(1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]


The rotation will hit all of Platinum block, but HS block will be fine.

It's admittedly smart that Play! decided to rotate like they did, but in truth the rotation is ultimately caused by a decision THEY made in the first place. The game will slow down and not be so broken because they have to control their power levels more closely than they did with Platinum.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

What they're doing in the UK is MD-BW for regular tournaments (BR, leagues), then MD-CoL for the Nationals so that you can get a chance to use your old decks one last time before the rotation, without the effects of BW rules, so that Sableye can't donk. It would make everything a lot easier if they just ban Sableye and maybe the other broken cards such as the pixies, but allow the rest of the cards from the sets.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

amisheskimoninja said:
The problem with AR is that it has other game changing cards in it like Spiritomb and expert belt. Those are exactly the kinds of things that P!P is trying to get rid of.

Darn, there goes my Expert Belt + Sawk counter against Umbreon UD. Might as well start running Gliscor UD in my BlastiGatr deck to counter Umbreon instead, though I probably could've ran Samurott with Feraligatr Prime instead of Blastoise UL.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Card Slinger J said:
I think you're best bet is by utilizing a Stage 2 deck that focuses on 1 Stage 2 line and the other
either a Stage 1 or Basic line, similiar to Reshiram/Emboar or my Tyranitar Prime/Mandibuzz deck.

Focusing on 2 Stage 2's would just slow your deck down and I'm kinda learning that the hardway with the Reuniclus tech I have in my T-Tar build. Rare Candy helps but the consistency of getting 2 Stage 2's might still be possible especially with Blastoise/Feraligatr Prime. I haven't given my hopes up on that deck yet.

Charizard is dead in HGSS-On, you're better off running ReshiBoar or something else that's either halfway consistent or aggressive like a Stage 1 deck like Donphan Prime. It's like this new format is encouraging players to go more Aggro than Curve or even both like in our current format.

Dang you Card Slinger i though it was gonna be the first with a t-tar/mandibuzz combo! ;) good luck!
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

@zoroarkmaster, as the title of the thread states, the only legal sets will be Heart Gold Soul Silver, HS Unleashed, HS Undaunted, HS Triumphant, Call of Legends, Black & White, and whatever sets they release after that.

the last 3 remaining blocks of the Diamond and pearl series will be rotated (Majestic dawn, Legends awakened, Stormfront), and all of the platinum block will be rotated (Platinum, Platinum Rising rivals, Platinum Supreme victors, Platinum Arceus).

I don't get how there are multiple posts asking questions about if we'll still have certain cards in an HGSS - on rotation.. I know I'm hoping to keep the Arceus set.. but I'm well aware that if the rotation does go HS-on, that AR will die off.

@amisheskimoninja, I would think that Spiritomb is actually something that they would want to keep with the new rules. expert belt also has some downsides, such as trainer lock via spiritomb or vileplume. not to mention the whole 2 prize cards deal. keeping all that in mind, black belt is about as bad as expert belt
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

^I didn't say they were overpowered, but that they are unusual game mechanics. If spiritomb were left in the format it would be the only way to evolve on turn 1. Period. No other trainers, pokemon, ect would let you evolve on turn 1. So everyone would run 2-4 of them. And you could reliably get a stage 2 out on the second turn.

As for expert belt, I don't know, but the card is somewhat unprecidented. No other card besides a legend gives up another prize when its knocked out.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

My T/S/ST is almost completely MD-AR. I am dead.

RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

well, all you really need in your t/s/s is collector, plus power, pont, petm, iq, seeker, and catcher when it comes out.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Don't forget Pokemon Communication and Revive, those are among my favorite "Items".
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I also forgot Super Scoop Up, the best "item" of all XD
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Super Scoop Up, the best item? That was a joke, right?
The best item is probably something like Pokemon Communication in the HGSS-on format. There are other good items before that, but as far as HGSS-on is concerned it's probably the best.

SSU is a joke. The odds I see that card flip heads are less than 5%.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I know what you mean, but apparently sarcasm doesnt transfer well over the internet :)
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

If by that you mean you were the one being sarcastic, then yes, I agree.
Because I wasn't using sarcasm at all.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

switch+seeker is a 195% better than SSU. the only sarcasm in that is the percentage.. but it's still leaps and bounds over SSU.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

@Pikachu, yes, pokemon communication is essential since we're losing Bebee's.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

leaps and bounds over SSU? Supporters are expensive. Meaning you can only play one per turn. Having a junk arm as SSU retrieval engine works far better than playing out your supporter for the turn which can be used to do other things.