(1) HGSS-on Format Confirmed in July [4/25]

RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

This new is kind of saddening to me. Where Sabledonk and other decks do present massive problems for the meta (though I think it's exaggerated and yes I have played against Sabledonk) the thing that troubles me is that the set count will dwindle from 12 to 5 (not counting the filler of CL) which really limits a lot of the games versatility.

As for Pokemon's handling...I'm actually quite pleased. They may be side-stepping the problem by being vague, but we aren't even sure what the problem is to begin with (or how bad it will be.) This gives TPCi the capability to do what is necessary once the have finished diagnossing the problem. Wheather this means that they will make the next format HGSS-on (or something else) or keep things as they are has yet to be seen. It may be unsatisfying to players, but it does help them make whatever decisions they need to easily.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

No Spiritomb means no fun. Pokemon just ruined the game itself.

Gyarados, Gengar, Machamp, SP's, and every other popular deck before HGSS will be out. Wow, thanks a lot Black & White Pokemon rules.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Why do we need to keep Spiritomb AR in the next format? Just to lock Trainer - Items on Turn 1? Explain to me why this is a bad idea, go ahead I'm all ears. As for Machamp it's not going away completely cause we still have Machamp Prime. Why keep SP's in our next format when the archetype itself is stagnating our current metagame? SP's need to go badly.

Gengar will still be played, Gyarados yeah it's done and so is Charizard but I'm not complaining cause as long as the Modified format is balanced I don't mind the changes at all. I got a feeling that by our next rotation we will be seeing 9 available expansions to build decks off of but If it's just 6 then it shouldn't be too bad, less than that would be horrible though.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Azul said:
No Spiritomb means no fun. Pokemon just ruined the game itself.

Gyarados, Gengar, Machamp, SP's, and every other popular deck before HGSS will be out. Wow, thanks a lot Black & White Pokemon rules.

But isn't that the point of cycling sets? It keeps the game fresh and accessible. We've reached a point where only a finite number of decks were really used competitively and none of the new cards really stand close. Pokemon has put a stop to the power hike that's existed within the last few sets. Now new (Gasp! New!) decks will rise. I'm hoping that, while some cards and strategies will rise above the rest, that there will be more cards like that.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

@BlazeGryph Not when you're rotating 7 sets. True, it will be good to have Galvantula, Reuniclus, Cinccino etc. having a bigger chance of winning, and Sableye's rotation will be a relief, but it will really limit the format. We'll lose Phione, BTS and Spiritomb, so it'll be difficult to evolve quickly, and we'll lose sacred cards such as Bebe's Search, Uxie, Azelf, Gengar Lv.X etc. Even Flygon Lv.X will be missed, by me at least. Whilst you are celebrating the death of Luxchomp and all SP decks, cards that have always stood a chance of winning but not donking or being a typical Luxchomp or Gyarados will also fall. If this rotation happens, it'll be Jumpluff and Vileplume all the way, and they'll be just as annoying as our current decks one day. Also, there's the problem of trying to make up for all the money that you spend on sets that are rotated: if you try to sell them, they won't sell if they're banned from tournaments, and that's hundreds of £ or $ spent on pieces of card that you're not allowed to use. I personally hate rotations, I understand why they'd do it with 3 sets, but 7? Pokémon is not getting away with this one.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]


I definitely see where you're coming from for both the money and the set limitation. I agree that cycling so many sets is a lot and that cycles are a pain for most, but I'm hoping that perhaps TCPi will do a better job in preventing a power hike and, while introducing innovative cards, not bringing too much out that just rips through the competition.
I took full advantage of some of those powerful and useful cards; I love my Arceus deck dearly and had a nifty Gengar one going for awhile, I used Uxie and Bebe's Search and Spiritomb. As far as SPs go I played around with the Blaziken SP/Lv X. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it while I could. But when I started attending leagues and events on a frequent basis, me and my partner in crime were the only ones with rogue decks. Literally everything else there was SP. I want a wider range of 'good' cards instead of a couple of 'excellent' and mostly 'mediocre'.

As far as money goes, rotations are inevitable. I just look at it as part of the game, a necessary expense. When I look at Pokemon compared to Magic, for example, I see a cheaper game since old cards are cycled and forces purchasing new cards, whereas from what I know of Magic (Yu Gi Oh too I believe but please correct me if I'm wrong) don't cycle, at least to the same extent. Thus, older card singles get pricier.

