idea I've ever heard (the first was LA-on). You still have game-breaking SP cards like Blaziken FB, Luxray GL, Garchomp C etc. still around (not to mention irritating things like Flygon), and what the game needs right now is to first get rid of SPs entirely, as they have overstayed their welcome. Stormfront has too, really - that and Rising Rivals were two great sets that had so many good cards they tilted the format in their own favor. It's time to move on.

This is probably the best explanation of why we need HGSS-On over RR-On, however I don't think it's as bad as some people think. As for why we could keep RR-On, the reason being cause of the useful Trainers and Supporters from Rising Rivals onward as well as Pokemon like Charizard AR that should've stayed for 1 more season.

Arceus decks would'nt have been as bad as some people thought anyways and now it will never have it's time to shine. I'm starting to think that getting rid of Spiritomb AR would be a good move since Trainer Lock will be less of a threat until Gothitelle is released and HGSS-On encourages a Trainer heavy format thanks to Pokemon Communcation, Dual Ball, and Junk Arm. Getting rid of Expert Belt might decrease power creep in some decks.

You also go into the thought that what is it about HGSS-On that made TPCi/P!P go against their promise to only cut 4 expansions after Worlds this year to the rumored 7 to HGSS-On? Sure power creep may have been a factor in it I'll admit it however their may have been other factors contributing to it as well. SP's did overstay their welcome but when you cut their source of power from Platinum Base Set they wouldn't have been as good as they used to be. RR-On wouldn't have been as bad as some people think.

You also notice the fact that TPCi/P!P are trying to match the Modified format with Japan's current format being HGSS-On, think about it on a Worlds point of view If say in Worlds 2012 our format was RR-On Japan would be at a disadvantage since we would still have access to cards that aren't legal in Japan anymore and that would give everyone else outside Japan an edge in the competition. They are just trying to even the scales to where everybody including Japan is on a level playing field like they did with Diamond/Pearl awhile back.

As for the issue of Azelf LA/Alph 4, most decks I've seen testing for HGSS-On hardly ran any though there were some that did. I don't think Alph 4 is going to be played that much cause in the next rumored format there's hardly any deck space to run Alph 4 and it's expensive to get 2-3 in each deck due to it's rarity. All it does is hurt deck consistency much like how some people think Pokemon Catcher will in most HGSS-On oriented decks cause you're sacrificing 2 deck slots to run good cards while at the same time getting rid of cards that hurt your decks' flow of play.

Tangrowth107 said:
This is another bad move by Pokemon. Time to start playing YU-GI-OH again.

How is HGSS-On a bad move? Give me a good reason why...
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Card Slinger J said:
You also notice the fact that TPCi/P!P are trying to match the Modified format with Japan's current format being HGSS-On, think about it on a Worlds point of view If say in Worlds 2012 our format was RR-On Japan would be at a disadvantage since we would still have access to cards that aren't legal in Japan anymore and that would give everyone else outside Japan an edge in the competition.

Um..That statement is totally wrong. At worlds Japan plays the same format we do. Last year their format was DP-on, and if they Didn't do the same rotation they would be playing Md-on at Worlds for all players. This is the same way as when Japan had Firered-on for however long their format Shortened to match ours/everyone elses at worlds. This is also why Japan can never use sets that are still Japanese-only as we as Americans/the rest of the world do not have access to those sets yet.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

They play the same format as we do just for Worlds however that hurts their decks a bit since they are spending money on cards that they can only use for one event instead of an entire format. A disadvantage is still a disadvantage. You do bring up an interesting point mlouden03...
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

i got back into pokemon again (hadnt played since the first neo set) and the newer set was hgss I think. my local league was murdering me with these sp creatures but I just kept trading towards this rotation after I learned rotations existed. now I am a proud owner of the following decks (all full no proxies and no skimpin on the staple trainers/supporters either), a mewgar, blastgatr, cincinno/ zoroarkish dbl colorless toolbox deck, donchamp, Donkrom, reshiboar /ninetails, and dark toolbox (tyranitar prime, mandibuzz, zoroark, umbreon) all hgss on.

and with some playtesting with these decks against each other I am glad because I know this format is going to be very fun from my own personal experience. its so exciting to go through my book and be able to declare something from hgss that would have been useless now totally rockin a month from now.

oh and zoroark rules. and reshiboar is faster than I expected it to be... and I am def. not counting out mewgar.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Card Slinger J said:
They play the same format as we do just for Worlds however that hurts their decks a bit since they are spending money on cards that they can only use for one event instead of an entire format. A disadvantage is still a disadvantage. You do bring up an interesting point mlouden03...

I doubt they would randomly sell/trade/get rid of ANY and all pre-hgss cards, especially if they Know that md-on could be the situation for Worlds. Frankly Any Worlds-caliber player who made that oversight wouldn't be a good player in the first place if they can't even use common sense like that
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

It's now official. Rotation will occur July 1st.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]


Time for some prices to go up..
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

so from now until then, league play format is md-bw? I mean internationally. Since out nats was md-col. So league play from now till july 1st should be md-bw or md-col?
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

sweet! Less than a month left to enjoy our MD-Arceus cards.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I'm just disappointed it couldn't of been Rising Rivals-On, that would've been the better pick for our next season but what's done is done. They must have really thought this was the best decision for the Modified format's next season.