I'm also in a unique-ish position myself. I've been away from home (Canada) and in Australia for about 9 months now and will be back home in 2 more. There's absolutely no Pokemon events in northern Queensland and I figured I'd jump back in when I got back home. I knew there was a rotation on the way, but to hear it potentially come early and cycle so many sets was pretty exciting. This is what I mean by how accessible it is; it'll be so much easier for me to jump in and obtain more recent cards then it would if only a couple sets were rotated.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

@BlazeGryph Glad to know that you understand my point of view. I think that mine will be different to others' as I started collecting and playing in '08 with Stormfront, and if two years worth of my collecting and contribution has all gone to waste, I will be very annoyed. I understand that rotation freshens things up, but I will be heavily affected, with over half of my Pokémon card collection rotated and no longer valuable. I might have to sell cards now before they're rotated, but it seems a shame that I have to consider selling things from only two years ago, I can remember my early collecting days like they were weeks ago, especially my first packs. I won't even mind if they rotate Platinum out, as long as they don't rotate to HGSS on. My main dedication is to Supreme Victors, I've probably bought the equivalent of a booster box in singular packs, so I'd hate to see that go. Although I celebrate the death of Sabledonk and Luxchomp, I've never used them and I like to play competitive but different decks.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Ah yes, I hear you for sure. When the last rotation - MD-on - happened I went through all my cards and was all 'dang, that's a lot of money in cards'. I suppose I just accepted early on that rotation was part of the Pokemon TCG and that was that. When you see $5-$7 per pack it adds up quickly. I think I'll be going with booster boxes from now on though, where it can equate to about $3 per pack even though the grand total seems more at first.
I think two years actually constitutes as a long time in this card game...I don't bother getting rid of my cards, aside from occasionally finding the rares and holos I like, and then giving whatever old cards I won't use to the neighbourhood kids or a thrift store. At least they get used and maybe loved (or at least appreciated) that way.

/probably off topic, I'm not quite sure D:
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

i both like and dislike this rotation. sableye needed to go and so did sp. but i had just put together a gyarados deck for nats now i cant use it :(
but i like when they rotate it forces everyone to use new strategies and new decks
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I think it mostly hurts us Arceus players.. RR-on was going to be Arceus' year.. But I guess it's not going to get a chance to be awesome. It's still a fun deck tho.
this season was supposed to be RR-on, but the no rotation year jacked it up without even taking it out to dinner.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Why do we need to keep Spiritomb AR in the next format? Just to lock Trainer - Items on Turn 1? Explain to me why this is a bad idea, go ahead I'm all ears.
I know we'll live without Spiritomb, but it's actually a pretty nifty tech - slows down setup preventing a potential donk, and can also start evolving your Pokemon.
Arceus-on would probably have been better as Arceus has a lot of great cards in it, Spiritomb probably being the best.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

The nerf for Rare Candy isn't bad. Sure, you can't Rare Candy the turn you place a basic, but it isn't bad. Spiritomb and BTS aren't needed in a slower format.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

There goes my arceus deck. I really hope I can trade those away >_>, I don't have any good HGSS on deck.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I only have two or three decks that could be good in a HGSS-on format but even those may fall with the loss of some major key cards. :(
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I had a Gengar deck, but once I heard the rumours, I made a Cinccino deck, so at least my deck won't be affected, but my collection will...

I don't know why anyone would want Spiritomb gone. It stops donks, it helps you out and it's not as impossible to take down as Luxchomps are. I personally love Spiritomb, because he helps you out and keeps the game fair.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

AR-on will be a godsend to me.. Means I can run Arceus this next season :)
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

The problem with AR is that it has other game changing cards in it like Spiritomb and expert belt. Those are exactly the kinds of things that P!P is trying to get rid of.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

I sound like one of the few people who planned ahead for a HGSS on format. When I saw that Japan went to that I started researching it on my own and saw that everything pre-HGSS wouldn't work in a Black and White rules world. So I started hording cards. Which has paid off in spades as I now have 4 complete decks that I enjoy playing more than my Chenlock deck. I welcome this change and I am ready to put my deck building to the test and not have to worry about the OP that is SP.
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

Wait so does this mean that everything pre black and white will not be legal in games?
RE: (1) Potential HGSS-on Format in July [4/25]

i was veryveryveryvery mad when i saw this after i came back from regionals with 4 reverse call energy to trade
i also had dialgachomp setup for nationals